Saturday, December 30, 2006

It's almost time to make a new resolution for 2007. Tapi adakah Nijoh berjaye mengfulfill resolutionnya tahun ini? Let's have a re-cap, shall we? My post on December 25, 2005. [letak lagu fairy kat sini - "prinkprinkprinkprinkprink..!"]

Resolution 2006

"1. Stop assuming that somebody's gonna take care of me financially. I'm a big girl. I'll be earning soon. Juz because I have well-to-do family and a boyfriend, doesnt mean that they'll always have my back. I need to stop thinking like a [MALAY] GIRL. so there."

[I just received my FIRST PAY yesterday! yeyeyeyeye! 29/12/2006 - hari bersejarah. i bought my very first branded handbag at sogo yesterday. and i bought pizza for lunch today. this afternoon will stop by an ATM to settle a part of my debts to mak and ayah. tengah rasa sangat terer. i'm taking care of hanizah. hanizah will be okay. so i guess i can strike No. 1 off. Strike it off!!]

"2. Stop saying words / phrases that have no meaning, eg. "like"/"macam", "you know", "and stuff/things like that". the world is so driven with the 'im so dumb it's cute' trend that even the most powerful woman is caught [shame on you, Oprah]"

[uhh.. No. 2 still needs some work la, especially "like/macam". but i'm 80% cured! i'm sure i'm less dumb, but still cute muahahahahaaa! with this teeth?]

"3. Stop dreaming of long luscious hair. My hair is dry and brittle, extremely poufy and i have absolutely no tolerance if my hair is past my shoulders. I need to embrace that. [my mantra: at least i have hair. at least i have hair.]"

[as if i can! as if any woman can! No. 3 stays.]

"4. Start on my anti-wrinkling regime."

[oh this one, haven't started yet la. mainly cuz i juz received my first pay just yesterday. will get hold of some eye serum and flaxseed oil really soon]

5. Smile more. I love how contagious it is!

[i believe that i am entitled to strike No. 5 off too. it's mainly because of my office culture and most lawyers' culture of smiling at everyone who wears a black jacket around Court]


so I have yet to fulfill ALL of my 2006 resolution. same ol', same 'ol la. but so what? i'm not disappointed. i'll still make more resolutions and break it if i feel like it.

so people, behold my 2007 Resolution!

1. Continue to (at least try to) commit to Numbers 1 to 5 above.

2. Commit to at least one charitable organization and make bigger donations whenever I can from time to time, because since i'm still in the midst of balancing my budget, i can't really opt for one of those monthly debit schemes like Ayah. my choices so far - WWF or WAO or any of those tabungs u see at McDonalds or Jusco counters. "Giving makes you richer". Yes... great minds think alike.

3. Try to work my hardest and be less sickly this year. And no more avoidable stupid stupid mistakes.

4. Stress less. Like what my favourite Glamour magazine preaches: Categorize your worries into: (1) Productive worry; and (2) Unproductive worry. Get to know the difference and you'll eliminate half your stress. [amboi.. senangnye cakap...]

5. EAT! EAT! EAT! AND THEN EAT SOME MORE! I want to be meatier this year [oh please please please!]. I'm sick of being sick and losing weight and not being able to regain them. I'm sick of people telling me how skinny i am [i know already la! u think i can't afford mirrors?]. I'm sick of uncles pinching my cheek and telling me "Kurusnyee...". I'm so sick of shopping for clothes that are always a little too big. Even size "3" is like size "L" to my body. And it's impossible to look for a size "0"!

6. Save money for whatever my deserving heart and brain want to indulge in [both think differently. susah gak.] - holidays, shopping, marriage, house, car, etc. Yes, I'm seriously planning to follow my Mak's footsteps and buy my own house, however rich or giving my future husband will be. Maybe it's the Negeri Sembilan girl-power atitude running through our veins. InsyaAllah, Amin.

[On that note, dear people from other Negeris, why do you have a negative feeling against Negeri Sembilan people? "Eee, kitorang tak suka orang Negeri Sembilan, pasal harta distribution sume-sume tu". It's always from friends from this particular state. And it's usually straight to my face, from another female [traitor!]. People, if you don't understand it, how could you "tak suka"? Just because we put women on a higher pedestal? Just because your wife's land (which she inherit from her mother) will still be hers when you get divorced? You should be proud of us! It's what women all this while are fighting for in suffrages! When women in the west were burning their bras, we achieved that already! In some particularized aspects, maybe, but we got there first. HA!]

