Monday, November 29, 2004
me and mollie in our sandwiches
last saturday and sunday, mollie and i volunteered for
WAO, Malaysian AIDS Council and Sisters in Islam (it turns out that we missed the amnesty thingy but whatever). it was a bit tiring but fun being in a sandwich at klcc and walking around giving out pamphlets.
on my 1st day i wore a sandwich that said, "
I'm HIV+. Will you shake my hand?". only one guy shook my hand, the rest were kinda scared of me. one old guy said "the words on the card - very bad". i was juz about to reply to the dumb old guy's statement tapi tak sempat. another guy saw us being HIV+ and said "berdosa ni, berdosa". i cakap balik kat dia, "whats so berdosa about being sick?". its tough teaching ignorant people.. especially when the ignorant people are malaysians..
but some people are so cool about it, it juz made me feel so satisfied..
like suddenly u have a breath of fresh air..
u know, its so weird that people with aids and hiv have to
MAKE PEOPLE ACCEPT THEM. that's terrible la! ive been so lucky my whole life to have been accepted by people .. i wonder what people like them feel like..
but overall it was satisfying. very liberating. i highly recommend to everyone to try volunteering for a cause u believe in. at least try it once before u die. u'll feel relaxed after u try it.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
read today's StarTwo's article about violence against women. AWAM is having this campaign called White Ribbon Campaign and several celebrities participated in it and one of them is
droll factor jien.
he said that he's very concerned about
violence against women and also
animal rights! same as me!! we must be made for each other or something (heheh!)
so i would like to make jien my
2nd november posterboy, alongside that (still) unknown guitarist from ashlee simpson's band "the band".
the article stated this: "
Some men feel inferior and feel that they have to measure up to certain standards and when they fail, they see violence as a solution". so now we know..
so to all women beaters (u too mr fauzi heurgh!): u make me sick!! go die or something.
(ahem! sorry for the outburst.. im feeling like an extremist lately cuz i juz registered with AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL! yay!! one more dream comes true!! will be starting my volunteering this thursday and friday at klcc)
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
left to right: nani, me, nizam, my lil bro anep, abang payok, hairi, nazim and iqa
front: hefni
this is my kampung. a true unadulterated kampung (well, at least not unadulterated that much). i simply love the simplicity and green-ness of it. and my uwan's house is right at the end of the road. this pic is taken at the side lawn on my uwan's house.
raya was really nice, juz as always. but i hope it can be as exciting as it was when i was a kid. siap buat parade baju raye sape paling lawa ngan my cuzzies, lumba duit raye sape paling banyak, ekshen ngan cuzen lain sape puasa penuh and we never had to wash the dishes.. sigh.. those were the days..
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
we make headlines for tushee! usually for those non-intellectual malay magazines (mangga, urtv, etc)
1) tushee utamakan pelajaran
2) tushee gemarkan bubur lambuk
3) tushee terkilan gagal SRP
4) tushee suka jerit "kariPAAAAP!" (i would like to propose menggunakan teknologi greeting card where u have to press a button to hear the sound "kariPAAAAP!". to be pasted on the magazine page)
5) tushee bersyukur album terjual 2 unit
6) tushee kerap hanguskan kuih bangkit
i think tushee is (or was) an artist. but im not sure whether she's an actress or a singer. whatever she was, she's a
"has been who never was" (i love that phrase!). i have absolutely no idea why we like to make fun of her.. well, her and another unknown artist called
ramziela. bless them.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Thursday, November 11, 2004

currently loving viva la bam, tuesdays on mtv
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Sunday, November 07, 2004
1) i wonder if muslims who drink alcohol would eat pork.. cuz i dont see the difference, both oso haram what..
2) what would happen if there is absolutely NO news / events anywhere in the WORLD? no war, flood, prize giving ceremony, etc. what would the newscasters do on tv? yeah, they can show the weather predictions, but then what? smile at the camera for the whole hour? iklan for the whole hour?
3) i wonder why rich ppl always brag about going to italy / london / bali / wherever, but if asked whether theyve gone for their hajj, their answer is almost always "no".. (but then again, maybe this juz applies to subang ppl)
4) can we name 2 of our children the same name?
5) can we change our mazhab?
6) during ramadhan, sume syaitan kena ikat rite? does that mean that we women can spread out arms and legs like men masa nak semayang? (cuz takde syaitan nak go around them for the whole month?)
7) why are lyricists tahun 50s and 60s are so damn rude that when they write lagu hari raye, they say "miskin hina"? how rude!!
as u can see, hanizah's mind is a dangerous thing. give her something to do, quick!
Sunday, November 07, 2004
the inside of my wardrobe
see? im not that lazy. i painted my room and i dunno what i did to my wardrobe but i think it looks cool. sigh.. my very own room..
Sunday, November 07, 2004
after (left) and before (right)
ive been living with pink walls almost all my life. got sick of it cuz lets face it, im not that sweet to deserve pink walls (ha!). so decided to paint it blue since last semester's cuti (cuti 3 bulan tu) but baru ada chan nak paint it. i painted the icky brown border white too.
im working really slowly, taking my own sweet time (mula cat 3 minggu lepas and tak siap-siap lagi!! luv it!). but i'll be sure to finish it before people come over for raye.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
the inside of my wardrobe
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
my november guy is jammin' on the left
i have no idea what this sexy guy's name is but he's part of The Band, ie ashlee simpson's crew. u can see him on ashlee simpson's music video. with his blond streak, bracelets and sexy come-hither look, im head over heels! main gitar plak tuh! sigh...
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Been there through my perils, my trials and quests,
Still so full of grace, of strength, of pizzazz,
Through you're small in size, i deem you the best,
Thus a tribute to you, my friend, my ass.
what are we without our asses huh? so kiss em today, cuz u never know when u'll lose it.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004