Saturday, June 17, 2006
there are no truer words
1) If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
2) God may have created man before woman,
but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
1) why can't we have rollercoasters?
2) sharks' fin being sold commercially? aren't malaysians over being violent already? sheesh!
3) kucengburok tengah buat projek, doggie style [ey ko tu kuceng ok, bukan dog] sape tah ajar.. (bukan nijoh ye)
4) last week, my files reached a record-breaking high - each stack measured two feet plus!
5) seen on a billboard at federal highway near angkasapuri - janan weds zoe. it states the date of the wedding and "i do" and the pengantin's picture. how sweet! how friggin rich are they anyway to announce their wedding on a billboard?
6) blo's birthday on 2nd june. he said this is his first birthday cake in years. thanks to me hehheh! btw blo, what a bad picture
7) me with straight hair? tak synonymous, but yum!
8) "member of the braless girls society". ira, ko buat ke tshirt ni?
Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006
oh God! [i say that phrase all the time! why??]i dont want to be me anymore.. im sick of having to work like dogs [notice the plural?], having to face either rude or gatal court clerks, having to submit lots of work which juz HAVE to be done ASAP, constantly..i want to be like mr jcs, my big boss, who only comes to the office at 2 and goes back at 4 and gets paid puluhan ribu, and gets to wear nice clothes with ugly ties and shiny shoes; gets to dye his hair like the colour of a rat; and gets people scrambling on their feet whenever he calls them [dont get me wrong, mr jcs, i still lebiuuu]my social life is turning puny too. i dont know why i cant get over my phobia of going to lotus for a drink after work with my colleagues. when the invitation comes, i usually think i can muster up the courage to go in, but when im almost there, i sorta hyperventilate and i end up making some lame excuse of having to do something else. shito. i need to tell my mom to abolish my curfew too. sigh.. but i know that if she does abolish curfew, she would still stay up until im home. how laaaa...? i have tonnes of rain checks as we speak!i need to go to the beach..
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
oh God, i have to whine so badly!what is happeninggggg?? as if it wasnt bad enough that prince william windsor is proposing to his chubby-cheeked girlfriend, my teen obsession, Z, juz HAD to get married!!!when i was in SMSU, i was SOOOOOOOOO friggin obsessed with this senior of mine, Z. he's not the cutest in school, but i'm easy to be pleased, heh! he was so damn gorgeous to me, i can't keep myself from squealing and screaming whenever i see him. haha!we werent friends, but boy, did i know how to get him to notice me! i wrote "aneez loves Z****" all over the place - in the girls' toilet, in the boys' toilet, on the school walls, floor, and ceiling, at 7-eleven, at some strategic tiang lampus and payphones, on the tables in my class and his class.. i really mean ALL OVER! as if that wasnt enough, i'd ajak someone to go 'jalan-jalan' in front of his house (usually emma who was more than happy to comply), make prank calls to his house and also to his friends' house whenever he's there and leave anonymous notes under his table. i even keep scraps of his face which i cut from the school magazine in my purse. sigh.. i loved my life then, so boy-crazy!i still fondly remember the first words he uttered when he first noticed me, "piss off". sigh.. so dreamy.. after that, when he can no longer escape my stalking eye, he asked emma, "sape budak rambut perang tu?" then he smiled at me [of course i was only 15 feet away from wherever he was]. i smiled back and continued to smile for a month! [btw, my smile was berkilat and magnetic cuz i had braces then. wasnt i hot stuff?]but the day came when he had to go to a boarding school at N9. and i'm the type of girl who unwillingly holds to the words "out of sight, out of mind", so my obsession with Z waned, but i always have a cozy soft spot for Z.PASTU HE WENT AND GOT MARRIED LAST SATURDAY! oh God! it's not like im jealous; not in the least. but i juz want to leave this obsession of mine juz the way it is, where no other girl is obsessed with him but me. and now it's totally 360. he officially has a girl who is officially more obsessed with him than "aneez".. this is not a happy ending for akuk..btw, poyo tak spelling nama "aneez" tu? haha ha!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Saturday, June 03, 2006
akuk konvo lagi laa [ngeeeeheehee!]

my girlfriends, pre-robe [paghoh, nape mung?]

honours students waiting in line [my fave pic, this] [dayah always has the brightest smile. how does she do it?]

waiting for sooo long.. we were number 870+ [encik abu shah, bleh tak downsizekan accounting? lesot den nak nunggu sumo eh] [btw, memang i saje je buat muka kuda. kau plak dod, apa alasan kau? hahaha!]

we're ermm.. listening to abu shah's speech

with ayah and mak. they're so proud! [their words, ok]

law students are seriously the most gorgeous people

min came for meeee! here posing with cik zool. [apsal gigi awak besar dan putih sangat nih min?] [i received HUGE flowers sampai tangan cramp]

photo op with LL.B honours messiah, encik basir
Saturday, June 03, 2006