Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Was Hattan's name inspired by "Khatan"? Can somebody ask him?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
1) Remember when I told you that I removed my famous mole? It's haunted. It came back.2) Looks like I can't surf the net during office hours anymore. Apparently, all this while my Boss can detect whoever's online through his computer. He also knows the sites we surf. Dang. I hope this explains why I don't really blog anymore.
3) I'm starting to have cold feet. I wake up at 3 or 4 or 5 am every morning, just.. thinking. And worrying. About the ripples on my dress la, about the colour of the pelamin chair la, about stamps la. It happened when I was getting engaged too. I need more sleeeeeeeep! Or do more solats while I'm awake, tapi pemalas I ni. [Eversince I got separated from Dod, I don't really do solat sunat anymore. Dod, aku rasa ko kena se-opis dengan aku la..]
4) I'm sick and all 3 doctors I went to don't know what's wrong with me. Habih duit aku je.
5) I was supposed to move into my parents' old room yesterday kononnya sempena nak kawen ni la. [Mak and Ayah moved into the guest room downstairs, which is now the master bedroom.] After sleeping in the same bilik bujang for 20 years, I just can't move into another room la.. It just feels so weird. So I'm still sleeping in my old room, until I'm ready. But what if I'm not ready even after I get married? I guess Min and I just have to sleep on the single katil bujangs in the bilik bujang. We'll see what he says.
6) I know I could be too open to blog about topics which I'm not supposed to (like my underwear), but I'm not really open to blog about my wedding. Like so "eksi" [what my HR likes to say]. Oh well. Who wants to know anyway.
7) Been having Estrella's song in my head for 2 weeks now. Love it!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
Ada dilema:
Kena ke panggil Min 'Abang' bila dah kawen nanti? Gerenti akuk muntah.
Kalau panggil 'Yang' or 'Ling', nanti orang lain pulak muntah.
So, takkan nak panggil 'Min' or 'Muhaimin' - kono cubit dongan bapak aku kang.
'Awak'? Even worse.
Oh God. Maybe we should invent a new word.
Or buy lots of beg muntah - for us and other people.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Just got an SMS from Mama Iza - she gave birth at 9 pm tonight, to little Ayesha! Yay! Alhamdulillah..
Friday, November 07, 2008
October 200825th & 26th OctoberKursus Kahwin. Sounds like Eugh! But the one Min and I took at Masjid Shah Alam was actually fun. I can't remember the last time I laughed til I had to wipe my tears! I recommend the kursus kawen there. This one was done by the state, so it's cheaper than the private ones, by RM40.
I also recommend bringing a friend, cuz you have to sit separately from the guys during mealtimes. And not having the mood to make small talk to the other girls can be a lonesome experience.
27th October
Ana's wedding! The event I've been waiting for. I had no pictures of the wedding reception itself, as I was the co-Emcee (with Elin) cum the co-singer (with Elin) cum assistant floor manager cum technical assistant cum whatever else there isn't a name for. Whatever it was, I enjoyed every minute of it, thanks to Elin's coaxing skills.
Below are the pictures during wedding dress fitting at Man Kajang's boutique, where I was the cameraman. Doesn't she look every bit of a queen?

I haven't had time to update my blog for so long. I've been busy with work, with kojo kawen sendiri (Insyaallah), with myself, with everything. When I'm not busy, I'm tired. Sigh.. Can't wait for next year.
Friday, November 07, 2008