Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Ikan yang kugoreng
"Budak Anis tu, goreng ikan pun tak tau"
I can hear it already. Akan ada mulut makcik-makcik yang akan tell it (and everyone in the neighbourhood) like it is.
Cuz it is like that - Anis ni goreng ikan punnnnn tak tau.
This poor dish happened when kak yah was in indon. I was, of course, like any other anak dara, instructed to goreng ikans and sayurs and tahpape yang lain that i, at that moment of time, don't really care whether has a name or not.
Mak took a peek at my ikan goreng..
And bellowed out this laugh - "Hahahahhahahihihihihiii!" Mak sometimes has this laugh that reminds me of the wicked witch of the west, which isn't a bad thing, cuz you would be brought to laughter too. theehee!
The ikan was hannncur! [hancur, i tell ya!] From the picture, you only see the better part. The other side of the ikan lagi teruk - skinless, some parts white, some parts hangus, and some parts dah takde flesh dah. The ikan cannot be saved..
The ikan was in rags and tatters. I told Mak, "Kalau Mak nak kulit dia, ada kat kuali."
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
i was watching double shot on channel [v] and take that's video 'patience' was playing. i've seen it before a few weeks ago. i wasn't too thrilled, actually. as i told Am, lagu tu "macam yodel". i thought, oh well, this is gonna be another sad one hit wonder. they're gonna crash and burn, just like Mark's and Gary's solo efforts. kesian..
then their next song came up - 'pray', sung at a concertful of people. just the four of them. singing AND dancing to 'pray', one of my favourite take that oldies.
suddenly, my extreme fanaticism for take that that i experienced more than 10 years ago was slapped in my face. tears sprung to my eyes.
watching the video, i was friggin crying !
just like the time when they broke up 10 years ago..
through my tears, i can still see that they are still so hot, wearing butt-hugging slacks. that explains the article in NST on friday about them topping the 'sexiest' list. i cannot believe it.. maybe they're right. i should "have a little, patieeeeeennnnnnce". btw, this song isn't so bad. i kinda like it after giving it some time to grow on me. this is an 'acquired taste' kind of song.
haha! i remember when take that was doing a concert in singapore [i think masa form 2 or 3] and i reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllly dessssssssperately wanted to go. but ayah instead asked me, "nak pegi konsert slam tak?". SLAM? SLAM??? dengan penyanyi sengau mata penang-jb tu? HAHAHAHAHHAA! ingatkan nak offer bawak gi konsert take that.. gile disappointed.
and for the 2 girls who killed themselves when the group broke up, you don't know what you're missing. tu la, penat je bunuh diri. but i kinda understand how they felt when gary said "...is no more"..

take that, i love you! i still want to marry you!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
i don't like my monthly episodes.
i don't like the stomach cramps.
i don't like to look out for stains all week long
[especially now, when my closest friends are boys].
i don't like the crappiness that overwhelms me.
i don't like feeling like i'm the unluckiest person in the world.
i don't like to always 'accidently' snap at people.
i don't like the guilt afterparty.
i don't like my sudden crying in public places
[mainly because i don't like to carry tissues].
i don't like the heightened sensitivity of my six senses.
i don't like not being able to consume ice-cream and cold drinks all week long.
i don't like the pull of my face.
i don't like the fatigue.
i don't like men who do not understand this monthly episode of mine.
but neither do i.
i like the old times.
when i don't have those episodes.
nor boobs.
