Sunday, December 25, 2005
Resolution 2006hear ye! hear ye! hanizah made it through another year not remembering what her 2005 resolution was! macam biase seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya..maybe it was too far-fetched. maybe it was just too forgettable. so im juz gonna stick to Hanizah Halimi's reality this time.this year's resolution! [bleh la bubuh bunyi trumpet kat sini..]- Stop assuming that somebody's gonna take care of me financially. I'm a big girl. I'll be earning soon. Juz because I have well-to-do family and a boyfriend, doesnt mean that they'll always have my back. I need to stop thinking like a [MALAY] GIRL. so there.
- Stop saying words / phrases that have no meaning, eg. "like"/"macam", "you know", "and stuff/things like that". the world is so driven with the 'im so dumb it's cute' trend that even the most powerful woman is caught [shame on you, Oprah]
- Stop dreaming of long luscious hair. My hair is dry and brittle, extremely poufy and i have absolutely no tolerance if my hair is past my shoulders. I need to embrace that. [my mantra: at least i have hair. at least i have hair.]
- Start on my anti-wrinkling regime.
- Smile more. I love how contagious it is!
i hope i'll be able to achieve all this THIS YEAR. i cant believe my brain is capable of grasping on maturity. im starting to feel like superwoman! [ok la, that's exaggerating. not 100% superwoman, maybe just 15% or just a portion of her lutut]
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Interview Snafui got a place for chambering! it's juz beside maju junction in jalan sultan ismail, a place in kl that im most familiar with [fyi, i have no sense of bearing and have difficulty in remembering road names and, well, roads]initially, i didnt intend to be a chambee there. i first got accepted at another firm in jalan kg. attap, a place notorious with gangsters. then i heard mazia was accepted at the firm at jln sultan ismail and would be receiving rm400 more than i was, [banyak tuuuuhh!!] so i switched. heee!at the interview, seperti biase, hanizah wasnt thinking and juz blurted things ikut sedap muluuuuut je. when Interviewer 1 masuk je, i didnt call him "Mister", juz by his name. and i had the nerve to show him the certificate i got for the Law Dining and Etiquette where "we were taught table etiquette and how to address people and.."[all that came to mind was farid kamil's character in 7 perhentian saying "stooopitt! stooopitt!"] [disclaimer: not that i watched the movie. my kakak was watching it and showed the part where he said it. i didnt know it was a funny movie!]and i opened the flood gate by saying "we are actually used to working late into the night".. sigh.. there goes ur tido until pencen, hanizah.. and i continued by saying " im okay with working a bit late, as long as it's safe" but i didnt continue plak by saying " to go back". they mustve thought that i think that their firm isnt "safe", cuz there was a slight pause on their part. again, farid kamil's line..and when both interviewers walked out, Interviewer 2 didnt shake my hand cuz he's Muslim, so i didnt shake Interviewer 1's hand also, who is Chinese. hanizaaaahhh..... mende la aku ni!!!!but why i got accepted is beyond me! im starting on 3 January, which is one day after mak & ayah's flight to Mekah. it seems like i have a lot of repairing to do..
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
suddenly "goodbye" seems like such a bad word
on tuesday we had our "last" aktiviti geng. i dont mean for it to sound so depressing, but it is the "last" aktiviti geng as students la. we will definitely meet again when we're rich and powerful lawyers, hopefully within two months la. ha ha.
anyway, my day was full of angelic faces. pagi-pagi we went for breakfast at mamak, then we went to bukit cahaya seri alam for some silly bike ride. so penat! nenek dah lama tak naik beskel ni..

and i touched snow for the first time when we went into the four seasons house. i was hoping my first time would be in london ke, paris ke, tapi takpe la, best jugak. it was soooo sejuk, cuz we had only t-shirts on! ye la, nak naik beskel. there was a sign that limits bukit cahaya's liability after 3 minutes inside the snow house. it was sejuk gile, i wouldnt be surprised if somebody kena hyperthermia dalam tu.
then we went for karaoke. we sang for 3 hours! sambil tu, we celebrated elin's birthday in advance. mula-mula tu i noticed elin was monyok cuz she mustve thought, "since it's the last aktiviti geng, mesti la bebudak ni celebrate birthday aku malam ni". but it didnt happen in the first hour.
then the waiter came in with a birthday cake. and we sang the birthday song and elin cut the cake. it was so much fun. haha! elin, ko kena tipu!
