Monday, August 30, 2004
bubbly birthday girl far with ana and am
dah bosaaa dah anak pak latip ni haa.. since kau obviously telah di-born-kan happy, aku doakan kau happy la sampai bila-bila. boringnya hidup kitorang kalu kau tak lahir far. so thank u for being borned and for mem-best-kan hidup kitorang!! mmuah!
Monday, August 30, 2004
yes, my beloved beloved cat
nafsu gajoh died today. tesepit kat gate.. sedey..
someone told me that cats doakan tuan dia. if this is true, thank u nafsu gajoh for praying for me. thank u for making me smile whenever i come home. slalu bila i sampai umah, she would come out from the stor rumah tu dengan muka ngantuk, mata still lelap kelip2 cuz taktau apa yang berlaku and kepala lentok2 lagi. tahpapetah.. thank u for friendly-biting my foot whenever i open the door. thank u for living when i saved u and i thought u would die. thank u for letting me mandikan u, tho u would scream when i cuci ur perut and tho a few hours later kepam balik cuz u suka main bawah keta.
sorry cuz tak layan u sangat and sorry cuz letak u atas shelf yang tinggi sket. thats only becoz taknak u main2 bawah keta bila i reverse the car. and sorry cuz panggil u "koceng kepam". i tau tak baik..
so nafsu gajoh, enjoy being an angel cuz i know u deserve it. and please dont practice that 9 lives crap cuz u'd scare me la
*sniff! sniff!*
Monday, August 30, 2004
Sunday, August 29, 2004
my weekend was out of the ordinary. its soooo refreshing to have something ELSE happening in this life!
saturday met with mak at pkns to buy tudung for dinner. she was from school in klang and i was from subang and we met up at shah alam. eventho tak seberapa, but we have never done that before.
that evening, hantar nafsu gajoh gi jumpa vet. masa receptionist tu tanya nama my cat, my sister and i was tersengeh-sengeh macam la, takkan nak cakap nama koceng kepam tu "
nafsu gajah". then my quick mind (yeah, quick..the receptionist had to wait for a whooole minute!) settled for "
Angie" ("NG": N=nafsu, G=gajoh). i suddenly remembered that elin and i pernah cakap about this.. anyway.. "angie" kena makan tablet cacing and inject dengan vaccine. then the nurse had to push a thermometer up her butt for her temperature. she was literally crying "weaawww! weeeaaawww" with selemor and all! (ask a negeri sembilanian what "selemor" means). cian dia..
sunday went to port dickson (yay! beach!) with pak teh and family tapi i tak mandi pon cuz we reached there at almost 11 and by then dah panas. tanak la gelap for dinner this sunday heh heh heh...
then at night went to miah's house for a barbeque dinner cuz she's going back to london this week. miah said something that made me feel tingly all over.. she told me about this
pact that she, aishah, alia, shasha, liyana (my childhood sisters) and i had like
10 years ago dekat padang salem. the pact was that we would meet up in 2005 whatever happens. i completely forgot about that!! then i juz remembered the rest of the conversation that we had pasal who would marry first la, how many kids we would have la, who would be what la.. amazing.. absolutely amazing..
it juz dawned on me that friendships do last til infinity and that we were so damn close back then and that i feel so old right now and none of the conversation came true (well, no one's married yet) and im not being what i wanted to be! i wanted to be an artist since i was like 5! i always wanted to do something that involves art. tho im not really good in fine arts, i was interested in graphics design and wanted to do advertising or something.
what am i doing studying law. i feel like so tak cukup sipat! why am i doing something that i dont like???? ..whats wrong with me..
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Chef Rocco DiSpirito of The Restaurant
he can cook, he's gorgeous and he loves his mama. deliciously perfect!
