Friday, September 22, 2006
nijoh turned twenty-four!

started with a birthday cake on the eve of my birthday! banana chocolate cake for dinner! yay! somogo gomok godempol siket la eden tahun ni..

for breakfast on my birthday - thoughtful and friggin sweet birthday wishes, birthday kisses and banana chocolate cake!
healthy breakfast sandwich, move over!
ayah gave me the usual gift - greens! im going shopping!

surprise celebration at the opis, courtesy of bart and ong, my two favourite boys!
they had the cake, the tissue paper, they tutup the lampu, invited the lawyers, everything! sweet gile!
see [like i told ong before], these boys love me and cant live without me [theeeheeeee!]

guess what cake they bought? another chocolate banana cake! that was my dinner! yumm...
[our initials at stwd: "hh" = me; "bl" = bart; "oms" = ong]

min's gift - a watch! saaanggatt caiiirrrr... that's my boyfriend!
my previous watch memang pathetic-looking, burok dan dah oren-oren dan tak silver lagi.

min treated me at chatters', one of my favourite restaurant. we somehow read each other's minds and wore red outfits and jeans.
[hot gile my boyfriend i ni! look at that muscle..]

pressie from am - cicak fridge magnet! saperti nama ku di skolah = cicak [hehe!]. intricately painted, sarawak mali.
finally found her home on my fridge. she's friends with the bull already, see..
as a response to my previous post:
i take it back. i love being hanizah halimi! luv it! luv it!
ive been blessed throughout my life.
so i have a few wrinkles now. i think wrinkles are cute, as long as it's not on my butt or neck.
how could i ever complain?
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
no, it's not september 14thi'm not turning 24 in a few hoursit's still 2001all the calendars are wrong la. gregorian, lunar - sape yang cipta tu? kenapa tak tanye nijoh je camane nak kira tahun?oh God..NOOOO!!!it's actually happening.. im getting OOOLLLLDDDD like you people..before i realise it, im gonna be 87 in a few blinks.and i'm gonna forget where i put my gigi palsu..and mengalami masalah lampin longgar..hish.. nak tido la
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
birthdays! birthdays!

mazia, 21/7/1982
iza, 1/8/1982
far, 31/8/1982

dod, 8/9/1982
Sunday, September 10, 2006
nope, u shouldnt have left me alone, unattended, with my camera phone

1) spotted at ikea - look at this man's pony tail! is his pony tail horny or something?
[sir, im not judging ur hair okay? i juz got a haircut on wednesday that costs me $30 that makes me look like a horse with a side parting. people with oogly oogly hair should flock together, especially when we look like the same type of animal]

2) but then again, maybe that man's pony tail really was horny. then he should buy this tea, a must for every horny man - Hornimans tea from Spain.
[i juz realised how much i loooove exotic teas!]

3) i dont think ive ever seen flowers this colourful before! this was taken at Taman Tasik Perdana during the Pameran Laman. the whole place was sooooo beautifully decorated.. there were flowers and fountains and rocks and weird looking trees everywhere.

4) sweet dreams are made of these. these seriously inspirational 3 types of lauk udangs at restoran soto at seksyen 7 are to die for! i wont eat any other lauks when im there, juz these 3.

5) taken a few months back when ong, bart, am and i went missing from the office and went lepaking at dome, klcc. we chambees deserve a few expensive drinks during office hours once in a while!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
ehh.. apo kobar? dah bosaaaarr dah haaa... lamo tak nampak! omak sihat?no i didnt die [much to some of uall punya dismay]. i suddenly dont feel like writing all that much. but now i feel a whine coming up [uh'oh!]si siti nurhaliza tu bila nak berenti kawen? every week asik nak berlagak about ur wedding, dah la tuuuuhhh!!! nyampaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh nyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! sampai the apprentice pun kena kensel tonite cuz of u nak kawen. sigh.. tolon..tolonn.. and can we have a mawi&ina-free newspaper and tv? please God, please.. ***moving on, i cant believe its been 8 whole months of chambering. and i still feel that i havent learned enough. seriously, 5+ years in law school and 9 months of chambering are so friggin tak cukup. now im supposed to be all set and ready to be 'ADMITTED TO THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA' [yes peeps, that's what it's called. pn hendon says the term "called to the bar" doesnt apply in malaysia]. but im not ready.. camno ni?and my master keeps asking me whether i would like to be retained or not. it's like he's the one who'll decide whether the chambees stay or go. mr justin, stop teasing [dalam nada gatal] hehe! if im staying, i wish bart and ong would stay as well. i like being around boys [eh, kenapa korang macam tak tekejut pun?] whatever it is, im still sending out my resume to other firms. im dying to find out where my rezeki will be.. Insyaallah..and i dunno what else is wrong with my head - i speak with a faint british accent! before this, i like to speak british with people i dont know, juz for fun, like to the ah lian at kedai baju, "due yue hAAve loyke loeng skuoets?" [do u have like long skirts?], then id juz watch their expressions as if theyre saying "ayo, this indon looks so damn kampung, but talks british ah?"but having fun has its effect - the accent got stuck! the other day mr. justin asked me how my day in court was. i replied, saying "i had the busiest day in couet" (court), british style. he was of course tekejut as if saying "ayo, this indon looks so damn kampung, but talks british ah?"i blame it on all u chambering students and lawyers and tv hosts with british accents. a british accent doesnt match with this muka! sigh.. kalu buleh, eden nak cakap nogoghi yo skaghang. "mistor justin!"
Sunday, September 03, 2006