Friday, November 25, 2005

a bunch of us went to am's house last weekend for "makan-makan sket". thankfully, am informed us of the dress code, which i gladly complied with. i think malays should don their baju kurungs when visiting for raye. it's just what "miss manners" would do (not that i usually ikut cakap "miss manners").
i drove to the open house with elin, kak su, bon and zimah. driving with bon is whole new experience. dia suruh cilok masuk simpang yang almost impossible to attempt la (which made me scream), and lalu atas bump one tyre at a time la (which i was skeptical about). obviously anis needs to get out more.
the food at am's was abundant, so much, so many types. sodaap! but we couldnt stay long cuz bon and i had other engagements after that.
went to mazia's house to makan-makan also yesterday. been dreaming of stuffing my face with briyani and yesterday dapat! yey!
our lecturers are also there, which made me feel awkward when naem and i arrived cuz we were the only students there at first. klaka je cuz naem and i tak tau nak berdiri kat mana. haha!
of course i wore my baju kebaya and i soraaang kawan mazia yang pakai traditional clothes. sigh.. nasib baik im not self-conscious like i used to be three years ago. (its one of the things i juz LOVE about growing into a full-blown adult).
but i didnt bring my camera la, nanti la i'll ask from am and post it here.
Friday, November 25, 2005

the ketumbeks are out to get me! berbaris plak tuh! what is wrong with me la?
tengok la ni, ketumbek 1 is the permanent one, ketumbek 2 just hinggap-ed 2-3 days ago.
dulu i joked to zul (who sat near my place in class) that ketumbeks are contagious and mazia (who sat next to me) would have ketumbeks lining up her eye.
tengok2 mulut miss hanizah masin. miss hanizah plak tu yang kene. sigh..
i imagine if i were to enter the malaysia's most beautiful contest tu, and yasmin ahmad were to ask me "What do you have that's extra?", i would definitely answer my ketumbeks la. what else is there to answer la?
tapi no worries for me. i still feel libidolicious, as always.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Saturday, November 12, 2005

wehweh! nampak tak "Minyak Anis" tulis kat paket ubat batuk ni?
see, i told u peeps i was gonna be famous. ..tapi taktau plak macam gini rupanye. my ex suke la tu, dulu dia tuduh i suka "juwe minyok".
i wonder which part of anis dia amik the minyak from.. ewww...
aku pun tak tau kenapa aku amik gambar monyet ni.
masa tu nak gi kelas, lalu jalan dekat loji blakang tu. skali nampak monyet ni, aku terpanggil nak stop kan keta, kuarkan camera dan amik gambar dia. macam ada connection la dengan encik ni..
Saturday, November 12, 2005
my 2005 raye

same 'ol same 'ol la, balik kampung at negeri sembilan, play with my cousins, main bunga api and mercun
i was in awe ... the mercun supply this year was too cool! bosar-bosar! tobakar rumput maklong den. longkang pun pocah gak eh. dono where they got those from.
the usual sight of raya that i can never live without. explosions macam merdeka celebration.
haa..this i CAN live without. study time raye? bosan nak mampos. ngamuk tahap nak mintak baju gaban. tapi anything for you mister rajes..
enjoy it while it lasts - being receivers of duit raye. next year we would be the 'receivees'. bosan siut
i was so surprised that negeri sembilan named the road to my uwan's house after my late grandfather Haji Kassim b. Salleh. terer la tuk!

this is while we were raya-ing at bon's house. biasela, dia bukannye nak serenade aku dengan main organ old school dia tu. but otherwise, he was such a wonderful host, with a little help from his hostess (the one in green tudung heee!). ooo zimah! rajin betul amikkan air dan cuci pinggan ye? bagus bagus.
elin tu tengah tunggu usop. siap pakai kebaya biru lagi. tapi bon kate usop tak datang. aww...
his house is so comfortable tahap borak sampai berapa jam. and his adik fatiha (in pink) kecik-kecik dah cun.
yesterday went to mollie's house. the food is soooo good as usual - negeri sembilan meets jowo. went with min and i met my wonderful school friends - amliy with her brother ciklan (who btw, minat gile kat telur!), fadhilah and raina. tapi tak amik gambar la dol.
and i met ramai gile guys whom i had crushes for masa skolah. all in all, open house umah mollie is best gile. kheheheehee!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Thursday, November 10, 2005
after watching it, it feels like ive just had a holiday. and having my makteh's amazingly delicious mint brownies. totally refreshing idea. who'd ever think of making a movie of a movie delivery boy?
my first comment to anuu (who somehow ada telepathetic connection to my brain - i was looking for the dvd merata kat pj and he suddenly datang and offer nak kasik pinjam vcd ni) was "memang movie yang orang mesia takkan boleh buat". but later "tapi lepas tengok movie ni, mesti ada yang nak buat macam tu jugak". hohoho!
i dont ever think that we can come up with this type of movie, with the graphics idea (luv it!), quirkyness, awkwardness, seriousness, innocent-ness all in one friggin bowl. the way they put it in such a way that delivering the movie is one of the most important job in the world; the way they made the detailed study about the types of movie-goers; the way the series of events evolved - luv it! and the way the movie is made to look as if it was made in one day - reminds me of empire records, tapi in a totally unique and novel way. tak cliche langsung langsung langsung. best! best!

chicken little (yaaaawn..) limp. a bore. like how negeri sembilanians would say - "lesot" (it's the way we describe leafy vegetables yang dah tak fresh, dah kena makan ulat sket, and limp). i disrupted my studying schedule to watch this? i thought i was smarter than that! ngabih'an bogheh den yo..
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
raye is here!
me going back to my luvly, serene and beloved kampung.
nak jumpa uwan eden.
tapi takde sape nak bagi makan ikan.
enjoy it peepes! cuz bila balik kena baca bukuuuu..
btw, it's our LAST raye where we can kompol duit raye
selamat mengompol!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
ey! look what i found!
peeps, im so glad we were born in the 80s.
cuz if we were born in the 70s, mesti kita sume minat maikel.
if sume minat maikel, mesti sume marah if letak gambar ni muahahaha!
mesti i pun marah kat blog sendiri muahahahaa!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005