Thursday, March 30, 2006

the happiest girl turned 24 today!
[honestly, ada skali je aku nampak kau moody, and kalo bleh nak lupa terus]
nobody deserves to be as lucky as you do.
kawen cepat weh. aku tak sabar nak belikan prezen buku kama sutra aku tuh heh heh heh!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
hahak hak hahak! teeeeeeeeeeeeeee [aku nak gelak pussycat dolls dalam lagu 'beep"] ada this one time last month kot, aku ngan min pegi kedai kopi kat shah alam. on the way there, dekat roundabout masjid negeri, ada eksiden. a motorbike strewn on the side of the road, a guy lying limp beside the curb and another guy mencangkung, obviously realy shocked, looking at his friend yang tengah lie down tu. most probably juz pengsan la.since i was the one driving, i asked min to call the ambulance la. so we then proceeded to kedai kopi la. masa tengah park kereta, ada this red wira with a couple inside. i thought they were kissing, so i saje je jalan slow sebab nak tengokthen they got out of the car, and this girl was sobbing uncontrollably. another girl came from the lake and the crying girl mula cite la through her sobs, "..pastu dia langgar depan.."at that moment, me and min juz looked at each other, stunned. what was going through my head was "ah, gilo.. we're witnesses now?!"but then again, maybe the couple pun witness jugak, cuz the guy tu muka selamba gile. and he was the one who was in the driver's seatafter makan, i decided to write a note stating "I KNOW WHAT U DID" and clip in dekat their windshield wiper. sebab tu aku nak jugak gelak macam pussycat dolls.macam jahat, tapi macam best lagi plak. ala, mana bleh tuduh orang langgar orang, cuz we didnt see. maybe pompuan tu saje je nangis sebab ada attention deficiency disorder daripada boipren dia, nak laki tu pegang2 dia ke..
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
we celebrated am's birthday last saturday. her birthday is next week, but since paghoh was in town, we decided that we HAD to make it in advance!the party was tentatively at 4pm and i had to buy the cake. but i had to go to the office that morning and my work tak siap-siap sampai 3.50pm, so i had to call mazia to buy the cake. nasib baik mazia bleh beli. whew![my sorrys to dod. she came to my office to carpool, tapi i was tardy cuz of work, and i had no choice to make her tardy too heehee!]it worked out well as am was surprised! hahaha! weh am, masih terngiang-ngiang di telinga capang aku words kau "nanti birthday aku, korang takyah nak buat surprise-surprise eh". macam laaa gadis-gadis cun ni nak dengar..tapi, cant post the pix la, cuz my comp got revamped, and i cant install the camera cuz i cant find the CD. and all my files (my pictures! hons 2 class pix, dinner pix, pd pix, baby sedare pix) are all GONE!!! im gonna have to ask for copies from my i'll post the pix later, dunno when la. weh, apsal blog aku boring gile ni? takde gambar langsung. ada party pix takleh download plak.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
juz when i thought im this useless piece of toot, my boss says:"Hanizah, if u want to resign, you have to give two years notice, haha!"
[btw, if ure wondering how this resignation topic came around, i didnt whine to him about my depressing helplessness; we were talking about this lawyer who's resigning]isnt he the nicest? mr. j, i know a lot of people dont really like working under you [since youre a workaholic perfectionist], but i do. NGEEEE!and i got my short-call! woohoo! that means i can appear in court already! but only in chambers la, not in open court. tak kisah la tu.the short-call ceremony was done in court. and since it's a once-in-a-lifetime event, me and bart donned our new shirts [he even wore perfume and he didnt sleep cuz he was so excited!] but it took about 10 seconds je in front of the judge tu! tahpape! ponek yo!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
btw, congratulations to my faiwy fwens mazia and elin, and a bunch of others who will be under the wings of ghani patail. i hope u peeps will get the better end of everything, my darlings. maybe i'll see you on the other side. [sigh.. what am i gonna do without mazia within 5 feet of me? im already lost as it is. sedeyyy wey]
Sunday, March 12, 2006
maybe im juz not meant to be a lawyer. i make WAAAAYYYY too much stupid mistakes, im simply not born with the clarity of thought and the ability to multi-task, and im not tactical enough. i even stutter and have difficulty in finding the right words, even during simple pupillage is starting to take its toll on me. i get tired easily. i think too much in doing something, it slows me down. the workload is getting heavier by the minute, how am i going to cope?my super-duper-nice master is starting to get annoyed, and although i try to change, it's still the same. no result. im going kaput.ive exhausted my spirit [which, fyi, ive already expanded to its limits].and with my emotional support, shoulder and ear gone [iaitu mazia], im going down realllly steadily..oh God. im currently a huge blubber of panic!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
sial.[the hell with manners. hanizah is angry. it's my space anyway, so i can use all the four-letter words that i want]on tuesday haritu i had to follow my master and another lawyer to to melaka for a hearing. i had to be at the perkarangan of our office by 6.45 a.m. being the good chambee that i am, i reached there at 6.20.the only place up and BUZZLING and BRIGHT was restoran Lotus, a 24-hour mamak restaurant at Jalan TAR, in front of Maju Junction [am i being descriptive enough?]. there were other patrons there also and it seemed the most reasonable place to be, so i parked my car right in front of the restaurant.since it was quite early, i went inside the restaurant and ordered a drink. then suddenly my bladder failed me, so i juz HAD TO GO TO THE TOILET! [MY FIRST MISTAKE]. i cant go to the toilet in my office building cuz lagi la bahaya]. the toilet at the restaurant is at the back, and another entrance had to be i went. it was co-ed, and there were 3 toilet stalls, all were empty, and i went into the farthest one [MY SECOND MISTAKE. LADIES, USE THE TOILET NEAREST TO THE EXIT]when i was inside, someone tried to push open my door. i was TERRIFIED, i tried to think of something. i was thinking of calling someone from my handphone, but who? and what use would that bring - the person on the other line wont be there!the only viable weapon that i had in my handbag was my carkeys. i placed each key in between my fingers, so that it would have the effect of a knuckle, a type of weapon [which i think was smart, considering it's the only resource that i had, but bart laughed like a gay chicken when i told him. huh!!]i had this sudden rush of bravery and strength, so i SLAMMED open the door, and as i suspected, there was this guy outside, wearing the Lotus uniform, in front of the 1st stall....AND HIS PANTS WAS OPEN, HANGING AT HIS KNEES!!!!!"oh shit!"i kept my game-face on, and QUICKLY walked past through to the toilet exit. he had this SICK PSYCHOTIC smile on his face. Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, Alhamdulillah, he didnt touch me. i quickly rushed to my office building. after that it occured to me, i shouldve reported it to the restaurant's manager or something, but after a few days, until today, i cant walk past that restaurant without hyper-ventilating and shaking and wanting to cry. i can't go back! [it was so close, that asshole was all ready for action!] so forgive me girls, for i cant put a future rapist in do you understand my vulgarity?i think what made me safe was the surge of bravery. thanks to Allah and that class with Mr. Uva "How To Turn Your Fear Into Anger" [girls, tak payah martial arts ke, pepper-spray sume2 tu. if tak tau nak conquer your fear, tak guna jugak] tapi skarang, im so takut, tapi tu lain ceritasigh.. im so glad that was over. but on the 17th, i have to go back to melaka for a hearing, which means that i have to go reach KL at 6.30 am again..i juz PRAY i wont have to use a strange toilet this time..
Sunday, March 05, 2006