Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sigh.. Looks like I can't take everyone's advise to EAT, EAT, EAT anymore..
I had my first medical check-up last week (as any mild hypochondriac who just had money her own money would do) and I was so so surprised to find out that my cholesterol level is above than the healthy level. Who would've thought! The nice doctor even had to tell me not to eat kari, nasi lemak, roti canai, santan, etc., etc.
So manusia yang pernah suruh Anis "MAKAN BANYAK-BANYAK SIKIT", eventhough the FAT percentage in my body is nearly zero (as you can see), please stop telling me to eat! This test result only proves that I cannot get fat! And the only thing that's increasing is not my butt measurement, but my cholesterol level!
You know how when a person reaches a certain age (i.e. old), their ego is too heavy for your sanity or for the world? What if that person is your subordinate?
I've always been nice to my subordinates. I always say 'please' and 'thank you' and I 'scold' them nicely, like how my master taught me (which can't really be called 'scolding'. I talk nicely, in a soothing tone. REALLY!). I don't give them hell (okay, maybe once. But that's only because that person was mengada-ngada, whined and complained unnecessarily and really lengthy and caused delay in my portfolio! It worked, by the way).
But recently I was instructed to handle a new portfolio (which seems to happen reeeaalyy reeeally often these days..) and the portfolio comes with this egotistical sub. I'm not sure if I can maintain my 'soothing-ness' to this particular (and particularly old) subordinate's outbursts, loud talking (I can hear you talking behind my back!) and his hobby to humiliate people.
So I won't.
One thing's for sure: I will give them hell if they give me hell.
So watch out for this hot witch! YAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAaaaa!!! (sambil naik penyapu)
Oh God please let this end! I'm so sick of entertaining clients for CNY at the saaaaaaame restaurant where we eat the same food over and over and over again. Luckily CNY is only 2 weeks long!
Photographer, gimme my engagement pictures already!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Friday, February 08, 2008
Dearest Iza plak got married to Syahrill (aka Gaban) the weekend before. My congratulations to the happy couple. You should have seen the hantarans, sooooo beautiful! And of course the bride was even more stunning!
Iza, jangan risau sangat pasal nak cuci baju tahan api Gaban hari-hari. You'll get used to it.
Friday, February 08, 2008

Yes, Nijoh telah selamat ditunangkan dengan seorang lelaki yang hensem gile in a delightfully simple ceremony on 3.2.2008.
Sorry for the late update, I was hesitant to do an entry on this, rasa macam ekshen plak. But the world has the right to know my current status. Ye la, nanti you all terngorat I plak kan susah. Ehhehehe! (gelak seksi sambil pegang gelas macam dalam Marilyn Monroe movies).
Nanti la, I'm still waiting for my photograper's pictures. If they turn out as good as the picture here (courtesy of good ol' Am), which I'm sure they will, I might decide to post it here. Tengokla mood camane.
By the way, lelaki yang hensem gile tersebut tidak dapat hadir pada majlis pertunangannya sendiri as the Attorney General's Chambers had beckoned and he had to attend kursus. Alhamdulillah, memang dia nak join AG pun. My auntie kata ni rezeki nak kahwin.
So, this opens a new chapter for me - being engaged and separated from that handsome man for about a year (fyi, this would be the first time after almost 6 years). He got posted to Tanjung Malim. Nasib baik Tanjung Malim is about an hour and a half away, at least he can come and isi my angin tayar on weekends. (I just don't like to squat in a public place for a whole 4 minutes and show off my non-existant butt).
So, all is well. Alhamdulillah..
Friday, February 08, 2008