Friday, February 27, 2009
Well, since the news is out, why not tell.Yes, I've tendered my resignation at this Firm. Two weeks ago. It took me a few days to approach the Boss with that letter, because every time I wanted to, I tak sampai hati.
But, when I did, my Boss wouldn't accept it (SHOCKING!). A few suggestions were given and arrangements were made and he asked me to try it out first. So, after some discussions and some thinking, I told him that I'm willing to try the new arrangement.
So, I'm still here at STWD. I mean, where else can I find a Boss who's actually nice, lawyers who drive me crazy (with their, inter alia, jokes about my flat chest) but whom I absolutely adore, helpful colleagues and to-die-for increment?
So, sorry for the tease that I would deliver some shocking news in my post. Kesian korang, cuz it's still the same boring story of my monotonous life.
Next up, WEDDING PICTURES from Green Apple! I just got it on Tuesday (it doesn't matter that it's almost 2 months after my wedding, cuz the pictures and the treatment from Suriya and her team are great! She's so nice!)
Nanti I upload yek!
Friday, February 27, 2009