[bawah ni my fave picture of paghoh, with cheezels on her head. macam ulat. macam burung pun ada gak. at least we know paghoh would look smokin' as an ulat or a burung la. muahaha!]
after we were done karaoke-ing, each of us gave a short speech, with spice girls' "goodbye" as the background music [iza is an expert in setting the mood. party planner la katakan]. everyone started to cry, except for me and paghoh. i was telling paghoh "what is wrong with us?!?".
then when it was my turn to give the speech, of course la i couldnt hold my tears. its so sad that we can't see each other as often as before. and paghoh is so far away in terengganu.
[bakpe mung dudok jauh sangak, paghoh? aku dok ghindu mung. kalau mung ghindu aku, mung menaghi la tariang yang aku ajar dekak PD haritu, kalau tak pung, nyanyi lagu fazley atau gerak khas. gerenti mung tok ghindu kak aku sangak doh]
then we went to Kedai Kopi for a late dinner and then said goodbye with a silly group hug at midnight. apparently, i havent mastered the Hug yet cuz paghoh was complaining that my chin kept poking into her shoulder and it was kinda sakit. sori la. nanti aku praktis dengan jejaka-jejaka kat luar tu key?
if i were to describe it in one word, it would be "bittersweet" but it was more sweet than bitter. it would be bitter not seeing my friends on an almost daily basis and spending time doing crazy things together. but it's sweet cuz they are the nicest persons i have ever met. let's have some examples, shall we?
they are so damn supportive sampai, this one time, i was fooling around with the slippery lantai and i fell, and they all quickly sat on the lantai with me to make it less obvious. i call it my "angel network" [see, im becoming more like oprah]. muhaimin tahap respek when i told him this.
they are supremely thoughtful, celebrating each of our birthdays. it's supposed to be a surprise each time, but after a while, memang tau la akan ada "surprise party". but we made our surprised faces anyway [hee!]. and there's always some other persons [usually the birthday girl's boyfriend] that will be pestered to make the whole thing work out. can i live without these angels?
as ive told am, im currently experiencing some separation anxiety. camana nak cure ni?
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
tadi, am, farah, mazia and i had lunch at Laksa Shack at pyramid. whilst we were eating, four gersang boys sat beside our table and started to bukak line ["samekom.. samekom.. abang sebelah saye ni nak berkenalan"]. eee..nyampah betul. we of course la tak layan muka-muka botol tu.and tadi, whilst i was having my shower, i came up with:Cara-Cara Untuk Meng-annoy Balik Lelaki-Lelaki Gersang yang Bukak Line Kat Kita
Tebalkan bibir seksi anda. Tonggekkan sikit posture anda. Secara dramatik dan perlahan, pusing kepala anda untuk memandang mereka dengan mata juling.
Buat seolah-olah anda membuat panggilan telefon dan kata dengan mengada-ngada [loudly enough], "Ayah.. Ayah kat manaaa..? Ayah turun la kat tingkat bawah kejap, ada laki kat meja sebelah kacau adik....... Ok adik tunggu"
Deepen suara anda dan dalam nada flirty seperti bapok kata, "Ek'ee.. Nyah memang suka jantan-jantan rambut pacak ni. Aw."
tu je la that i managed to think of during my shower. but i havent had the chance to implement it yet. if any of you dah try, tell me eh! sama-sama lah kita kenakan balik mereka-mereka itu. heeeeheeeheeeeee!!!
Friday, December 09, 2005
yesterday min and i went to one utama for shopping. we broke my personal record of 8 hours of shopping when we bertahan for 10 hours. yaaaaah! anyway, we ate at Rasa Penang for lunch. i had 'mee kari rasa penang' and it was delicious. but 3/4 of the way, i saw a hair in between my mee. it was blaaaackk and shiinyyyy and healthy.. i was about ready to muntah ijau, so i asked min to call the waiter to complain. but he didnt want to, being the 'un-drama queen' that he is [sorry men, i havent heard 'drama KING' being used in any sentence. it's all about us women now]. then i said mana bleh, harini letak rambut, nanti esok ada lutut ke dalam mee tu. but i malas nak call the waiter cuz by then my 'mee kari rasa penang' had climbed up almost to my anak tekak. i needed gula-gula anyway so i wanted to bolt from there quickly to buy them.tapi sempat lagi, as min was paying, we tried to guess whether it was the cashier's hair [haaha!]. tapi bukan cuz his hair was dyed brown.hyoooo.... soo geli la, my food slalu ada ulat hijaus and rambuts and rumputs and bulu matas ... why must it always be me??then again, maybe it's because im aware of what's in my food. korang-korang yang tak pernah jumpa aliens dalam food korang mesti dah telan dah rambut, rumput, ulat and bulu mata tu.. eeeee.... mende korang ni....?
