You only get laid once.
You only get eaten once.
It takes four minutes to get hard.
Only two minutes to get soft.
You share your box with 5 other guys
But worst of all..
the only chick that ever sat on your face was your mother!!!
So cheer up, Your life ain't that bad!!!!
Monday, April 25, 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
guess what? im now teacher anis!
my sister has been working part-time with smart reader kids kindergarten at usj 3A and she said that the principal is looking for a temp to replace a teacher for 2 weeks who is sick with gallstones.
so thats what i am for these two weeks, beginning last monday
my first day was horrible! sume asik nak mm-mm je. luckily the ones yang nak mm-mm sume chinese so i juz hand them tissue paper (no offense intended to the chinese at all, but thank you cuz i dont have to engage in any physical contact with anybody's asses) but i do have to help them wear their underwears and shorts/skirts tho..
and none of them listened to teacher anis! i was screaming and running around the whole day! it was dog tiring!! and to top it off, it doesnt pay very well.. (initially, money is not my motive for working there at all, but considering the running/carrying/screaming/jumping/pulling around, kindergarten teachers should be paid more!!
but my second day was waaaay better cuz my sister gave me her rotan to use. heheh! so if anybody's naughty, i juz show them the rotan. i said SHOW ok, not BEAT
and it is fun la, i can play ring-o-ring-o-roses, simon says, teach them how to sing and dance, colour, play hide the numbers - its basically up to me and my creativity to keep up the children's interest.
did i tell u that im teaching 3-4 year olds! its crazy what parents make their children do these days! kids arent supposed to be in school at 3 years old!!! parents can teach them at home what!?
and i have to say, after juz 3 days, im starting to get acquainted with these kids. like hakim and guan rong who practically pleads to be dukung-ed when they cry, and heavy jerry who likes to sit on teacher anis' lap and climb on teacher anis for a piggy back ride, and haziq who likes to boast about his mom's sport car. and everyone rebut nak come close to wave goodbye to teacher anis after singing the goodbye song. who can resist them at this point?
so instead of my initial plan to do attachment at a law firm, i may want to ask for an extension to be a kindie teacher. heh!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
last sunday, after my convocation day, my mom asked me to invite muhaimin for my convo celebration lunch at mama chops papa grille. so i did. and of course la pacik muhaimin was kinda jittery. ye la, MEETING THE PARENTS.. (nak pasang lagu twilight zone kat sini bleh?)
[ in actuality, pacik muhaimin had to say yes cuz i kinda made him promise
to meet my parents on my convo day. initially he said yes, then he hesitated,
then of course i persisted!
on that day at uitm, he juz said hi to my mom and he fled!!
but according to him, he said he saw some of our friends and he went with them.
whatever, min. haha! ]
masa dia sampai, my family sume had sat down. before he reaches the table my sister said "haa..siap la, kena question!", to which my father added "tak la, bukan question, interrogation!". HAYO!!!
but everything went very good - the conversation, the food, the politeness (siiiiighhh of relief..)
in the end, i was proud for bringing home a boyfriend who is polite, nice, sincere, conversational and has a face good enough to masuk video clip nasyid.
NGEEEE!!! (this is the sound effect that me and min tulis dalam sms to show senyum yang nampak 24 gigi) (hepi la maknenye tuh!)
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

my convocation day was last sunday, 17th april 2005.
it felt good. i felt relieved going on stage and receiving the "scroll". it all happened so fast, i had no time to think about falling down on stage or tripping over my kain.
best of all was giving my parents the chance to savour convocation day for the 1st time (well, apart from their own convocations la). when my sister graduated in the US, we couldnt go cuz of the recession (no malaysians were allowed to go overseas, remember that?)
all in all, i feel like i should treat myself for unadulterated, guiltless shopping. im gonna spend money like there's no tomorrow! WHEEEEE!!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005

