Monday, March 31, 2008
Okay kengkawan, I'm not sure if all of you know this, but it's worth telling. Some hairbrush, like the one below, is made of the usual plastic bristles and bulu babi hutan. Just so you know. Hairstylists often use this because it's the most effective method in smoothing out curls. Now that I think of it, I pun dah pernah diusap dengan bulu babi hutan tu. Kesiaaan rambut akuk, dah la burok, kena sapu-sapu dengan babi plak.

twoNyampah dengan lawyer-lawyer yang suka potong line orang dalam Court. Yang tua-tua yang rasa terer sangat tu, sampai lawyer muda cun-cun macam I ni kena kasik jalan, okay, la, kasi chan la. Tapi muka memang sah budak chambering yang potong line ni yang buat I nyampah sangat nih! Tapi when that happens I'm usually too polite to give my 2 cents' worth so I usually sit beside their face, just about 7 cm away, and stare at them until I can feel and smell the holes in their cheeks burning.. Ha! And you can really see the transition from "muka macam tak nampak I kat sebelah" to "muka gelabah". Do I really have to say out loud how rude you are?
We celebrated Adorable Am's bachelorette cum birthday party last Saturday. Farah and Naem bundled her up nicely and kidnapped her to De Palma Hotel at Shah Alam and we partied la. But no stripper. And no Elin, Mazia and Ana.
Can't wait to attend Am's wedding this weekend and cry. Yes, I just found out that I cry at weddings, even at strangers' weddings. My wedding should be interesting and sticky.
And I'm going to be an AUNTIEEEEE!!! Iza's 7 weeks pregnant! So excited! Peeps, meet the little angel:

Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
It all started with this - the day when I went down on one knee and proposed. I just thought he was cute.
Obviously he said yes. We had to prepare gifts on trays like flowers and stuff to give him. Then came the day when his mum came and put a ring on my finger. He said he couldn't make it, he had work to do. But I think he had cold feet.
So, apparently, he was having cold feet but I was just too busy choosing kepuks to care. Kepuks galore!
That's when he met a Tok Guru Daud who saw his handsome worried face and told him not to worry. He taught on the ways to membina masjid. But he misunderstood what the Tok Guru said and literally built a masjid by using crystals. It became a tourist attraction.
After Tok Guru sorted him out (and claimed for the royalty from ticket sales), we made ourselves pretty and made our way to be solemnized.
Got married we did and had a beach wedding. Everyone came. The reception was in full swing - we drank coconut milk and ate seafood fried in tepung goreng pisang.
Then of course we went for our honeymoon but Mum insisted that we should be chaperoned. Thanks a lot, Mum. But we couldn't complain cuz she paid for it. Thanks a lot, Mum. So we were accompanied by my pengapits, Am and Paghoh. Oh well, thank God they're good company.
And we lived happily ever after.
The end.
Sobonar eh, den sajo yo nak tayang gambar lawa-lawa kek sini. Ponek Am dongan Iqa amik. Timo kaseh la yo, memang lawa pon!
Pictures from my engagement album and from our recent Terengganu trip for the Hazri-Wahida wedding. Your wedding was really heartfelt, Hazri and Wahida. Kongratulasi la yo!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
I was in the midst of writing a very urgent submission for work, but I just HAVE to blog about this NOW:
Why are there people in existence who lecture you out of the blue about the election - about what this party has done for who and tahpepatah lagi? And they always use the tone like you just failed your mid-term exam cuz you suka gi lepak kat kedai mamak. Why God, why?
Now my trail of thought for my submission got intercepted. How annoying!
Ooh, and I will update this blah blog of mine with pictures from my Terengganu trip, courtesy of Am and her camera yang gile cun! Serious la Am, aku tak leh stop pikir camane aku nak dapatkan camera tu..
Monday, March 10, 2008