Friday, December 09, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005
kawang-kawang ku, if u're aware of any persons being victims of human rights abuses [eg. Aung San Suu Kyi, muslim Americans, foreign journalists in Iraq, sape-sape saje pun], visit The 10th of December is International Human Rights Day and people around the world celebrate by taking part in a global letter writing marathon. Let the voice of human rights be heard.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Monday, December 05, 2005
"I miss that town, I miss the faces
You can’t erase, you can’t replace it
I miss it now, I can’t believe it
So hard to stay, too hard to leave it
If I could relive those days
I know the one thing that would never change"
(photographs by nickelback)
on the 28th of november haritu, the whole of LL.B (hons) part 2 went to port dickson for a holiday (well, almost all, which was sad..)
our apartment for the holiday - ilham resort. the apartment was huge! but sadly, the toilets are dirty. and my baju 'watsons' as bart calls it (which was quite expensive, i must say, considering my allowance) kena curik. but fortunately that didnt dampen my fun spirit. so what la, right?
the coolest team ever - GROUP 4 ["the boboys"]! the whole class was divided into 4 groups for the sukaneka. ours was led by boboy aka K.A. (the one resting on the hamper). these are the faces yang dah kurus after the tug-o-war, among other games. dapat 3rd place and a huge hamper, that's why cik paghoh (in green tudung) suka gile! oh, but anuu is not in the picture.
the activity i was waiting for - jungle trekking! it took about 3 hours. some of us (the girls especially) had some problems, and the boys were always there to help, even to the extent of papah-ing down some slopes.
i have to say, our boys are the most gentlemen and caring boys any of you will ever meet (well, except my dad la, of course). whenever there's a flat tyre or keta rosak or nak angkat barang berat, or even nak mintak teman pegi toilet bila tengah siapkan submission at one a.m., they were always there. ALWAYS. sometimes they complain, but nonetheless, they still tolong. where else can i find guy friends like these?
the fun bunch that i just cant help falling in love with
[sory nana, ter-cover sket muka nana]
the reward for jungle trekking - unadulterated side of port dickson. i never knew pd has a clean side!
and of course, when there is ONE good picture of me [lets face it, im not the most photogenic person in the world] dod, mazia, zul and k.a. juz HAD to be in it!
the wonderful surprise.
there's a whirlpool somewhere near this pic, but i didnt masukkan into the pic
being kids (probably for the last time) with my favourite people. tu i la tu yang kena tanam. the sand berat la, i couldnt breathe. and they didnt give me the boobs i asked for!
[p/s: it annoys me when people cant tell the difference between "breathe" and "breath"]
these are my apartment-mates. this is during our last dinner together at pd. other than the planned activities, we juz resorted to the much needed lepak-ing sessions, with live music playing on the background, played by rehan and anuu. bestnye, juz sitting in the dark ramai-ramai, by the pool, singing to the tunes of the guitar.
fun distorted.
we also conquered the buaian and the jongkang jongket hee!
ala, i wish i could show the video we made interviewing mazia on her experience tegolek from the jongkang jongket [jimin buat!], but i dunno how to put a video kat sini..
going home in dod's car. dod was kind enough to hantar us balik, while the others took the bus. lollipop courtesy of elin.
before that, what u didnt see was the tearful goodbye. it was juz so sad and so damn difficult holding back the tears when you finally realize how difficult it would be to see your favourite bunch of people again. after 5 1/2 years of being together day and night, it would be difficult to adjust. i dunno how other people do it, but im having a hard time stomaching goodbyes. thats why i hate airports.
its wonderful when all the not so nice things we have done to each other [intentionally or not] have juz vanished. of course la, everyone cant espace from making mistakes in the 5 1/2 years, but it juz disappeared when the goodbyes, embraces and kisses were exchanged.
there is a feeling of being reborn.
that means that it's starting. my new phase of life. dont like it!! [well, not yet la. when i earn my millions, i'll bagitau how i feel lagi skali key!] in the mean time, i juz have to be happy being lost.
Monday, December 05, 2005