Friday, February 24, 2006
halaaa... apesal la aku ni...
tadi i followed my master for a lunch date with a new client. the client is a mat salleh and we ate at his hotel, so this is THE time when i had to show people, especially my master that i do HAVE and do PRACTICE the western etiquette [tho i dont think that we should tunduk to ANYTHING the westerners impose on us. blekk!] [tapi nak buat camane..]
i was listening intently to the client's story when i wanted to sip my mango juice. and of course when i brought the glass to my mouth, the juice came dripping down my shirt and my napkin was a bit soaked. if that was all, i bleh la sorok, tapi i had my file tupperware (ala, plastic box file tu) on my lap, so when the juice hit the file, it goes "tetterettereretterret"
hayo. thankfully the men were gentlemen enough to buat-buat tak dengar.
i feel so dumb.
and my master is so caring, tahap i geli sket. like this afternoon after the lunch date, we went home in a crowded monorail, and he protectively [but very verrry lightly] had his arm on the small of my back and the other arm up menghadang my front [geddit tak?] macam bodyguard. and he politely refused to answer this kakak indon's question when I was asked.
and bart yang gile has this gile idea that im in looove with my master. please la. my master's in love with me! nijoh ni irresistable ghopenye! hahah! takde la.. uugh!
and im following him and another lawyer to melaka this tuesday. let's juz PRAY that i dont snore in the car..
Friday, February 24, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006

blowing out the cair candles. the cake was yummy! thanks to elin

brand spanking new 24-year-old ana topped with confetti
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
chinese new year at stw&d

the lion came to visit and peeled my orange for me

and we sekfan-ed
and no, i DID NOT eat the poor old shark's fin
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
The rules are as follows :1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.2. Need to mention the sex of the target.3. Tag 8 victims to join this game n leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged.4. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.
1. My perfect lover doesnt have to open doors for me or drive or bring me to the clinic when i'm sick. He lets me explore my own female empowerment and abilities. [CHECK]
2. My perfect lover doesnt have to blanje me everytime we go out. id love to take the tab, honeybunny. [disclaimer for min: kengkadang je kahkahkah!] [CHECK]
3. My perfect lover cant have misai, straighten his hair, pakai baju bunga raya or have excessive bulu. Nanti if i muntah ijau, sape nak bersihkan? awaaakk jugok.. [erm..dunno about the bulu part. yeech!]
5. My perfect lover is understanding, negotiable and ada give in jugak to my needs and ngade-ngade-ness. And he knows what to do when i turn icky green during my PMS. [CHECK]
6. My perfect lover must be funny. He must have a weird sense of humour like mine. [CHECK]
7. My perfect lover and I must be able to have civil and adult-like arguments. No raising of the voice or name-calling. [CHECK]
8. My perfect lover must be named Muhaimin bin Aris and have nicknames like Muhai, Pacik Mehaimun, and Orang Tua Ni [CHECK]
[please please please let me break the rules and not tag anyone]
Thursday, February 09, 2006

Isn't she lovely
Isn't she wonderful
Isn't she precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we'd be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from love
Isn't she pretty
Truly the angel's best
Boy, I'm so happy
We have been heaven blessed
I can't believe what God has done
through us He's given life to one
But isn't she lovely made from love
this is my cousin's daughter, Nur Afrina Anis [best gile nama dia! especially nama 2nd dia] and look at that cheek! the moment i was told of her birth, terus teringat this stevie wonder nye lagu. but this lagu is best sung by her parents la
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Thursday, February 02, 2006
u know ur boyfriend suffers a worse case of PMS compared to you when:he sets the reminder on his handphone on when ure calculated to have it.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
congratulations to my oooollllddd friend, faiz who took the hand of his [seriously] cute bride hanani last saturday. the wedding was beautiful, everything was in lilac. weh, buat anak cepat sket.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
hanizah kena tepuk dengan hantu weh!i juz got back from port dickson with my cousin's family [my pak teh's treat!]. we stayed there for 2 nights. i shared a room with my kakak and my cousin nina. we combined two super-single beds to make one huge bed la. i slept on the farthest side of the bed, beside the wall.on the first night, i was sleeping on my side, facing the wall on my left. im quite a light sleeper, so it's usual for me to wake up several times a night. so that night, i can hear kakak snoring on my right, nina walking in and out of the room and my anak buah baby eca wailing in the next room.suddenly at about 1 a.m., i heard someone right beside me calling me to wake up. it sounded like my abang, which was impossible cuz his apartment is all the way on the other end of the building. "EK'EH! BANGUN LA, BANGUN". the way it was said was as if it was so silly and tak patut for me to sleep. and i can feel light tapping on my waist.the hairs on the back of my neck went 'zinggg!'. i started to get scared but i was more confused than scared. i didnt move cuz i wasnt sure. he said the same lines again, then i felt as if it was settling down beside me, in between my kakak and i. [we were wearing selimut, so if weight was put on it, i bleh rasa]then he started to mention my name, "HANIZAH! BANGUN LA, BANGUN". but this time it sounded like abang reza, my cousin's husband. memang tak logik la if abang reza nak kejut kan i macam tu haha!nonetheless, at that time, it felt more logic than it being my brother, cuz abang reza's room was juz next beside ours. the hairs on my back started to relax, so i WANTED TO pusing and bangun la, but it juz didnt feel right. the hairs went 'zinngg!' again. so memang confirm it wasnt human la.then i was shaking so badly, my head wasnt even sitting right on the pillow. he kept calling me and tapping my waist suruh i bangun. i started to baca whatever surah or doa that i can think of, so dengan tak relevant-sangat-nye, i baca "Allahuakbarkabiraw.." halfway through, i mula ingat ayat Kursi, so i whispered that out. kali ketiga i repeated the ayat, baru la i felt the tapping stop, and the thing bangun from beside me. but i was scared pissed, i baca for how many times sampai i puas hati.all i can think of now is, nasib baik i tak open my eyes and pusing to face the fellar. EEE... dah la i dulu pernah mimpi muka [what i think was] SETAN. with drool stringing down its face! burok. BUROK! PADAN MUKA KAU SSETANNN!! [tu dialog labu labi haha!]MORAL OF THE STORY: nak masuk hotel ke, mana-mana pun, cakap Salam. pastu nak tido tu baca ayat Kursi ke pape ke. jangan jadi macam nijoh, excited sangat nak tido.tapi kan, macam mana that thing bleh tau my full name? nobody in my family or my cousin's family call me HANIZAH. dia tengok i/c kot. tapi i takde la nak tayang my MYKAD baru tu sebab muka huduh, ada beguk. so tengah kompius skarang ni..
Wednesday, February 01, 2006