Wednesday, September 19, 2007
What are your moles trying to tell you?
Moles, be heard now!
[Okay, that's spooky - seeing hairs sprouting from the moles itself pun dah regurgitative].
To know what your moles mean, go to Lower Ground Floor of Summit USJ, near KFC. In front of this little shop where people can remove their moles, you'll see this big yellow graph that tells you all about your moles.
Now, let's hope that our moles won't betray us in the future and would not read as; "Mati Katak", "Keadaan Bahaya Keluar Kereta Kiri", "Ditentang Anak Perempuan Ketiga", "Orang Sial", or worse yet, "Tahi Lalat Yang Paling Teruk".
My mole means that I would "Menentang Suami". Min's moles mean "Orang Sial" and "Mati Keracunan".
Hmm.. Should I be worried?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
When Nijoh turned 25 last Saturday, her:
- brain still feels like it's 24;
- body really did turn 25 and she's got wrinkles to prove it; and
- heart feels 18. Good on ya, mate!
Thank you sweet peeps for the lovely birthday wishes, which started arriving at 12.01 a.m., not less!
And peeps, although I already got everything I wanted for this year, I'm still waiting for Christiano Ronaldo, wrapped in red ribbon (only!). If you peeps could be so kind enough to expedite this gift to me. Thank you.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
"My friends and I were happily traveling on a holiday when our private mini train broke down in the middle of nowhere. We got out of our train to see what the problem was and whether we could somehow repair the damage.
Once when we realised that we do not know anything about the engine of our private mini train, we aimlessly walked around to see if anybody could help.
I saw a stationary bus by the roadside, not far from where our train broke down.
"Hello?"; I said, and out peeked this gorgeous dark tszuj-ed hair above a tanned face from the bus driver's seat. I inwardly gasped at seeing this beautiful, shirtless man.
I noticed that that was where his home was, on the bus, behind the steering wheel, where his clothes were sprawled around the dashboard and passenger's seat. I thought; "Hmm, he seems single".
I asked whether he could help me with my ride. He didn't say anything; he just nodded so handsomely and took out his 'spanar' [spanar dalam English apa?].
After he spent some time looking through the engine, he said he might need a few days to repair it.
I said okay.
[At this point, my friends somehow vanished and he and I were left all alone in the middle of the plot. Sorry, Dod and Mazia and one other person I can't seem to remember.]
After being together for a few days, I was sure that we were lusting for each other.
When we realised that we can no longer hold this feeling inside, we went into his bus, atop the passenger's seat where he lives, and among his sprawled used garments, we......"
Wait, this is a 'U' rated blog right? Or has my vocabulary all this while made this webpage 'PG-13' already? Okay, so I can't tell you peeps what happened after that, an event which went on until my alarm clock blasted at 6 a.m.
Want to know who played the hot, manly-man character in my naughty, naughty dream?

Isn't he the most beautiful man?
I had always liked the way he looked and the way he 'gelecek' his bola for Man U; and I was kind of pleasantly surprised at myself when I felt disappointed when Man U couldn't come to Malaysia a few months ago, but I had no idea that I was subconsciously obsessed with Christiano Ronaldo, obsessed enough to have naughty dreams about us together.
Sigh.. Christiano Ronaldo, if you're reading this, please come to me. I'm sure Bipasha Basu will understand (ey sibok, tepi!). I can be your goalkeeper and we can sing 'Jingkling Nona' into the sunset together..
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
Gambar orang kawen
Cousins Kamy's and Nina's wedding on 11.8.2007. Not to each other! Korang ni otak blue la..
* * *
Farah-Asril's wedding at Melaka on 25.8.2007, where I was the pengapit terjun. My first time of being a bride's pengapit (and it was Farah, what an honour!).
But of course I don't have a picture of me whilst pengapit-ing!
* * *
After the wedding, Elham took us to her house and around Melaka town. Elham's house, fuhh.. seriously vintage! Very classy. And the hospitality, first class. We were served with everything! Then she took us to Jonker Street (did I spell that right?) where there's this unique type of pasar malam and shops. Ada ramai makcik-pakcik menari kat situ! I bought my childhood toys - Rubik's cube and pick-up-sticks for RM2 each!

Friday, September 07, 2007