Friday, May 25, 2007
Isu-Isu dalam kepala Hanizah yang oversized ini
- Bocor issue at Parliament. Can somebody tell me how those 2 MPs got voted as MPs in the first place? But I'm glad that they've proven their stupidity. In Parliament. The worst thing was their lack of remorse. Sheesh! Instead of being called "MPs", they should be called "MCPs".
- The new Court Complex. I don't know if this is another Malaysian stupid attempt to be the "biggest" or "longest" again. Seriously, walking in between the Courts takes a long time. And all attempts to look sexy by cat-walking would miserably fail. I'm sure almost all lawyers who has to commute between 3 or 4 Courts at one time are complaining of leg pain. [I wonder if it's ethical for lawyers to wear rollerblades..] And I have to worry about the ceiling falling la, floods in the cafetaria la, hantus in the lifts and toilets la.. As if lawyers don't have enough stress handling clients, loan defaulters, public complaints, Judges, court clerks, interpreters, bosses, clerks, etc. So I guess it's true that the life-span for lawyers is 56..
- Yes, I know I'm flat chested. Humans, you don't have to remind me every week.
- Things I found out recently:
- Said Mak, "Kaklang kan perfectionist". Said Ayah, "Ha'ah". [Whaa? I'm the most asal-boleh person I know!]
- Said my colleague, "You memang tak boleh simpan rahsia punya". [Haha! Have I become the gossip queen of the office?]
- Said an Aunt, "Mak Bapak mesti akan selalu teringatkan anak-anak yang jahat sikit". [Habih I ni, penat jadi anak baik, takde orang ingat rupanye..]
- Said Brain, "Susah nak merajuk dengan boyfriend, cuz you would still feel like going to the very person to make yourself feel better".
- Said colleague, "You jalan macam laki-laki" [I blame the long walk in heels at the new Court Complex and the constant 'urgent-ness' of my assignments]
- Said Kak Yah, "Eh, Anis potong rambut ya? Kaek (macam) ini ya, apa namanya.. kaekkk kuda". [Great.. so I really look like a kuda. And I didn't even mention the word 'kuda' to her that time]
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
For those who are curious about what's happening with my hair [haha! ye la tu!],
I just had a haircut and I look like a horse.
Thursday, May 17, 2007