So there goes another so-called resolution that Nijoh will try to commit to [beetullll kkkee? Hahahahahahaa!]. Wish me luck!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saturday, December 23, 2006

this week, work has not been good to me. i missed lunch 3 times this week (no time. i ate only biskut kelapa).

it juz dawned on me - being a lawyer, you can't be really organized. in school, I'm used to planning out what i'm going to do today, tomorrow, the next. only 3 hours to do A, then the next hour will be spent to do B, and tomorrow will finish on C.

now, very sudden, very urgent things keep coming up which i have to do right that instant, which disrupts my schedule, which makes me terkumbang kambing because i'm so used to my schedules.

my sleep is also disrupted, thanks to a jim-ya-nun-in-my-body experience which i dont really want to talk about now.

on thursday, my very polite boss even asked me where my brain is. i marveled at how appropriate the question was. where was my brain?

the learning curve is a bit tough, but that's what to expect when you're familiarising with a new job.

but now, since it's a long christmas weekend, i'm proud to say that my brain is still inside my skull (tadaaaa!). i slept for so long, due to the fatigue.

but also due to the prawn mee i ate for lunch at subang's mydin food court. people, stay away from the prawn mee! now it's saturday night and my perut is still sakit. going to see the tuan doctor in a few minutes.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

..Ahh, Terengganu..

the place where Maya Karin wears tudung, where there are no traffic jams at all and where there is only a total of 2 rempits. The place where the beach is 10 minutes from everywhere. The place where I'm seriously considering to live in.

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Iza, Am, Mazia, Ana and I went down to Kuala Terengganu on 15 to 17th December to see the Paghoh finally get engaged to her loverboy, Asril.

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Everything was very beautiful.. Paghoh looked beautiful, sitting shyly on her throne. The hantarans were beautifully made. And her engagement ring - gile cun!
When the ring was slipped on her finger, I dengan silly-nye got a bit teary-eyed. You know what they say - the best things in life aren't things. It's watching two very nice people dengan sucinye get hitched (or, in this case, about to get hitched).

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There's Paghoh with Asril at the background. Dua-dua malu nak tegur each other muahahahaa!!

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Wahida, Mazia, Iza, Paghoh, Am and I tengah amik berkat (hohoho), sitting on Paghoh's engagement throne.
My heartfelt congratulations to Paghoh and Asril. Insyaallah, will turun to Terengganu for the wedding.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

isn't it weird how body-building got slot into the doha games? there's no racing involved, no strength being put to the test, no physical contact with your competitor. juz you showing off your badan yang kena kiwi to the beat of "hips don't lie". body-builders, i kesian la kat you all..betul. body-building is such a lonely sport. tak kesepian ke bang?

i knew it! i'm being bullied by this clerk who's handling my portfolios. he is notoriously known for his perangai manipulatif, especially on unsuspecting and naive and good and comel and hot and rajin newbies like me [i did get a lot of work from him during chambering, but that's only because chambees are at the bottom of the food chain]. he's still treating me like i'm one of his "girls".

i keep having to do his work. padanla pelik je, asyik buat benda-benda clerk-y.. lepas ni i nak cakap "Nnnnna-ah boyfriend!" sambil waving my index finger up and buat aksi kepala macam a black woman.

went to the cheap book fair behind the Dang Wangi [the place where all shit smells nice] police station and bought 3 novels, all for RM13.50. there are so many really cheap books, i juz went crazy and missed my lunch!

but since they're second-hand books, i really have to think about bacteria. what if the previous owner kuat bersin macam Anep and sneezed on some pages in the book, or lick her [yes, i'm sure book-readers are of the HER gender] fingertips before flipping the page, or the book got bitten by a dog or laki-laki yang ada sakit gilababi atau gatal? maybe i have to air them out under the sun or put them in the microwave first..

banyaknye problem whilst handling this case with my ex-master [who is one of my bosses now. i have 6]. i was so busy, mainly cuz teknologi telah menghilangkan soft-copy submission yang telah saya buat sampai pukul 1.30 pagi tadi untuk hearing 2.30 petang tadi yang membuatkan saya tak cukup tidur.

i was so terkumbangkambing - i had to re-edit the 50-page submission, i had to go to the library in the morning to do research, help my boss' secretary do the bundle of authorities, attend the hearing at 2.30, and i could only eat lunch at 5.30. during the hearing, i sat in between my boss and the other lawyer and my perut bunyi 4 kali. jenis bunyi yang lama tu.

..but i wonder why i feel so best.. i'm all sengih and nyanyi without any discrimination towards objek-objek. i feel like a flute player from shakespeare is skipping right behind me whilst playing a happy garden song, which made me feel like saying words like "tis a beautiful dayeth! what time art thou going backeth today, barthol?"

yey! jumaat gi ganu tengok paghoh paka cincing. paghoh, aku tau mung tengah testing-testing dekak atah kerusi kat bilik mung sambil hulur tangang! mung mana bleh tipu nijoh!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006

cleaning my closet, i juz realised how my wardrobe has changed and how different it is now compared to when i was 14 to 18.

