Thursday, November 29, 2007

For this post, I'm gonna speak in innuendos.

Bola itu bulat. Kita tidak tahu bila kita akan berada di atas atau di bawah. Kita tidak tahu jika kita buat sesuatu yang tidak elok terhadap orang (dalam kes ini, agak mengaibkan!) orang itu mungkin akan berada di atas atau di pertengahan pula. Mungkin secara sengaja atau bukan secara sengaja. Mungkin Tuhan nak beri tunjuk ajar walaupun dengan cara yang sangat tidak disangka-sangka.

Jadi, janganlah buat perkara jahat atau yang mengaibkan kepada orang lain. Terutama sekali jika dicanang dalam Friendster (ni hint bosar nih!).

[Kepada Am dan Naem yang tahu aku cakap pasal apa kat sini, aku rasa jahat juga, tapi jahat yang baik, puas dan best! Muahahaha! Amik ko!]

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

Isn't it tiring, almost to a sickening point, to hear about females being treated like, well, females, by who else, neanderthals a.k.a. male chauvinist pigs?

Like the poor rape victim who was sentenced to 200 beatings just because she got into the car of her rapists? What if she was abducted? What if the rapists were her friends/family?

Like whenever female drivers are being rude drivers on the road, people (males and females!) would say "Hmh! Female drivers!". I dare you people - whenever you're driving, count how many rude female drivers there are to male drivers. Usually the male drivers would win by a landslide of rudeness of 4-0.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's so weird how Allah helps me sometimes.

Yesterday morning, I was supposed to wake up at 4 a.m. so that I would be ready to leave my house at 5 a.m. and reach the airport at 6 a.m. to board on my 7 a.m. flight to Penang.

But, when my alarm went off at 4 a.m., I walked about 10-12 steps to switch it off and went back to bed, all the while still sleeping.

Luckily, at 5 a.m. some soul (or angel) miss-called me with ONE RING and I woke up, only to find out that I should be out the door and on the way that very minute. I mandi dengan laju, ran to my car and speeded off to the airport. Luckily, I reached LCCT about 2 minutes before boarding time!

See how Allah makes things work? One of my greatest fear is that Allah won't remember me because of my occasional missed solats, kemalasan baca Quran and kejahatan-kejahatan lain, but of Course He does!! He does!

I'm thankful. Oh, and I won my Penang case. Yay!

And I was about to SMS that kind person/angel for his/her mistake of miss-calling me with one ring at 5 a.m., just to thank him/her but I decided against it cuz I don't know who it is. I takut dia orang gile. Ada ke tepon orang pagi-pagi buta?

Muahaha! Well..

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Because I Miss You

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LL.B (Hons) Part II
Class of 2005

Monday, November 12, 2007

Friday, November 09, 2007

Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah:
Pada 11/9/2006, Hanizah Halimi telah di-long-call-kan.
Happy 1st Anniversary, Nijoh!
Oh ya, you too, Blo.
So, mari kita tengok sekali lagi costume burong Nijoh. Nah:

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Friday, November 09, 2007

Thursday, November 08, 2007

I think it's interesting that more people are naming their babies 'older people's names', names of our pakciks and atuks; like 'Ibrahim' (Jas-Din's baby), 'Adam' (Ana and Dod's nephew) and 'Muhammad Omar' (my anak buah). Unlike during the time when I was born, parents went for the 'Mat Salleh' names, except my parents, it seemed. I once asked my mum; "Kenapa Mak namakan Anis nama orang tua? Macam nama nenek la.. Tengok anak Makteh, nama semua moden-moden". Well, now I've realised that at least my name has a wonderful meaning and after 20+ years living with the name 'Hanizah', I'm finally happy with my orang tua name. I like being 'Hanizah'.

I think 10 years from now, the trend is that people will be giving their kids names that belong to the generation before their pakciks and atuks, like 'Kutubudin', 'Batang', 'Lekeh' (my moyang's name) and the everpopular 'Burok'. The world would be so much more interesting. Can't wait! Theehee!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Segment: DYK

DO YOU KNOW that you are literally putting faeces and urine in your mouth if you do not put the toilet cover down when you flush your toilet? This is because whatever 'things' inside the toilet bowl get sloshed around and travels through the air during the flushing motion, and anything placed less than 6 feet (eg. your toothbrush la) gets covered with your 'droppings'. So now you know why your breath pongs and smells like shit sometimes. Muaha ha.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

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aniz halimi
26 years blessed
subang jaya

a woman, kinda lost
a phenomenal average
a solid stick
a spoiled daughter
a spastic fiancee
a silly friend
an evil do-gooder
a male chauvinist hater
an environmentalist
a naive fearless driver
a religious window shopper
a music worshipper
an oprah wannabe
a confused conversationalist
particular about kek batiks
a luvly God-made aniz


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Farah Laily
Wirawan Terulung
Ako Mustapha
Afdlin Shauki


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ey stop drooling
am's bday pix