[as if i have it now]
when i can live without wearing pads and bras and anything.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
i wish people would recycle paper more.i wish people would care more about trees.i wish that people would realise that even the smallest pamphlets, brochures, cereal boxes, toothpaste boxes, receipts, old cards, magazines, newspapers, papers [that have been used on BOTH sides] etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, CAN and SHOULD be recycled [your local paper-lama-man would be happy to pay you for it].it annoys me how some people throw away a WHOLE newspaper in the dustbin [what in the world is WRONG with you?].please, please pleasethink about the forest before you throw away a good piece of recyclable paper.go tree huggers!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
work has been treating me okay the first half of this month. i think i'm handling the pressure better and I'm bringing better results. my boss even commented "you did good". sigh.. i'm keeping that sms for as long as i live!
my application for a Practicing Certificate cleared two thursdays ago and i have been going to court almost every morning now. best! best!
to adik-adikku yang aspire to be lawyers: to be a lawyer, you have to have a good back and good shoulders and good spongey shoes, to carry your super friggin heavy files whilst running up and down the court halls and the office. if you're lucky like me and you have a good Bart, you can dispense with the good back.
driving in kl, sigh.. as much as i hate those pesky rempits, i wonder why there's no oversized rempits.. come on now rempits, don't discriminate. i hate you all just the same.
i just adore muhaimin. when i was having a bad week at work (sometime last month), he somehow managed to make me laugh and cackle like a hyena for a good 10 minutes! while i was driving! he said, "sebab saya tengok muka awak macam muka dah lama tak gelak" (it's true too! i went for 2-3 days without laughing! i barely survived!). isn't he sweet, in an off kinda way? i llllllike it!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Wedding Congatulations to:
(teng teng tennnnng!)
My opismate Shahrul and his lovely bride, Kak Fiz My elementary schoolmate, Zuhri and his lovely bride, Kb
My university friend, Jasmina and her handsome groom, Din
so, who's next la (besides Milia and Paghoh)?
[fyi, currently there's a slight push on my panic button. don't we all?] [and please spare me on the sex stories. i didn't have to know how long you bertahan yesterday night, okay, please!]
Saturday, January 20, 2007
pix from my phone
hai adik-adik! bersama-sama lagi kita dalam segmennnn...
"pix from my phone!"
things that i'm currently so proud of. my name being stated on my firm's letterhead. and i have my own namecard that says "Advocate & Solicitor" on it. and the view from my room is spectacular - taken juz before sunset. i have come a long way (in reply to barto's statement)
me in my room at the office. konon-konon buat keje la tu. padahal, kelam kabut nak set camera, pastu cepat2 duduk, pastu cepat2 tengok camera balik. nasib baik time tu sume orang dah balik..
one of the things i'll definitely miss - the old age architecture of the current court near dataran merdeka. the courts will be moving to another place near jalan duta real soon.
yan, aku tau ni keje kau! buat rempeyek pastu jual kat giant konon.. cara kau spell nama kau didn't fool me, na'a girlfriend! aku tau ni attempt kau untuk lebih glamer dari aku. huh!
haaah... it's nice to have a cute guy to help isi my angin tayar whilst i stay inside the air-conditioned comfort of my car (albeit my self-proclaimed minor feminism. i dont like to get my fingers dirty). this is muhaimin being the gentleman that he is. it helps to have a boyfriend who's so concerned at surrounding men looking at my cute non-existent butt.
me, dod, elin and iza getting squished to enter prame. taken at thariq-mia's wedding.
HAH! i caught you on my low resolution camera phone! i know you peeps can't see what's happening inside the car behind me, but the driver was happily giving the inside of his nose a goooood scrape. actually i took a lot of pictures of people doing the same thing, tapi dah hilang. and girls, jangang amik gambar whilst driving.
and again, please, please wear your seatbelts. i dont want you people to go to heaven before i do.
[recently added: don't think i'm disgusting cuz my post is about people digging their noses okay? [yes.. as disgusting as i may seem..] this is my attempt to help all of us from the detestable sight of people digging their noses in public. hopefully they would repent and stop doing it in their cars. do they realllly think that we can't see them?]
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
huh, loteh botul den nak bukak blogger ni. tak dapek-dapek!
so, my apologies to elin for this delayed post.
happy birthday, elin.
may your life be as sweet and happy as you are.
love, aniz.
Friday, January 12, 2007