Tuesday, June 28, 2005

urgh! i cant even look at it! mentang-mentang la gigi dah kurang. tahap hari-hari makan bubur nasik. bau pun nak muntah dah..

so tadi i pegi beli gerber and nestle for 6 month olds. apsaaaal la tak pikir awal-awal.. gerber ive been eating since i was a born, [vanilla custard - goreng puun sodaaap!]. nestle haritu cik paghoh reintroduce balik. baru la ada appetite nak makan!
and this afternoon, one of my stitches terkuar. panic gile! called the nurse, tapi dia cakap asalkan the gusi tak terbukak, its ok. i cant really see my gusi tebukak ke tak, tapi tak rasa blood pun, so ok la kot.. jumaat ni bukak stitches
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
i hade the weirdest dream last night. i was sitting on the floor yang ada ramai orang, depan tok kadi, pakai baju kawen kaler lilac [ala..nak kaler lain..]. then my kazen [yang dah kawen] tengah akad nikah nak kawen ngan akuk. pastu tok kadi tu tengah tunggu aku jawab "i do" [tukar adat jadi feminist sket kot..]. aku baru nak jawab "i do" cuz aku rasa macam that was expected of me. tapi aku tetiba menangis burok. burok la. pastu aku gi kat mak aku tanye bleh tak if aku tanak kawen ngan kazen aku tu. mak aku cakap ok, so aku hepi gile. pastu aku gi jumpa pacik and macik aku nak apologize cuz tak jadi kawen ngan anak dia. aku rasa guilty sangat sampek aku menangis burok lagi. diorang cakap ok jugak.
apa makna dia? kazen aku yang dah kawen tu minat aku ke? aku slalu ikut cakap orang sangat ke? aku kawen tahun ni ke? aku gatal sangat nak kawen ke? aku kena family-arranged marriage ke? [eee..]
pastu aku cek buku indon ni -
* * * * *
353. "Jika anda bermimpi ada dalam satu upacara perkahwinan.."
Alamatnya anda selalu dikelilingi oleh sahabat-sahabat dan selalu menolong anda.
354. "Mimpi anda sendiri menjadi pengantin"
Alamatnya banyak keburuntungan dihari datang.
- excerpt from 1001 Tafsir Mimpi
* * * * *
ntah la. aku sceptical menda tafsir mimpi sume-sume ni. tapi if betul la aku slalu ada kengkawan yang kuat tolong, or aku dapat keburuntungan, best la tu. tapi the 2nd tafsir tak apply kot, cuz aku kan tak jadi kawen.
tapi memang pelik sangat mimpi tu, ada muka aku sume-sume. cuz slalu aku mimpi hitaaammmmm je. ada ustazah tu cakap if Tuhan nak kasi message kat kita thru mimpi, slalu around awal pagi [macam kul 1,2,3 camtu]. tapi kalau betul la Tuhan nak kasi message kat aku, tapi aku tak paham, camane ah? tengok je la apa jadi
Monday, June 27, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005

my current project for my cuti - translating this really thick book.
went to starlight cinema on malam jumaat to watch constantine with mehaimun. biasela, malam jumaat mesti gi ngedate, bukan nak gi masjid [hee!]. im not really a fan of that kind of movie - a little too 'twin peaks-y' for me (tho i kinda like twin peaks). tahpapetah bila lucifer kuarkan tar from keanu's lungs? hesh! but being with min is always fun. i like the religious message in the movie tho, how it applies to all religions. and the 'stop smoking' message, luv it! [padan muka min hahahahahahhahahahah!]
and this morning i went to cabut my wisdom tooth [why call it 'wisdom' tooth? 'sakit hati' tooth is more relevant]. MY FIRST SURGERY! sakit ada la - at some points aje. but masa sakit tu, sakit jugak la. i cant say anything cuz in my mouth ada tangan doctor and benda2 dentistry tu, so i juz cakap "NGGH! NGGGGHH!" la bila tak tahan. sepanjang-panjang tu i nyanyi lagu 'adia' sarah mclachlan to distract myself [dalam hati le]. at one point masa sakit sangat, i cubit tangan sendiri so that tak concentrate sangat on my tooth. cubit lagi sakit la! and masa the nice doctor stitched me up, ada parts of of my gum yang tak kena bius. sakit wo masuk jarum free2 camtu!
i like the feel of going to see the doctor alone. its true when they say "u know that ure a grown up when u can go to the doctor's office alone". makes me feel like those super-independent woman! yeehuu!
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
a reluctant ronald being escorted from central park for having a quickie behind a bush.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
sans gelfrens? - la tortura!i juz read mazia's entry in her blog about girlfriends.im so scared of being the kind of married woman who doesnt have - or doesnt have time for - her girlfriends. i mean, im quite independent (i think) in the sense that i can do things on my own [shopping, eating at a restaurant, running errands], but only to some extent. i dont think i can ever live without my girlfriends.ada some of my aunties asked me "bila nak kawen?". subconsciously, the 1st thing that i blurt out is "ala, nanti if kawen tak leh kuar malam2 ngan kengkawan" [well, if im not answering "rabu", that is]. i know its a totally childish answer, but they always keep quiet after hearing me say that cuz, they turned out to be juz that = girlfriendless. i tak kenal any wife/mother yang ada close girlfriends. i mean, ada la yang ada girlfriends, tapi not the type of relationships like i have now.my kakak pernah complain that her university friends [who turned into mothers] skarang asyik cakap pasal marriage, babies, breast-feeding, cracked nipples and all those tahapehape things. eeee! hope i dont have to go thru that! but if i have to, skejap je la..
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Saturday, June 18, 2005
separated at birth?
anamy & amy af3 mazia victor & jacqueline victor
ameeda & waheeda

