Thursday, February 22, 2007
this is so heartwarming and unbearably cute! dedicated to my friends who are getting married soon (or not) who are in the running to squeeze a whole human out of her! [sometimes the human has lookalike friend that you have to squeeze out too!]. enjoy!excerpts from Marian Keyes' "The Other Side of the Story" at p.248 [which I'm sure all of you have read]:"I had never loved anyone the way I loved her
and no one had ever loved me as much as she did;
not even my own mother. My voice could stop her crying
and her eyes sought my face,
even before she could see properly...
She was a big smiler, sometimes she giggled on her sleep
and she was the squeeziest creature ever.
The creases in her thighs were irresistible.
She smelt adorable, she felt adorable,
she looked adorable and she sounded adorable."
ahh... babies have that power on me. babies can make me smile giddily. i just realised: this tight mouth of mine can brrrreaaakk into a smile just by looking at babies, kittens who don't know they're stupid and also small dogs that grin but can't bark.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
encik antu! oooo encik antu..encik antu..bleh tak tolong jangan kacau i tido malam-malam? i nak jugak dapat beauty sleep macam orang lain.. bleh laaa... yeh!?encik antu ni gatal betul la! ihihihihihiii! sampai pegang-pegang i sume.. mana bleh camtu, encik antu.. kalo nak pegang-pegang i pun, shave la bulu-bulu tu dulu. panjang sangat la.. sampai 5-6 inci, ape citer kan...pastu kenapa encik antu suka sangat duduk atas i? sampai ajak kawan-kawan 2-3 plak tu.. i ni dah la nafas pendek. encik antu ni..nyampah tau! ihihihihiiiii!pastu encik antu ni suka bawak i mimpi masuk rumah arwah nenek i kat atas bukit tu.. asik-asik kat situ, asik-asik kat situ.. i tau la rumah atas bukit tu banyak geng you, tapi i dah boring laa.. encik antu, i rasa pelik la.. haritu Ustaz tu kata you syok sangat kat i.. Ustaz tu kan dah halau you; i pun dok baca Quran nak halau you, tapi kenapa you nak jugak kat i? you ni.. tak boleh lupakan i ke? encik antu, i rasa kita putus aje la yeh.. ada banyak lagi gadis-gadis antu yang encik antu bleh pilih. sape la i ni kan? kalau you dekat dengan i pun, you jugak rasa panas. hihihihihihiii! ye la, i kan bleh buat you hot.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
the objective of today's blogging: to effectively VENT [yeahhh... all of you who are so sickeningly positive, abort now! [oooooneeeenooneeenooooneee!]I'm sure you've heard this before : "Sometimes a stranger taps you on your shoulder and changes your life".In my case, that's exactly what happened.Let's call this stranger "GH". It's one thing to meet me one fine day for the first time, but to question my integrity on your first encounter? That's a little too much, dear GH. And not at all relevant to the issue at hand.You're funny, you know, GH. Waiting outside of the Courtroom just to pounce on me [oh let me say it!:] in public, for a mistake that was not mine.You decided to spit on me just because you got rapped by the Judge? That's not nice, GH.I very nicely explained the situation to you, GH, an explanation that i did not even owe you.Now you've made me question what I want to do with my life and my future. To that, GH, I raise my broken shards of glass to you, for you have succesfully got under my skin with your attitude that you think is Oh, so holier-than-thou and your words that I think are Oh, so sick. Yes GH, you win. For now.I hope our paths do not cross again, but if they do, I will look down on you just the same and let you very idiotically scream and vent in a public place, of which I will again respond with just my calm breathing and my quiet inner serenity. At least Allah gave me peace. At least I have my social sanity and class, and at least I don't need to employ a Psychotherapist, GH, but you? Pity, pity.Just for the record, GH, although I let you get to me, I will come out positively from this sick encounter with you, for I will reap my success with class and integrity intact, either in the legal profession or not; but you will end up with high blood pressure and a face so ugly just because you resort to spitting in strangers' faces and you do not have the slightest clue as to how to control your anger. Sigh..GH..GH..[friends, PLEASE don't ask]
Monday, February 19, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Am got engaged !
am, all dolled up and ready to be engaged. isn't she just beautiful?

we're all lepaking in her room before the big event.
Kano on camera [tengkiu Kano! Masuk jugak muka anis dalam gambar]

posing with the intricately made hantarans

the big moment - on the pelamin with Daud's mum

Alhamdulillah.. Doas being read after jari manis Am selamat dipakaikan cincin.

Apparently the cincin has many fans! Hehe!
Wow, the grandeur of Am's engagement! I was all mouth agape and very impressed. Everything was beautiful. I think sume orang yang tak terfikir nak bertunang pun, after seeing the kenduri yesterday, akan rasa nak tunang jugak! Haha!
My congratulations to Am and her future hubby, Daud.
Sunday, February 04, 2007