Sunday, April 29, 2007
Muhaimin, why are you my 5-year-old?
Because you inflate my tyres.
Because you're a little vain and you don't let me touch your hair.
Because you talk like me.
Because you don't even mind when I stop your romantic sentences mid-way just to say, "Yang, awak nak tau tak, pusat saya sengeeett", in an ekshen kind of way.
Because you, however initially hesitant, are always okay with my silly ideas, like when I suggested that we "mandi dengan gajah kat Pahang" as an idea of jalan-jalan.
Because your arms are just the right muscle size.
Because you can actually go shopping with me for hours and hours.
Because you call me "Sayang Saye".
Because you understand my 'wajib tengok tv' hour and not call me during the 'wajib' times.
Because you remember our monthlyversaries.
Because you love your mother.
Because you like to sakat me.
Because you worry about me.
Because you actually like my sweaty palms.
Because when I say I want to eat at KFC for dinner, and when we reach KFC, I say that I want to eat at Mamak, which takes another 7 minute car ride, you don't even mind.
Because I syok gile kat you!

Sunday, April 29, 2007
Happy Belated Birthday, Am!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Huuui.. Den dah lamo bonar tak update blog den nih! Sobulan. Macam la ghamai naa yang nak tau apo jadik dongan idup den nih.. Tak best pon [Tapi untok den hidup den best gilo! Hwah hwah hwah!]
Kopado yang asik tanyo bilo den nak update tu, maap la yo.. Sojak den amik portfolio astro dongan kredit kad kek opis den tu, den memang sibuuuk yo momanjang. Bodighi boghojam-ghojam, sain Letter of Demand dan Saman yo. Boghatuih-ghatuih! Tu baghu kojo sain, bolum masuk kojo lain-lain laie yang den kono buek!
Kopado yang boghutang kek Bank Standard Chartered dan Astro tu, tolong la bayar utang, iyo. Banyak kojo lain den buleh buek solain mintak utang kek ekau!
Dan kopado yang tak paham apooo la yang budak Anih ni tongah cakap 'an, nasib ekau la Milah oi! Muahahahahahahaaa!!!
What Nijoh did with her weekends and public holidays for this past month:
(cuz her weekdays were spent at the office working like a cute, expensive pedigree dog. Luckily dah dapat increment just 5 months of working, heheh! I feel so terer because the increment was based on performance. Alhamdulillah.. I love my firm! No complaints!):
Helped out at Kak Nai's wedding at my kampung on 24.3.2007.
Allow me to become poyo for a minute and put my picture here too, walaupun tak relevant langsung. It's just that I don't have a lot of my face cemented in pictures on events like this, since I'm always behind the scene or the camerawoman. And that the light makes me nampak cun in that picture haha! Well...
I remember one of the nicest things a person has done for me in a situation like this. Paghoh's sister, Liya, during Paghoh's engagament said to Paghoh "Amik la gambar Kak Anis tu" and "Meh, Liya amikkan gambar". How nice, kan? Liya, Kak Anis akan ingat, however simple the gesture was. In the end, dapat la muka Kak Anis masuk dalam 5 gambar. Heheh!

Nina's merisik cum engagement on 8.4.2007.
This was held at my house cuz Nina's house in JB was being renovated, and it was geographically easier for her now fiancee's family to come, who, btw came all the way from Kuching.
Nina's parents said "segan la buat kat rumah you all.. orang rumah ni belum lagi (you know what), tiba-tiba kena buat untuk orang lain". Hehe! Ala, mana ada "orang lain", kazen apa.. And of course, that statement was followed by "Awak tu bila lagi?"
..Sigh.. every time..
Attended Iza's beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful engagement on 14.4.2007.
Although Elin and I arrived at 4.30 pm (when the khenduri was at noon) because I had to work that day at Seremban and Elin was from Penang that morning, Iza promised not to change her engagement outfit until we arrived. Lucky me, dapat amik gambar tonggek macamtu with Iza's beautiful dress! The trip there took us an hour and a half because we got lost and ended up at "Tangki Sedut Dua". Tah mane tah!
Tingkatan 5 Elok gathering at Khai Yeng's house on 14.4.2007.
[Yes, I was in 5 "Elok". Do not laugh.]
That night was fun. I think i over-laughed. Hehe! But a lot couldn't make it that night la, so Zuhaili's arranging for another gathering soon.
Picture courtesy of Zuhaili. This was only a quarter of who came.
The one in white tudung is my good friend Mollie and the one in the white shirt is Zaidi, my old neighbour/classmate.
I had friends who asked me, "Kenapa awak tak couple dengan Zaidi ek?". The thought itself is appalling as we grew up together and it would almost be like incest! Haha!
Having lunch at Vicchuda with my girls on 15.4.2007.
The food was good, the conversations were great, the people were amazing. Macam biase la.

Rockin' at Good Charlotte concert on 21.4.2007. Gile best! Gile best! Free tickets from MTV plak tuh! I went with Min; my lifelong concert cum gig partner Mollie, who came with her boyfriend, Nizam.
This is the first time Min saw me headbanged, and I don't think he was at all surprised. Penat je I portray this sopan santun persona in front of Min, tengok2 he knows I'm really not. Haha!
Tennis and breakfast with Elin on 22.4.2007.
THIS! Haiyo... I ni gile loser nak main tennis. We spent most of the time trying to catch the straying ball rather than hitting it. So, in the end, kaki kurus, tangan gemok. Oh well.. it's not like I'm trying to lose any of my 5% body fat anyway. Thank God for Old Town's Special Nasi Lemak!
Kak Fie's engagement on 22.4.2007.
This only meant one thing - meeting Min's whole family for the first time, since Kak Fie is Min's sister. The siblings, the Mak Udas, The Pakcik Hadis, the kazens, the Maktok, everyone! But everyone made me feel right at home, especially his parents and sisters. Yay!
And of course Min asked me to arrive late, even after I asked Min to tell his mother that I wanted to "potong kuih sebab Anis tak tau nak buat apa kat rumah awak".
To which his mother replied when I arrived "awak nak potong kuih tu, dah lalu dah".
Oh, the shame and guilt of it!
And of course Min had to leave me alone the minute I arrived, because of course the rombongan pihak lelaki arrived at that very minute, which Min had to sambut as he was one of the tuan rumahs.
And I had to eat with his cousin and Auntie, who were very pleasant, who of course saw how my hand shook crazily masa nak suap nasi masuk mulut.
Gakk! I almost died!
But I feel all flowery and fluttery when Min's mother introduced me as "pasangan Muhaimin" to Min's aunts. Wahwah, Nijoh! Auw!
I can now cross this very important moment in my life off my list as I had made it successfully through. Yeyey!
Movie with my girls on 25.4.2007.
We watched that "23" movie where Jim Carrey played a serious, recovering psychotic role. His acting was good. But all I can say about the storyline is that it puts you to sleep, since I fell asleep after 10 minutes watching it. But I did wake up to watch the end bit.
Oh, forget it. I didn't really watch it. I was too tired to watch a midnight movie on a working day, even if the next day was a public holiday.
This weekend, I nak layan tido. Gile best!
Saturday, April 28, 2007