believe it or not, this drawing was done under the influence of lsd.
i cant believe how perfect it is. i took it cuz it looks like my paternal arwah atuk.
macam tunku abdul rahman ada gak
Friday, April 15, 2005
Thursday, April 14, 2005
- camana michael jackson ermm.. "gerudi" hidung dia?
- camana if newscaster live on tv ter-give a loud burp?
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005

left to right: stripping, trying it on, posing
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005

the guy whose secret lover i am
takuya kimura is my flavour of the month cuz hes so succulently sweet. tapi kesian bini dia burok. tu la abang taku, anje suruh pilih anje, awok taknak. nanti kesian anak awok muka macam bini awok!
peeps, sorry cuz slot Guy of the Month ni tak constant. tengok mood and tahap kemalasan melampau ke tak.
Friday, April 08, 2005
i figured this tactic last week when this damn stupid malay man suddenly got into my road. we were on a three-lane going into a two-lane when he decided to jump depan my car into my lane without any signal. sket lagi nak langgar my car, so i honked la that stupid idiot. he braked dengan kuat, which, if not for my quick thinking, dah langgar dah his stupid black perdana, and the car behind me would langgar my car.
he got out of his car, walked to mine, leaned beside my side of the car. his stupid puke face was juz beside mine, juz tengok my gorgeous face while doing this dumb nodding, like telling me "so now i recognize ur face, jaga kau!". i juz looked at him with my gorgeous piercing stare, and smirked "APA?". HAHA! i have to admit, i was kinda blur jugak - i shouldve felt scared but i was angry. i guess those two meetings with MR. UVA paid off.
he got back into his car. such a stupid asshole. i pity his wife for marrying such a lousy human.
and then of course i kena marah ngan my mum (who was beside me the whole time) cuz like she put it: "Ko ni berani sangat la kaklang!". muhaimin pun sound sket jugak. my dad juz smiled and jokingly asked me to take up martial arts class (i think la he was joking). Good ol ayah!
so my tactic is (sorry panjang plak selingan di atas) : buat muka steam kat the road bully if he ever comes to ur car. juz lick and wet ur lips and make ur eyes smaller while staring at him the whole time. and try heavy breathing too
but i have to caution you that ive never tried this before. i juz thought that it might work. no harm trying right? GOOD LUCK GIRLS!!
Friday, April 08, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
u know what, i always hated confrontations. i grew up believing that once the big can of worms is opened, relationships will never ever be the same again. i hate the thought of not being comfortable around the person confronted.
that is until a few weeks ago..
a few weeks ago, i had this teensy feeling of terasa dengan my good friend. but it wasnt a big deal la. i didnt mellow over it for too long, after a while i was totally over it. then suddenly something happened that made it blow in my face (thats what i thought la. ala, u know me, slalu over)
i had lots of issues to deal with at the exact same time, so i hit the lowest of the lowest point la. ill thoughts started to creep up.
that was when i confronted my good friend about it la. i explained about everything, she did too, and being the wonderful person that my good friend is, of course i was understood. understood and forgiven plak tuh! in turn i also understood how that yucky terasa felling crept up. everything turned out to be so silly!
man! if i knew that confrontations can feel this good, i wouldve opened all and every can of worms i ever encountered! no more simpan dalam-dalam. habis la korang! and i expect to be treated the same. ada this doctor who said that those feelings can turn to cancer. Nauzubillah.
so to that amazing person, i can never thank you enough for making me realize how understanding other humans can be. i was never a believer of human compassion but now i slowly am turning into a believer.
i believe that Allah sent me that realization and He sent it through you. so thank you.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005

my lovely friend am with her lovely friend
we celebrated dear am's bday on 30th march. best gile! tapi it wasnt a surprise for her. same ol 'surprise' all year long for everyone, year in year out. kena tukar plan surprise nih!
sori am, aku takde gambar solo kau la.. nway u grow more beautiful each day, inside out. stay that way k? mmuah!
Saturday, April 02, 2005