Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Hospital Diaries: Part 1Sent him to the hospital yesterday for his appointment at the Urology and Nefrology Unit [did i get that right?]. After waiting three hours to see the doctor, the doctor said that he would be admitted to the ward on the same night and another doctor would decide whether he needs surgery or radiotherapy.
This morning, we got a call from him at the hospital that he would be coming home today via taxi and train, even though I offered to pick him up from the hospital [I was told by Mak that the trip would be good exercise for him]. He would have to undergo radiotherapy instead and it would be a daily trip to the hospital for six days a week for four weeks.
I have done my research and although pain is out of the picture, fatigue and discomfort are some of the side effects. Beginning to worry even more. What if we are suddenly preoccupied and couldn't send him for his therapy? [it seems that there are only 2.5 persons who can be relied on in this nucleus and although I'm one of those persons, my employment is starting this Friday!]. Or worse, what if he refuses our help? He has been the help-giver all our lives and not so much as the help-receiver. He has refused my help before. Sigh..
Worse still, Kak Yah would be going back to Palembang this Saturday for her daughter's wedding and she would only be back in January. That means more work to do around the house, which means more stress and possible neglect of priorities.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
gile takde mende nak buat ni..gile bosan layan pompuan gile hari ni [seriously, she's in dire DIRE need of prozac. get help]. nasib baik Hanizah ni gadis yang lemah lembut dan tak paneh baghan dan baik [huishhh nijoh!!]. takpe la, it's just Allah's way to make me practice my kesabaran. i'll reach my zen in my own nirvana eventually. nasib baik her penyakit Gilo is not contagious. boyfriend's AWOL doing his civil litigation thingamabob. mana awak hmm?went to farah hani's house all the way in keramat for dinner [keramat's far!]. haven't met her in 5 years or so. she lost a lot of weight crying over some pisau cukur loser. but she found a new beau [at AF audition, no less] and will be getting engaged next month. bliss..so people around me are getting engaged and getting hitched right this moment [i wonder how thariq and mia are doing..i was thinking about calling mia, but they're probably in the midst of Malam Pertama hehe..] which makes my mum play the broken record [agaknye bila kau nak kawen ni kaklang?] sigh.. Halo Mak, lek lu..nasib baik ada mollie who kept me sane throughout the night. mollie keeps mentioning Wohnen si penyanyi rock [sape ingat Wohnen?]. initially i ingat 'Ramziela' and 'Sare Penyanyi Dari Gunung' [yes, that was his full name. commercial la sangat] je, but then i remember Wohnen..o God.. tengok mollie, skarang aku akan ingat Wohnen sampai bile2.. kau la ni!
i juz love old friends!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
what is happening?
tak paham..
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
congratulations on receiving your LL.B (Hons.), iza!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
raya with friends

Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
on 9/11/2006,
Hanizah binti Muhammad Halimi is now:
an Advocate and Solicitor;
Peguamcara dan Peguambela;
Loyar Burok;
Majistret [as my Pak Long calls it]
hee hee hee!
i'm happppeeeeee!
i'm so proud of myself for making it out alive
[i still don't know how this may have happened to Hanizah Halimi!]
my Admission to the High Court of Malaya a.k.a. Long Call was beautiful..
i was robed by my dear master, Mr. Justin and my master's good friend, Mr. Leonard was my mover.
suka! yeyey!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
my long call day is tomorrow! eek! banyak gile preparation. the wajib things ive done:- telephone your mover (if he is a stranger like in my case) and say hi and thank you.
- dry-clean your blazer.
- buy a bip [$35]. it will make u look like a baby nun but what to do..
- make sure your shoes are shiny. kiwi them AND buff them.
- find a robe. i borrowed elin's robe. [elin - a true angel yang telah banyak menolong, walaupun kau no.2 in my list of Pembuli Hanizah (no.1 is yan)].
- e-mail your speech to your mover. although the long call speech is generally very cheesy [my speech almost induced muntah ijau kepada nijoh..], it's got to be done. to bring extra copies.
- draft your Deraf Perintah, 2 copies. also, to bring extra copies.
- telephone your mover again and also your master to remind the day of your call.
- pray that you're not the first nor the last on the list of petitioners. cuz ada extra tasks. and as always, they juz HAVE to make me the last petitioner on the list..
- and lastly, panic.
huhu! let's hope nijoh wont make any mistakes.. in front of the judge and master.. on her call day..hwargh!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
oh how i listen to this song 9-15 times a day! maybe this song dah basi to some of you. nijoh yang ada taste kampung ni highly recommends this song and you have to pay special attention to the lyrics.
this song is by Blue October called Hate Me. you can watch a remake of the video here. i dont think anyone has ever written lyrics like this before. you would terasa pedas if ure like me, yang ada banyak dosa to my mother [my rebellion phase was too long a phase].
i think the lyrics came from guilt and of avoidance of further burden to this person's mother, so he asked his mother to hate him so that her life would be easy. i know it's a little harsh, but who can understand our mothers?
below are parts of the lyrics which i think are cool gile
- "I have to block out thoughts of you so I dont lose my head. They crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed"
who are we without our mothers?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Only In Rembau
This usually happens whenever we go to beraya at some distant relative's house or whenever my Uwan's gang come over to visit my Uwan's house
Whichever Makcik : Anak sapooo ni?
Me : Anak Yam [i.e. Mak]
Whichever Makcik : Sapo?
Me : Err.. anak Tawil.. [i.e. Mak]
Whichever Makcik : Anak Sapo?
Me : Anaaak.. anak E'ah [i.e. Mak]
Whicever Makcik : Ooohhh, anak E'ah.. Dah bosaaar dah haa...
sangat warm these Rembau people.. makes u feel important..
* * *
on a massively different note;
My Scarlet Letter
To Whom-Whom It May Concern,
I know I'm ugly. That goes without saying. But I think it's extremely rude when you people just HAD to mention it loud enough for planet Utarid to hear and seal it up by bellowing out your high-pitched laugh in MY house when I just served you with utmost hospitality. You didn't think I could hear you, did you? I don't know what example you are teaching us young-uns but now it seems that you older people are so darn rude, compared to us 20-somethings. Maybe we should spank your little behinds and cili your muluts.
Sunday, November 05, 2006