now i wear smarter clothes with cleaner lines - button-down shirts, sweaters, fitted jeans and slacks, paired with [the world's most comfortable Alain Delon] shoes or high-heeled sandals. when i was 16 i was into the hip-hop scene [..wait.. i think i hear gasps and snickers...a'ah la..] and i wore realllllllly baggy jeans, loose t-shirts, extremely ketat baby-tees and "hanging" tops, with chunky sneakers. my stomach or back would be revealed if i move in a certain way and i wouldnt mind a bit. [i had a mild but noticeable six-pack back then, harharharharharhar. but now im all boncet. where did i go wrong?]

now those baggy pants are slowly decomposing into oblivion at the back of my closet. i better donate it to some other wannabe hip-hopper quickly.

and then there's the tudung.

and my piercings, from 5, are now left with the usual [and kinda boring] 2 holes. i previously resort to piercing [or as i used to call it = head mutilation] whenever i feel angry or upset or whenever cutting my hair was not an option or simply whenever mollie invited me to share, since the jewellery shops only do pairs ["okay, kau pierce satu, aku pierce satu. kau bayar tujuh ringgit, aku tujuh ringgit"]. yes, i was an angry kid. and as sick as it sounds, i liked the pain.

but one thing remains - i still have songs playing in my head 24/7. and i found out in Reader's Digest that it's normal [see! see! i told u i'm not gilo!] and a percentage of people have it. i'm happy that i have it because it keeps me from being bored. and it helped me with my English vocabulary when i was in school too. [helo, takkan nak guna vocab lagu Melayu dalam karangan; lagu Melayu sume gile meleleh!]

but on the flipside, sometimes rrrrrrrrrrrrreeeealllly uuuuuuuuuugly songs stay there for four days or so - songs like C.I.N.T.A.K.I.T.A. [i recently discovered that this song is often used for aerobics at public padangs. and dod told me that there's a sequel to this song, "macam tu jugak, eja-eja". what is happening to the world?!?!?!]. or my Nauzubillahiminzalik song, that rap/dangdut song "oh buruuuunnnng nyanyikanlahhh..." and [oh God, please!] the rapping part "ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-karena ci-ci-ci-ci-ci-ci-ci-ci-ci-cinta". the worst part is, I HAFAL PLAK TU LAGU-LAGU NI! sifir 7 dengan 8 tahap susah plak nak hafal!

agak letih jugak la jadi Hanizah ni.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Friday, December 08, 2006

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pictures are worth a thousand words.

celebrated love and girlfriends are worth a thousand more.

congratulations my dear classmates, Thariq and Mia

and thank you for making us gush at how cute you two are

and thank you to my girlfriends for being a fun and beautiful bunch.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Thursday, December 07, 2006



Seriously. I already smelled your yesterday's armpits.
Why do you think that I still would like to smell it today?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Saturday, December 02, 2006

[aniz tengah nyanyi:] "workin'.. 9 to 6"

so i started my job as a junior Legal Assistant yesterday, which was a friday [cuz it was 1st December] which was perfect cuz now it's the weekend! [wow, i actually, like, succeeded in sounding like a bimbo! like, no way! ..God-dah!]

i get to park my car inside the building using the seasons' parking transmitter-gadget-thing which makes me look so cool, crrrruising in my "toaster" [that's what they call my Kenari].

[seriously, amende la nama mende transmitter tu.. "trans-pondan-sir"?]

and i've been told that one of the lawyers i'm teamed with were eagerly waiting for my arrival, again and again saying "Hanizah's coming in on the first of December, Hanizah's coming in on the first of December". it's because there's just so much work and they can't wait until i get my fair share of it. i'm weirdly excited!

when i was offered the position, my big boss told me that i would be sitting in a special cubicle as the firm is currently expanding and there's just no room for new lawyers in my department [General Litigation Dept]. but the day before i reported for work, bart told me that there's a surprise for me in the office. i instantly thought that he installed Winamp in my computer or something. it turns out that i get my own room! i was over the moon!! [okay, i think i have maxed out my quota to say "over the moon"]

my room seems bigger than bart's room and i have the view of KLCC [unlike bart who ekshen-ly says "i get the view of the new court..". but that's puny from the 32nd floor and u can't really see it with all the hutans surrounding it! haha!] although it's at the Conveyancing Department and my bosses' rooms are a bit far, i'm totally happy! but it's temporary, but so what? i would still occupy that room for a good few months!

i still have yet to discuss my portfolio with the big boss [it turns out that i have 4 bosses. i initially thought 3 - even that is overwhelming!]. i'll be doing banking litigation for 2 banks and "high-end" civil litigation [yes, that's what they call it! eek!]

excited, excited, excited!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

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aniz halimi
26 years blessed
subang jaya

a woman, kinda lost
a phenomenal average
a solid stick
a spoiled daughter
a spastic fiancee
a silly friend
an evil do-gooder
a male chauvinist hater
an environmentalist
a naive fearless driver
a religious window shopper
a music worshipper
an oprah wannabe
a confused conversationalist
particular about kek batiks
a luvly God-made aniz


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Farah Laily
Wirawan Terulung
Ako Mustapha
Afdlin Shauki


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ey stop drooling
am's bday pix