Saturday, April 29, 2006
i spy with my sexy eye..
elin's initial cita-cita: to be a jedi (unexposed file pic)
[bunyi background: "tssssssjuuuu.. tsssssjuuu...."]
malaysia's two most pretentious people. what is with that horrible accent?
and you think u have the worst job. try being a piles specialist
in min's car. apesal tangan aku bosar sangat ah?
the most beautiful building - my 2nd office, the bankruptcy court
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
my car's air-cond broke. firstly, the cute mechanic said that it would be free cuz he juz needed to 'ketatkan' some thingamajiggy. then it turns out that it was the compressor that was broken, so he had to charge $650 + $0 upah service. i told ayah about it and i felt so guilty... SIX HUNDRED BUCKS! BAAANYAKK TUUU... i told ayah that i would pay half of it (only), so i asked min to drive me to the atm to withdraw the last of my pennies, which left me with $18 to survive in Kuala Lumpur for a week. i was all pumped up and ready to puasa for five straight days and ask some people for my janji-melayu hutang. no big i was handing over my last moolahs to ayah, he said "give it to your mak". so i gave it to my mak and mak asked me "ada duit ke tak?", of course la i said "ada".then ayah said "but u said by the end of the month selalu tak cukup". so i said "ala, bleh survive."PASTU I KENA MARAH. "kaklang, ure not earning yet. tak payah nak bayar apa-apa. nanti dah dapat gaji baru la boleh kasi mak ngan ayah duit every month" [cliche tak?]i argued, "tapi anis nak start pay for sume benda sikit-sikit"mak said, "tak payah la. nah, amik balik duit ni""taknaaaak!"[theehee! that's my four-year-old self emerging]"AMBIK!"i whimpered, "..ala.." so i HAD to take my money back. sigh.. "thank you.."am i not the LUCKIEST GIRL ON EARTH? especially in the financial department. eventho kena marah, tapi marah yang ada reverse effect cuz im gaining from it. best ada parents yang understanding, albeit my tak-kepuasan hati. takpe! takpe!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
have i told u peeps how much i like to minat kat orang? haha! not the full-on, in-yer-face kind of minat; i like the quiet, mysterious, from afar kind of minat [soghi, min. terima je la saye seadanye haha]i dunno why, everywhere God place me [smksu, driving school, rumah some distant cousin, uitm, stw&d], i like to focus on one [ok la, im lying. actually several] cute guy(s) juz to look at. u know the feeling la rite - whenever they look at u or talk to you, u feel all flushed and shy and all giddy... [sounds geli, but i like this kind of geli!]then usually, they'd notice and start to act kinda weird around u. haha! then whenever u talk to them, however professional u try to be, U CANT! u get all self-conscious about where to put ur hands, whether to smile lebih sket or not..AND usually, when things get a bit out of hand [macam tetiba muka dia tu sengehhhh je semacam, macam dia minat kita gak] i back off cuz i mesti tetiba tak suka dah. luckily, this minat thing only happens with people i juz met, cuz once ure friends with them, tak best dah to minat them. information influx, la this whole package of feeling! so naughty! in life, u have to have a bit of setan inside u, if not, penat je hidup, jadi tak best langsung. i cant imagine HANIZAH being this nice girl, juz duduk tak buat ape-ape... nice? lagi geli! yuck! i have to [HAVE TO] roam my sexy peepers!so here's my thanks to all the guys i previously and currently minat, for the wonderful feeling of blushy-ness, giddy-ness, shyness and for my fantasies (ooh, aniz, u naughty, naughty girl) [nb: some of these are not their real names] :
zaber [the ultimate fanatic-minat story],
muka senyum,
fared (Arwah),
andrew and his brother leonard (kadang2 tu i like threesomes),
pencurik pensel,
mamat indon yang i interviewed,
brader yg jaga computer kat law fac tu,
my distant cousin kat oberseas (dont worry, no incest involved),
etc, etc, etc (ada yang taktau nama pun).
[min, jangan risau, pape pun, saye still minat gile kat awak]
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
suddenly im surrounded by weird relationship problems. some of it are mine, others are my friends'. and it's not juz relationships with friends, some have marriage issues, family issues and boss-employee issues pun ada gak. suddenly im the one these people come to talk to. im more than happy to listen, but ive got weird things going on within me too. why ah? weird..
Saturday, April 08, 2006
weh, dengar la ni.. the other day tetiba my firmmate bart said "weh aniz, u wearing make-up ah?" then he goes to my other firmmate ong, while pointing at my face "weh ong, u notice or not she's wearing make up?"how depressing! i wasted 7 minutes of every morning for 9 years putting on foreign things on my face, and people havent noticed? oi! wear specs la! mangkuk betul
Saturday, April 08, 2006

ey, please la, let there be an end to mullet haircuts. sure la it was the fad in the 80s tapi, skarang kan dah tahun 2006. eee tak sanggup la tunggu mamat2 kat kl tu yang sporting mullets nak cross zebra crossing. nyampah betul
Saturday, April 08, 2006