amliy hudson & kate hudson
and.. [nak jugak tambah muahahaha!]

minten & kitten
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Friday, June 17, 2005
akuk tak caye betapa bangang! aku pun tak paham camane aku bleh buat benda bodo tahap super saiya macam tu smalam.. tapi nasib baik akuk ngan muhaimin okay. dan nasib baik sume lagi okay dari sebelum smalam. skarang aku dah taknak buat benda2 boddo macamtu dah [ala hanizah, booolehh keeee?]. kalo tak, taktau la camane muhaimin. kesian orang tua tu.. muhaimin siap cakap, dia rasa macam dapat organ baru lepas insiden tu. aku jawab "organ baru macam leher?". leher, hanizah? ko ni hanizah, dah nak graduate ipt; boifren ko tengah nak romantik, kau jawab "leher?!". leher bukan organ! [aku tak suka the word "leher". ancestor dulu2 takde bunyi lain ke nak buat? "leher?"]
pastu smalam aku gi kedai kopi jumpa syida, amir and andy for dinner. aku suka la reunion ngan budak skolah rendah aku. aku realise, kalo jumpa bebudak skolah rendah aku, mesti timbul citer **** shishi dalam seluar. kesian la weh.. dah la benda tu happen masa darjah 6 [dah bosar], masa kelas agama, masa praktis sujud plak tuh. andy siap cakap, dia ingat **** simpan oren dalam poket, sebabtu lantai basah. tapi aku paham la kenapa andy geram, cuz dia yang kena lap. hahaha!
pastu aku tak paham la kenapa aku punctual sangat kengkadang. haha! bodo! kengkadang siap sampai awal lagi if ada pape meeting. aku dah la memang pasang sume jam aku 5 minit awal. aku slalu lupa orang skarang tak reti tengok jam. ntahpape tah akuk! macam smalam, sakit tulang pinggul [pinggul ke punggul?] aku sebab duduk 45 minit tunggu diorang kat kedai kopi. duduk atas batu plak tu! tapi aku pun tak paham knape aku gi duduk atas batu tajam. batu tajam! hanizah.. [aksi geleng-geleng]
pastu aku nyampah betul ngan laki gatal. groooaaannn! gersang sangat ke? kalo gersang, bleh je saye tuang air suam saye kat awak smalam. boddo. muka cam botol. nasib baik tak kenal.
pastu aku penat betul download desperate housewives kat internet, tengok2 8tv nak kasi tengok free. dah la 1 episod tahap 3 hari nak download! kalo aku tau, aku dah habis dah download the gilmore girls.
oh, and something grew. something aku kengkadang suka tapi slalu tak suka sangat. harap2 aku suka la. Tuhan buat kan..
Friday, June 17, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005

