Thursday, July 26, 2007
What I said in my previous post:
"Nyampah kat diri sendiri cuz I could've argued certain cases better in Court, but my lack of clarity of thought holds me back. Maybe I wasn't born to do this.."
What I'm saying in this current post:
I take it back. My Boss just said, "I'm glad that you can argue so well in Court". Just what I need during this dire time of immense insecurity. Praise! Gimme more! MMuahh you Boss you!
[and so the colour of the font changes]
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Nak nyampah kat benda-benda yang tak releven bleh tak?Nyampah kat my late monthly episode. Nyampah cuz takleh estimate when I'll be bitchy. I was supposed to be bitchy last week, but I was actually nice last week and I'm bitchy this week. Hmph.
Nyampah kat these two particularly young 'upholders of justice' who always seem to have sticks up their asses. Always. You baru masuk judiciary, berlagak macam masuk court of appeal. Why? [Seriously, every time I see this particular male judge's face, I rasa macam nak baling something]
Nyampah kat fiancee orang yang suka stare kat aku. Obvious la ok! Aku cakap kat fiancee ko kang.. Gilo.
Nyampah kat my ugly shoes. I got the insoles replaced, now they're bright yellow inside and mighty black on the outside. Nasib baik those shoes still hold the title of "the world's most comfortable shoes".
Nyampah kat diri sendiri cuz terlalu banyak kerja and selalu balik kul 8.00 p.m. +++ malam.
Nyampah kat diri sendiri cuz I selalu whine at my parents about my money issues, or the lack thereof, sampai my mum wants to return the money I gave them since I started working. Hwaa.. What's wrong with me?!?!
Nyampah kat diri sendiri cuz I could've argued certain cases better in Court, but my lack of clarity of thought holds me back. Maybe I wasn't born to do this..
On the other hand, I'm thankful for the occasional peaceful lunch at the office.
I'm thankful for good relationships with my parents.
I'm thankful for all the various types of food that break my budget just a little.
I'm thankful for Min yang gile and klaka.
I'm thankful for my ripped wallet which can still hold my paper money but not my coins [Nyampah kat weight of coins].
I'm thankful for good, supportive, funny friends and colleagues.
I'm thankful for my sanity.
I'm thankful for my parents who have yet to pressure me to buy my own car.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
With all the cerita panas about global warming and our environment, I couldn't help but feel worried - Would a 75-year-old me have to walk around with oxygen masks and air-conditioned space outfit just to go to kedai when I need a couple of tomatoes? (not that I eat veges). Gile leceh! Gile tak fashionable!
I try to do my part and play my self-proclaimed environmentalist character. I simply:
- repair my faulty jamban (or pay someone to do it);
- put a bucket under a leaking pipe (my trusty Reader's Digest says that you can save up to 4 litres each time);
- I don't throw rubbish out of my car (and shrieking whenever anyone else tries to);
- I use my room air-cond (kat rumah) about 4 times a year and only for 2 to 3 hours maximum each time;
- I try to quickly close my fridge doors everytime I open them;
- I telah berjaya menghasut my office cleaning ladies to recycle paper (I just said in an ekshen way "Akak nak tau tak, Bibik saya jual semua kertas-kertas sampah macam yang ini, lepas tu dia boleh beli tiket balik Palembang"; then Prrink!, before I know it, they separate the waste paper with other wastes in two bags. Which is true, Kak Yah did save enough money for flight tickets just by recycling paper; the only thing is, my Ayah paid the other half. Heheh!);
