Saturday, August 11, 2007
Nijoh kembali lagi dengan segmennn..
PIX FROM MY (and other people's) CAMERA!

See! I told you that I took a picture with Glenn Fredly when we were smooching in Hard Rock Cafe at Bali after he proposed to me with a huge 24K diamond ring in Glenn Fredly's arms!
[This picture is so pitch black that Nijoh can say anything she wants, but noo, not Nijoh, because Nijoh is nice enough to not lie to the world when she can. Sigh..]

Min at Kedai Gunting Rambut Famous. If you're gonna cut your hair, might as well go to a Famous one. Look at that guy behind him in the white shirt, dah siap practice posing macam Atlas or some other Greek God, useful when paparazzi comes scouring when he becomes famous.

See what I've been complaining about? This is the new Court Complex at Jalan Duta. Do you even see the end of the building? No you don't cuz it's really far. But I've gotten used to it la. But it's still impossible to look sexy while carrying heaps of files and wearing heels, even though I'm hyperventilating. Yeaa baby..

Can somebody please tell him that a pink blazer just doesn't work, not even for any other man nor woman, or even some chimps and other animals? It's blaring bright, especially if you're giving motivational talks at subuh! Tolon..

I can bet you've never seen this before. Posmen naik beskel kat KL.

Gula-gula perasa Jeruk Mangga. Sounds Yech! Sesuai untuk mak-mak buyong.

Ni I don't know what's the deal. Restoran Nasi Berlauk Wau Bulan. Tak keras ke? Ada orang makan plak tuh!

Caught! Two minah indons tengah naik titanic nak masuk Malaysia! Ni ada permit tak nih?
Cute kan? Kalau Elin tengok gambar ni, dia mesti suka.. pastu mesti dia cerita pasal her love for Dr. M, what Dr. M has done for the country, how Dr. M is strictly orang utagha, yada yada yada..

George Bush on weekends.
[edited on 4.9.2007]
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Nijoh's List of the Most Annoying Things the Entertainment World Had Made Us See and Hear:
[Somewhat inspired by Am's post about 10 Most Annoying Songs in her blog ]
1) A movie called "Mother, May I Sleep With Danger?"; of which the main character was played by Tori Spelling. Come on la, which mother would like to hear her 'anak dara' ask whether she could sleep with someone, let alone sleep with "Danger". Gilo ko apo? And what did the daughter expect her mother to say? "Baiklah, `Nak"? Of course this movie went straight to VCR and later, cable tv.
2) That "Blue" song [Da-ba-dee]; I can't remember the name of the group, but ada laki botak tengah table spinning. Of which I hear that people sing it as; "I'm blue, na-vageena vagina vageena vagina". Hmm.. who can blame them?
3) M. Daud Kilau. Dancing. Posing. Staring at you with his Penang-JB eyes. Gakkk!!! [not to be confused with Am's fiancee, Mohd Daud. Eventhough Mohd Daud sings, Mohd Daud tak gelek macam M. Daud Kilau. Syukur..)
4) Garfield's teddybear, named Pookie. Takleh bawak masuk Malaysia nih! I remember my old classmate, when we were about 10 years old, he wanted to name his teddybear "Pookie" too, then his mother went to sabun the poor kid's mulut.
5) Lagu Burong. ["Kakakakakakakakakarenna cicicicicicicicicicinta"]. TIDAK!!!!!
6) Mawi & Ina ("Jaga mak... Jaga mak... Jaga mak").
7) Semua videoclip Nasyid. Cuba fast-forward videoclip tu. You can expect some hand movements yang samaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aje.
8) Sudoku yang sendiri dah tersalah buat, tapi tak tau nak rectify. Ni gile annoying ni.
9) Lounge singers, especially foreign ones (ladies, and men, either gay or otherwise, included), who like to show their peruts. People are eating! Geli okay! Tapi perut yang tak berlipat macam burger takpe.
Friday, August 10, 2007