it was a simple malay love story.
he was the rich, city boy, a member of a rock band.
she was the poor girl, the first girl in her kampung ever to go to university.
the magic happened in universiti malaya.
music was the works of the devil back then.
so what happens when the aspiring rock star meets the father of the girl he loves -
[gasp!] a lebai masjid?
quiet unacceptance by the lebai.
but only for a while.
they finally got married in 02 august 1974.
and theyre still together 31 years later.
they almost didnt meet when he received an offer to study in the UK.
but as a result of favouritism by his own father, his eldest brother fraudulently took the offer.
so thats why hes left to study in UM.
and thats where he met the love of his life.
imagine how I would look like if ayah and mak married someone else!
Monday, June 13, 2005
Sunday, June 12, 2005
some ppl say follow ur gut.
some say follow ur heart.
others say believe ur instincts.
some others say use ur brain.
haiyo! humans came up with so many solutions, but which one applies to which situation? for instance, lets say that ure stuck in a job that isnt satisfying, but u need it to pay for ur family's needs. which of the above faculties would u go for? i guess it depends on what type of person u are. if ure brave, ud follow ur gut. if u are the romantic kind, ud go with ur heart. if ure spiritual, ud follow ur instincts. if ure the realist kind, ud go with ur brain. but juz because ure a romantic, doesnt mean that following ur heart is the right thing to do.so what is right then?im always faced with this particular situation. i juz sleep it off when it comes up. i even blame it on my friggin hormones! but im tired of doing juz that. so im forcing myself to stare the old evil in the eye.should i juz stop what im familiar to and juz do what i want? when do i stop? can i actually do it? what if i get bored doing it? what if it isnt practical? what would those sibok ppl with mulut jahats say?im scared of risks. im unsure of change. i hate the unfamiliar. im terrified of hurting ppl. im too comfortable in my cocoon. i can understand how prince charles felt. hes utterly in love with camilla. he always has and [im sure] always will. but she juz isnt queen material. and he juz couldnt face the wrath of mummy dearest. so he married the person he thinks he should be marrying. i think he thinks too much.the result = broken home, unhappy marriage, sad children, embarrassing scandals. thats why i support him marrying the one woman he truly loves.. only that he shouldve done that waaaaay back.but humans also say that ure allowed to make mistakes in ure life, right? i juz hope what im about to make wont be too disastrous.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Saturday, June 11, 2005
i wonder what would it be like if there were more than 2 genders. i mean, what if there was the male (M), the female (F) and the X and Y. so okay, the norm is that the Males would marry the Females to have regular Male and Female kids. what if Male suddenly falls in love with X or Y? would their kids look like mutants? would they be accepted by their society? would it be against the law and religion?
i wonder what it would be like to have prince william as a boyfriend. would the paparazzis hound me even when i go to kedai runcit viran to buy ikan masin? but if i was, and if the reporters shove a microphone in my face to ask "Is it true that you and Prince William are in a relationship?", being my silly conversationalist self, i would answer "Apo teh kau?" [the negeri sembilan equivalent for 'what did u say?'] and cepat-cepat go into my car; or the usual "No comment". and larry king would wanna talk to me in his show. i wonder if my dear william would give me his old suku juta ringgit buggy.
i wonder why darwin came up with the theory that humans originated from primates. if he really believes in his theory, then why are there still apes living? why havent the apes turn into humans yet? i think encik darwin merely wanted his fifteen minutes of fame, not knowing that school students have to learn about it in alam dan manusia after how many decades.
i love my cuti. thats when i can really think of useless crap like this. when classes are going on, i dont really have the luxury to do so. yes, thinking is a luxury for hanizah [dont look so surprised!]
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Friday, June 10, 2005

the luvly [but mia]
imee kamalia, born 30th may 1982
[sori la dear, i only have ur gambar passport]

the luvly
jannatul naemah, born 30th may 1982

the luvly
amliy shahzreen, born 10 june 1982
so soli la fwens, i very busy. eventho lambat but still can
party-party, haimai? toi, toi!
hope u peeps only grow old on the outside
[hee! im trying to be nice while pms-ing].
luv u!
Friday, June 10, 2005

Abdul Hafyz Huzairy Bin Abdul Aziz
my good old skolah rendah fren sharfiza gave birth on 23 may to this
lovely bundle of loooove.
isnt he cute? nama dia sangat 'sejukk'.. [tapi tante susah nak ingat ur last name la sayang]
he has his daddy's features and his mummy's limbs [or so fiza says].
so proud to be an auntie again.
i wonder whos gonna gimme a niece/nephew next!
Friday, June 10, 2005

abang jai and his bride
my maternal maklong and paklong 'gave away' their only child, abang jai, last friday.
isnt kak aida lovely?
and i juz love their love story! theyve known each other waaay back in skolah rendah. they became exclusives in form 4. then he went to the US for 7 years. she waited for him [THAT long!]. and of course he came back to take her hand. if u want to see ultimate loyalty and faith in a relationship, ni la dia.
i cant wait to meet little abang jais and little kak aidas!
Friday, June 10, 2005