Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ye.. Sebenarnya, Nijoh ni tak sihat sebelum ni..
Ada "mass" the size of a golfball at my female parts (my poor babies, my eggs!).
(Actually, I prefer to call it a "mess").
And ada excruciating, horrible, numbing, screaming pain at my lower abdomen twice every mid-cycle since June. THE PAIN WAS HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE!!
Went to the 1st doctor, a GP, he said it might be endometriosis.
The 2nd doctor, an ob-gyn, said it's Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, a form of sexually transmitted disease. Oh please! I'm so suci, I can't even tell you!
Went to the 3rd doctor, also an ob-gyn, she said it's a gastro-intestinal problem.
Was referred to her colleague, a radiologist to do a scan, and he said, "Looks good to me".
Went to the 4th doctor, she just rambled around for 15 minutes without telling me what I'm suffering from.
Went back to the 3rd doctor (since the appointment was already fixed) and in November, she finally found the mass at my ovaries. She said sometimes it twists, and that's what causes the body-numbing pain (and my sky-high stress. And my sleepless nights. And my wet sejadah. And my bad, bad mood. And my self-pity).
Was told to see her again in December, to see the progress of the mass and whether it had membesar bagai juara.
So last Wednesday, I went with Mak to see Dr. Number 3 (I rarely go to the doctor berteman, you see, so I have to mention the teman's name cuz it's such a Kodak moment).
And she said the mass it gone.
I am extremely thankful, to say the least. Ya Allah, thank you! And I haven't had the pain in one and a half months.
Now, I'm ready to fully think about my hari kawen! Yey!
..which is in 2 weeks.. Oh my God...
Saturday, December 20, 2008