Wednesday, July 27, 2005
i suck in maths but i can still put two and two together see..
class dah start + schoolwork = no more tv
haha! bodo!
it has only been 3 weeks of classes tapi i can barely keep my eyes open in mr rajes' class. so ngantuk! and mister bon yang tersengguk-sengguk beside me makes me more bersemangat nak tido. for the first time, baru la nampak the negative side of those bangun-at-noon rituals i love to do so much masa cuti. patutla orang2 tua tak kasi tido after subuh.. halaa..
ira is meeting her skolah crush mister hamadah, my second cousin whom i never knew existed until about now. dunno why, tapi i nyibuk nak feel giddy jugak muahahaha!
[btw, why do they call it 'crush'? chicken soup kata its cuz 'crushes' never 'bloom', hence the word. tapi for ira, aku nak gi wedding ko and hamadah ko!]
btw, my current mood is still 'in lust'. lamanye! bile nak abih ni? [hee!]
im supposed to prepare my family law presentation and submission and my partnership file NOW. hyo, takde mood nye..
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Sunday, July 24, 2005

tiba-tiba rasa sedih plak cuz dah final semester
tengok bon and thariq buat apa when i suruh diorang lawa-lawa masa amik gambar ni hehehe!
Sunday, July 24, 2005

before the event seperti biase ekshen for sooting dulu
paghoh, me, mazia, elin, dod

[l-r] anu playing the bass,
everyone's favourite teddybear bon (who is no longer on the market..sob sob..),
daud serenading his honeybunny [heee!],
and rehan doing his steve vai bit

AAAA!!! NANA!! nak sain! nak sain!
photography session with the famous artist

bart showing a kodak moment: [gasp!] ubai cuci pinggan
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Mazia's Surprise Party

iza waiting in suspense!

the birthday girl tengah tengok prezen

cakey! tengok tu! dah bosar-bosar pun nak makan comot jugak

amik photo guna timer, sebab tu terabo sket
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Saturday, July 23, 2005
16 july 2005
gambar cuci kelas hons 2. mak ai... tobal abuk eh!
[upper left: cuci pun kena have fun jugak]
[upper right: zul and me cuci pokok tipu]
[lower left: abang zaidi dari mula sampai habis asik cuci aircond je haha]
[lower right: paghoh and i join al-maunah juz to cuci the whiteboard]
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Friday, July 15, 2005
mesti sume dah baca bulletin board friendster pasal ada sorang ni yang tak puas hati dengan kitorang yang "intelek" ni "tapi otak dalam lubang jamban". im one of the pemakan cili. frankly, sape yang perlu orang macam ni jadi kawan? we have lots of concerned friends yang bagitau kitorang pasal benda ni. that's proof that we "inteleks" ada di pihak yang benar and our otaks aren't really in the jamban.
memang akan ada orang yang tak akan pernah puas hati dengan kita, eventhough kita tak pernah buat apa-apa pun dekat dia. sometimes tak rapat pun dengan orang tu, tapi cakap pasal kitorang macam dah kenal since dalam perut.
pasal orang tu, dia dah apologize, taktau la pasal part yang mana dalam post dia tu and whether ikhlas ke tak. tapi on hanizah's part, hanizah terima if dia baru sedar dia tersilap.
actually dah buat entry dah tadi nak backlash kat orang tu, tapi delete. biar la kita jadi the better person. kalau orang cakap bohong pasal kita, kita terima je la pahala free tu. toksah susah-susah. kalau geram, doa je la sebagai orang teraniaya.
to u mulut jahats, we know who you are. we do. to narrow it down, i know some of u are readers of my blog. we know u cakap buruk belakang kitorang, tapi depan kitorang korang manis. but we dont have anything against u. we'll still treat u the same. we dont and wont stoop to ur level. jangan sampai hanizah halimi sebut nama u sorang-sorang dalam blog ni and reveal pasal ur mulut. i have my limits of tolerance, altho obviously at some levels higher than korang yang tak boleh tengok orang happy lebih sikit.
kepada orang tu, hanizah boleh terima pasal entry bulletin board dia haritu. tapi if tambah-tambah lagi, siap la.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Sunday, July 10, 2005

naem turned old. tebongkok-bongkok ha nak tiup candle. maybe cuz we had the party too 'belated' [muahahahhahaa!]

so much food! 4 pizzas, cream of mushroom, garlic bread and chocolate cake. as im typing this, i still duduk tegaaak je cuz so full. sampai esok pun takyah makan!
Sunday, July 10, 2005