- Of course, I hasut-ed Kak Yah prior to that;
- Don't support and buy magazines that feature garments made out of fur (US edition of Elle Magazine is horribly guilty of this);
- Use both sides of the paper (although I think this trend is making its waves in KL as paper is expensive. Eventhough my office culture is to use both sides of the paper, we still buy 40,000 packs of 100 pieces of paper each month. Imagine those poor trees!)
As much as I keep reminding people to close the tap everytime they do whatever that they're doing over the sink, I can't proclaim myself to be the ultimate environmentalist either.
I have to confess that I keep the water running when I do my Number 1 in the office ladies, albeit minimally and not full blast. I just don't like my next-stall neighbour to hear my Number 1 sound. (And covering the Number 1 sound with a cough doesn't work either).
And I drive everywhere too, so I'm contributing in secreting some carbon monixide. It's just the nature of my work.
Sigh.. if only saving the environment were that easy. At least I'm attempting to. And whenever I hear the question on tv "What have you done for your environment today?", I bleh jawab la, eventhough my answer I would not warrant even a D+..
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Makes us sound so sexy, doesn't it? Muahaha!! But, honestly, it was good, clean fun. was great! We toured almost to the end of Penang island, jalan-jalan, contributing to the Penang economy (heh!).
Sampai-sampai je on Friday afternoon, boy, were we hungry! We ate at Line Clear, the famous nasi kandar eatery. The food was piping hot, and tastes okay. Ni gambar Elin, Paghoh and Dod stuffing their faces with piping hot food!
After that, we checked into our hotel apartment, Sri Sayang Resort, along the Feringghi beach. We decked out all the mattresses out of the three rooms, and susun dekat the living room and slept together. Gile best!We visited the Butterfly Farm. Gile susah nak ngorat those butterflies! Asyik gi hinggap kat Iza je. Probably because I wreaked of yesterday's nasi kandar smell, still.. Anyway, towards the end, baru la ada sekor dua ekor butterfly nak kat Nijoh, see. Ngee!
Then we made our way up Bukit Bendera via the kareta kabel.
The highlight of our vacation happened on the 2nd night, when we cooked our own food by barbeque. Nijoh yang masak once a year ni sangat kagum dengan diri sendiri cuz dapat help out masak makanan sendiri. By the beach plak tu! Above is gambar Elin tengah ratah ayam. Yum!
Then we celebrated the up and coming weddings of Paghoh, Iza and Am. Dod bought these festive looking crowns and we bought cakes and sang the "Here comes the bride" song. It was fun and childish! Just the way we planned it!
Later that night, we had some silly games, yang mana "Kumpulan DodElin" telah menang secara main tipu. Haha! Hadiah ialah bola. Hahaha! But the pictures are kinda explicit and tidak boleh ditayang di world wide web.
So that was our trip to Penang to celebrate the hen nights. Hopefully after this, yang sudah kawen masih boleh celebrate nights like this with us. Sangat wishful thinking.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
The next weekend after the Penang Hen Nights,
Nijoh went to Beautiful Bali for her office trip!
...Ahhh.. BALI..One of the most beautiful places I've ever been to. Period.
But I haven't been around much, so..
FYI, the pictures in this entry tak ikut sequence, cuz I'm tired, what, with the Penang trip the previous weekend. So I'm friggin lazy after 2 whole weekends of jalan-jalan. My life is so full of sand and sea right now..

