Tuesday, May 30, 2006
naem said she wasnt surprised. sigh.. ponek yo..
in the presence of naem who loves me so much
ahhh.. my gorjes friends and i
ni apa bende ni?
nijoh jugak yang normal
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
to this huge blob of golden heart:
my best friend
my daily journal
my stylist
my handsome driver
my picker-upper
my badboy mechanic
my bodyguard
my bright future
my comedy central
my waiter
my musician
my fire
my fire extinguisher
my dagu platform
my trophy boyfriend
my tv
my sexy sportstar
my story-teller
my zen
my agony aunt
my home
my self
my four-year-old today
my very own muhaimin
the best gift ive ever received
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
as promised, am's bday pix depicted:

having fun waiting..

am's surprised face. haha!

cutting the cake

with my girls. cant wait to see u'all at konvo!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
eeee benci betul ngan laki gatal! [min, awak jangan la nak gatal-gatal, nyampah la saye]
macam smalam, i was inside a lift, on my daily way up to ccm to do some company searches. ada this guy who was standing juz one foot away, facing me and staring at me. at first i didnt notice, then instinctively i looked at him.
he was still staring intently at me.
i looked away.
hhee waass ssstilll ssssstaaaringggg [bodo betul]
then i balas dia punya stare dengan my muka singa, our eyes locked for about 10 seconds. lama gak ah!
then he gave me this shito smile and looked away.
HAHA! PADAN MUKA! nak lawan mata dengan hanizah, memang tak ah.
but that wasnt the longest i ever gaze-battled with a laki gatal. there was this time inside a lift jugak, at klia - an old guy whose wife was beside him, stared at me lama gile, it mustve been about a full minute!
so is stared back for God knows how long! and of course i won - he looked away first.
[ingatkan nak buat drama sket - nak ngade-ngade mengadu kat my dad who was beside me, "Ayyyahhhh! tengok la laki tua niiii!" Haha, but NAK JAGA HATI BINI KO, nasib baik aku tak buat]
eeee tolong la! i tak tahan betul la. takut dari mata turun ke hati plak theeheehee!
Saturday, May 06, 2006