Saturday, February 19, 2005
mr john doe
Saturday, February 19, 2005
went to the mortuary for my forensics class on thursday. we got to look at this guy who died about 8 days before and was found lying face down in a sungai in rawang. Nauzubillah. poor guy.. Innalillah..
when i first glimpsed at the body from outside, i thought that the body still had mud all over it cuz it was kinda dark green. when we got closer, the green stuff was actually ulat. ulat all over the body. kesiannye..
the doctor couldnt do an autopsy cuz the body is already so rotten, the skin was black, the head was all over the place. i think one of the attendants tercabut kan kepala dia cuz when he touched it i heard knocking of bones "keretak, keretak". MAKKK!!!
and the smell...phew!!
all in all, i was kinda disappointed cuz we didnt have the chance to see an autopsy. the other class got to see the whole operation being done on a fresh, sempurna body. but it was a good experience and exposure. cuz i might never go to the mortuary anytime soon, except maybe if i become a dpp hehe!
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Monday, February 14, 2005
Reasons Why I'm Crazy About My Min
1) he's caring and protective. macam when we walk by the roadside or the parking lot, he always makes sure that he's on the side where the keretas lalu. and he lets old ladies have his seat in the lrt
2) he reads my mind (spooky gak. he thinks so too!)
3) his pujuk-ing skills.. man! (come rain or pms. tah mana dia bertapa)
4) he insists on belanja-ing me. so thats why u have the wrestling at the cashier
5) he chews with his mouth closed (a must for miss hanizah)
6) he's the quiet cool type..
7) ..but when he talks, he never stops! luv it!
8) he's nakal, suka usik gelfren
9) he accepts everything about me. EVERYTHING
10) he's so damn open. i can talk to him about anything and everything
11) he's shy sometimes. makes him look giddy macam budak skolah. ngade tapi comel
12) he's SO HANDSOME
13) he's so mamai when i call him when he sleeps, sampai bleh tanye benda2 secret
14) honest
15) those muscle and veins on his arms.. man!
16) he doesnt make me feel dumb or inferior
17) it's been almost 3 years but he's still quite mysterious. juz the idea of him unraveling himself slowly makes him sooo irresistible
18) he keeps my secrets
19) his dressing. i feel so kampung-like when im with him
20) he's always around to help me, even if benda2 yang bangang and ngade
21) sangat kuat sabar layan aniz yang slalu over
22) he solats
23) he suka berlakon and imagine benda tahape-hape masa cerita about something. who needs tv when he's around!
24) never selfish
25) he's my best guy friend
26) he sings to me, sometimes with a guitar (memang dream about this since kecik)
..and that's almost all the reasons why i'm so crazy about my min -
the living angel who perfects my soul
this karangan has no link to v-day kay!
Monday, February 14, 2005
huyo..lama nye aniz tak
update blog. busy la. bila ada time, computer tetibe jadi kambeng. magic. sian my
blogreaders asyik suruh orang update je (chey, macam la ramai sangat. 7 orang je haha!) . best sangat kot blog ni muahahahahaa..
honestly, i dunno where my time went la. i wake up at 6.30, spend 14 hours in the office, balik terus tido. sampai bile pun takleh immune ngan lifestyle ni.
cuti chinese new year and awal muharam pun ada keje nclm sket, which is fine la, cuz i'll be handling nclm file this time. i was damn scared at first la cuz i know
squat about nclm, tapi bila dah start buat tu baru rasa lega cuz baru faham camne procedure dia. at least i wont be keeping mum during viva. urgh! i hate viva!
so yeah, today is
valentine's day. if i were to write this entry last year, i would have something to write about, but after last year's v-day, min and i planned not to celebrate. i dunno why but i have this sense of calmness, probably because takyah think of what gift to buy, pasal expectation fulfilled ke tak, pasal christianity aspect of v-day, sume-sume tu la. and weirdly, i have lost my craving to receive and give a gift. i feel totally light.. macam baru lepas buat yoga..
exam is about a month from now.. malasnye.. but i still have things to look forward to, especially the post mortem on thursday and my konvo.. so hanizah succeeds in getting a degree in something she doesnt really like. hore hore!
Monday, February 14, 2005
Sunday, February 13, 2005
(pic missing)
luvly ana nak cut her cake
ana's birthday was last week but we had her party yesterday nite cuz on her birthday she was down with fever. sian.. nonetheless, ana has grown up to be a very luvly girl and i must say that she seems lagi cantik every year.. pelik ah..
Sunday, February 13, 2005