Above left: We were treated like royalties right from the start. Note the garlands on Kak Tini, Mr. Syed (the world's most sporting Boss), me and Ah Ong.
Above right: The view from my balcony. Another FYI, the buildings there are prohibited from being taller than coconut trees. Seriously!
This is my room, which I share with Kak Faridah. Day 2, we watched the theatre. Sangatlah tak paham cuz it was in sanskrit (I think), and ada some parts yang lucah plak, one of which, one character nyanyi lagu 'happy birthday' to another character's erect penis whilst he was lying down. Tetibe!

The dancers and me at the stage, in front of the mini kuil. Almost all houses, shops and offices have its own kuil, usually more intricate and beautiful than the main building itself.
Above left: My butt.
Above right: Sunset at Tanah Lot. Peeps, this is THE place to visit before you die. The view of the sunset is utterly butterly amazing...
Above right: Teh Botol, Coca-Cola's main competitor in Indon. Gile sedap! While other people were chugging the famous Bintang beer, I was chugging on Teh Botol all the way.
Above right: Mr. Syed tengah ekshen nak tunjuk skill blowing mini loops from his cigarrette smoke. Eleh, tak jadi pon.
Above right: This is the offering the Hindus give to their Gods. Like other offerings, intricately made out of leaves.
Above middle: One of the Mahabhrata monuments at the Spring Temple.
Above right: This is the holy water for the Bali Hindus. Whilst there, we were lucky enough to witness the post-Hari Raya for the Hindus, called 'Galungan & Kuningan'.
Above left: Walking along the Kuta beach with Bart and Ong (on camera), while the rest of the lawyers hit the spa. There I am again, getting drunk on my Teh Botol.
Above right: If you like paintings but can't really afford it, come to Sukawati. I bought mine for RM20-RM30 a piece, and it's huge!
Above left: On the mini van towards Sukawati for shopping, with Kak Tini and Mr. Syed. Bart on camera.
Above right: Sudanese Rice. Gile sedap.. GILE SEDAP!!! The cylinder-shaped banana leaf is where the rice is, there's soup, crunchy ikan goreng, sambal belacan, ayam goreng and ulam. For drinks, air kelapa and jasmine tea. And peeps, you don't have to worry about finding halal food there. It's everywhere.
Above left: We were dragged around to help Bart look for his spandex at Matahari shopping complex. [He's gonna kill me for showing this picture!]
Above right: Making my way to watch the sunset at Tanah Lot. There's Chew with the cream-coloured cap, sneezing.
Apa lagi! Posing maut la kitorang! This is still at Tanah Lot, waiting for the sunset.
Above left: Teringin nak pose macam tiki tu. After seeing this picture, one of my friends tanye: "AIyah! You baru jatuh ke?" Seems like it, kan?
Above right: Silhouette of us and our Teh Botols again. [Sorry, peeps, sangat suka Teh Botol dan sangat rindu Teh Botol]
One of the temples. I forgot la which temple this is.
The kampung side of Bali.
The first night, our Big Boss treated us to Hard Rock Cafe. Gile mahal, per entry you have to buy a drink. So my Boss bought Jack Daniels and Coke for the 10-15 of us, which cost IND$1.4 million, which is about RM480 per entry! Gilo! And don't worry, Nijoh drank Coke aje okay!
And I SWEAR, I took a picture with Glenn Fredly that night. But since the club was dark, the picture turned out pitch black! There's no point in showing you peeps. Kalau nak tengok sangat, gi tengok gambar kaler hitam, sama je. He was there to teman his gorgeous wife, Dewi Sandra, perform. Boy, she can sing!
So there, some clean pictures to show you. Some other pictures, not so clean, heh! I"ll just leave you to your imagination.
URGH! Can't wait to go to Bali again!!!!
Next year, the office trip would probably be at China (yawn) or Perth (expensive). I'll try to push for the next trip to be at Bali again.
I can't stop thinking about Bali! Kepada kawang-kawang yang tengah gatal nak kawen (hehe! takde la), gi la honeymoon kat situ. Gi la.. Pastu bawak balik kat aku selipar satu, na?
More Bali Pix!
Saje nak ekshen dekat blog sendiri. Haha! Nyampah tau!

Above left: Shahrul showing me the ways to "Cho Tai Ti" [I think that's what the card game is called] in flight to Bali
Above right: Another mesmerizing view. Sigh... Memang a surfer's paradise. Not that I surf.

Above left: The fish jadi dragon! One of the meals eaten together with the Sudanese Rice. Hebat tak? Gile crunchy!
Above right: One of our dinners.

Above left: With Hong Kait and Alvin. Hong Kait is the one responsible for all my incriminating pictures (which would never be shown here. Ha!)
Above right: Dewi Sandra performing.

Above left: On our way back, at Ngurah Rai Airport.
Above right: Another one of Nijoh's futile attempt to look cool.

Above left: With STWD-ians at one of the shopping places they bought us. Gile mahal!
Above right: With Kak Tini, proudly showing our bus.

Above left: Shahrul's dream hairdo.
Above right: I'm so glad Kak Tini recommended those original glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts to be bought home from Bali. Gile best! Aku beli sedozen!

Above left: Ong nak bunuh diri. Jangan Ong! Jangan! kita boleh runding!
Above right: This picture seems so right.. Life IS fair!

Above left: A night of gambling. Akuk jadi tukang cong yang agak suey.
Above right: This dinner was so cool. A dish of barbeque-d seafood, with tables set just a few metres from the sea.

Above left: Blo posing, with sunset as his background.
Above right: I was so damn happy, tahap tekinja-kinja!

Above: Okay, this, I've nothing to say.
So there you have it - Bali.
Selain menyediakan Sup Tulang Buntut Lunak, Sate Kambing Gule, Babi Guling dan Semen Tiga Roda, Bali juga menyediakan view yang sangat Subhanallah and culture yang sangat Wow. Rugi kalau tak pergi.
Friday, July 06, 2007