Monday, October 31, 2005
M U K A T A K M A L U !
tak sedar-sedar diri lagi?!
dah la menumpang rumah mak bapak, senang-senang je bleh lari suka-suka hati.
nak cakap dungu, dah besar.
derhaka. nauzubillahiminzalik..
just look around ur room, every SINGLE thing was bought by your parents. every single cell in your body was fed by your parents. they still are eating off your parents' cents.
remember your parents? takkan tak ingat kot? the ones whom you called ******? lupa?
i hate selfish people. i hate people who disregard their own parents.
well, put two and two together, i must hate YOU too.
derhaka. GO TO HELL!!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
i deserve a good spanking!
(can somebody tolong me with this please?)
i havent been taking care of myself lately.
i have a 2-week-old cold. the phlegm gets so thick and green and icky around this time. hard to breathe jugak sometimes.
my upper earlobe piercing is closed. i wanted it to remain until (as i always tell people) "ala, nanti bila mak mertua nak tengok, remove for good la". now it's gone... forever. and im not planning to pierce another one, cukup la three piercings left. but then again... (evil "hehe!")
and i have a possibly permanent ketumbek on my right eye. i got it last thursday, which swelled and dwelled on until today. it never burst or secreted any yellow goo. i went to see the doctor (the monday after that) and he said that since i went to seek medical attention too late, the insides of the ketumbek has become one with the body (he named it "fibriosis".. camtu la bunyi dia) and probably permanent. he said if it doesnt go away by after raye, its here to stay.
im actually okay with it cuz i dont think it's too visible (im not gonna give you pleasure of showing you the picture okay), but other people seem to think that it is. is my appearance more important to other people than myself? buruk sket ape la salahnye
but i do hope that it'll go away, mostly because it attracts light and it shines haha!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
watching the funeral whilst in the moot court
as we all know, datin seri hendon passed on on thursday. saddened as everyone was, i was marvelled on how much nice things people can say about her.
it pays off being nice during your lifetime. eventho memang sume orang ada buat silap during their lifetime, tapi the nice things would definitely prevail.
i wonder what people will say about me when i die..
but i know what i'll say about other people:
light-hearted, a lot of fun, pemurah
(dan mereng, tapi aku takkan cakap kau mereng dalam eulogy kauhaha)
had a very deep focus, rajin and positive.
happening, flirty, and thoughtful.
light-hearted, imaginative, positive.
gile-gile, thoughtful, extremely creative.
thoughtful, sweet, rajin.
happening, helpful, talkative.
gile, helpful, sweet.
thoughtful, funny, sweet, sexy, tak kasar, pemurah, cute, caring
(sori la peeps, tang orang tua ni banyak sket. ye la, orang tua ni mana bleh di-share2. aku kesian kat korang cuz korang tak tau dia camane muahahahahaha!)
thoughtful, brave, talkative.
talkative, happening, smart.
peeps! dont change! kalo tak aku kena pikir benda lain la plak..
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
who can notice the similarity in all these pics?

8.30 a.m. til 12.30 a.m.

1.30 p.m. til 3.30 p.m.

3.30 p.m. til 5.00 p.m.
Friday, October 21, 2005
the nicest man on earth (literally) sponsored a satay party for the people who love him most (us la!).
tuan lee is so nice, im starting to think that he probably has a superman outfit under that shirt, complete with the red spender.
he's so baik, he brings tears to my eyes..

tengah stuffing our faces with delicious free satay for buka puasa

tuan lee's trying to stuff MY face

marliza & associates with our beloved tuan lee
(mazia merenung masa depan - dgn tuan lee perhaps?)

i adore him so much tahap nak make out with the guy
my tuan lee's favourite ayat:
"aku naik krete apii, aku cium dia sampai pulau pinang. salah ke tak salah?"
(us: "salaaaahh")
"apekeee kesalahan aku? ade ke tade?"
(for the peeps who dont know, he's the criminal procedure lecturer, so memang la bagi contoh camtu)

how do i live without these people?
Friday, October 21, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005
on sunday we had the national client counseling competition. uitm managed to go into the finals but we got second and ukm got first. bart and jas represented uitm and they did great. baru nak gi wales tengok the finals if uitm menang (chey, banyak naa ke duit ko nis?) tapi takpela, second place best gak.

this morning we had the intellectual property career prospect (whatever they called it) so our class was cancelled. eventho ngantuk during the seminar (cuz the hall was so dark) but mazia and i managed to draw up a plan for our careers:
finish pupillage, sit for the patent agent exam, apply for a job at WIPO, practice as a patent agent worldwide for 2 years, come back and resume our normal lives as advocates and solicitors. praying this will come true!!!

dod chugging on milk while jimmy looks on; when jehan miskin said "she's my partner" ... "i'll wrestle you (rashid salleh) to get her". ive never minat-ed jehan miskin before, but he's such a gentleman, i cant help it!
this morning the star newspaper came and brought jehan miskin, jimmy, rashid salleh, anding and douglas lim. dod entered into a milk-chugging contest. urs lovely entered into a contest where i had to 'date' jehan miskin and make up a sentence with four words given by them. i stupidly gave my stupid answer. so much fun!

our prizes! milk! belgian chocolate and french vanilla.
im lactose intolerant, but it tastes so good i minum 2 cans.
now i sakit perut all..
Monday, October 03, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005

i won second prize for the faculty logo design competition! hehehhee! i didnt expect to win la, cuz zein (my adorable adek cum law soc's ex-mr. president) said there are many people who took part and there's even a graduate from art and design taking part (memang tak aci ah). but Alhamdulillah. tapi best gak if i won first place, cuz then my cucu can say "logo law fac tu my nana yang design". oh well..
i went alone to take the prize during 'no wine and cheese' party cuz my classmates had puan hendon's class. so i juz lepak with miss liza la. when i went to take the prize , everyone else was eating, so no one else bothered when they announced my name. but miss liza stood up and hollered "whoooooooo!!!" lama gile! isn't that sweeeeet? heheheheee!
but ayo adek! kenapa salah eja "2nd" tuhhh? mende..

the hamper i won at dinner! abundance of famous amos and chocolates..sangat heavenly..

isnt this the coolest t-shirt? when i saw it i instantly bought it! bukan senang nak dapat wo!
i love my subang...
Saturday, October 01, 2005