Saturday, August 21, 2004
yeah, im starting to feel that way. its like im asking for too much.
he's gonna kill me for this!
is it so wrong to ask for a non-smoking bf?? its a wonder to me that its
so damn hard to find a non-smoking guy these days. and i hate this!!
i stopped doing things that he doesnt like. i could do it and i did it. why cant he do the same? its like im the one struggling for him to quit smoking, im the one telling him the gory effects about smoking, im the one buying him chewing-gum.. he pulak happily puffs away! God!
i dont know how much longer i can take this. im running out of tactics!
is it too fussy to be a gf who doesnt want her bf to smoke?
tak paham..tak paham..
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Monday, August 16, 2004
(from left): dod, akuk, luscious felder and naem
*sori haritu tah pesal tah gambar tak kuar. tengok la belated bday girl ni. lawa kan?
Monday, August 16, 2004
my life today same ol' same ol' je
its the first day since cuti but i feel so tired. last week's cuti had no effect on me whatsoever. tak rase pun. sebab test, assignment sume, worrying lagi pasal test results.. i need a vacation. i need the beach... tolon..tolon..
miah came back from london for the summer break. she has this cute, liquid-kinda british accent. love it! i asked her what "bollocks" means.. and im glad i did! nasib baik tanye dulu..
another friend of mine is getting married and i must say that im so darn happy for her. ive been beaming the whole day! its nice that God created feelings to be so infectious! luv it!
amliy's cat is lost. juz knew about it on friendster. tulis kat bulletin board lagi. sian ko amliy..
i was juz thinking about merdeka day. my mum told me that when malaysia merdeka tahun 1957 dulu, my maternal arwah atuk beriya-iya pegi stadium merdeka, all the way from rembau. and he didnt have a car yet back then. but he went nonetheless just to celebrate malaysia's independence. now i juz go to celebrate merdeka juz for the gigs and fireworks. siap kena himpit2, raba2 sume. yucky but fun nonetheless. (but the not-so-fun bit is where i had to himpit2 sebelah brader yang ada panau or mamat kampung yang baru sampai kl. beware of these mamats - they would raba u! tarik je fingers gatal diorang tu, sampai patah lagi bagus)
ironic tak? im sure all the people who celebrated merdeka back in 1957 would never thought it could get this bad. im sure if tunku abdul rahman knew of this he would turn in his grave! (bless him)
Monday, August 16, 2004

gamba pompuan cantek
Monday, August 16, 2004
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
i juz watched michael moore's FAHRENHEIT 9/11 and it juz confirmed what ive felt so strongly for so long = GEORGE W BUSH IS LUCIFER AND HEARTLESS AND BODO NAK MAMPOS!! tau tak he had no valid reason to bomb iraq? he juz said that "iraq tried to hurt my dad" (yeah, daddy's war is a good enough reason to bomb iraqi babies! and americans are stupid enough to heed to his commands!); he also said that he was trying to free iraqis from saddam hussein (uhuh and u do that by killing innocent civillians, huh, bush???). whats all this BULLSHIT?? seeing michael moore's perspective made me realize one thing = america deserved every bit of 9/11. im not saying that what al-qaeda did to the airplane and the world trade center and the people in it were right. im juz saying that its not a surprise that 9/11 happened. what goes around comes around. what u give, u get back. reciprocity. tit for tat. if u see it the way i see it, u'll also go " wonder la.." theres this one clip that showed an american soldier in iraq singing "burn, motherf*ckers, burn". it took all my strength to stop from shoving my middle finger to his face! (tv, yeah, whatever) ..but i couldnt help it, he deserved it (normally i save my middle finger shove only for bush and sharon, but he deserved it) so im calling all pak bomohs and bobohizans and voodoo practitioners and what-have-yous to come together and santau george w bush. GEORGE W BUSH, I HOPE U KEEP CHOKING ON UR BISCUITS AND FALLING OFF UR BICYCLE BUT MOSTLY I HOPE ALLAH WILL BURN U AND ROTT U IN HELL !!!!! (if that happens on earth, all the better) God speed. |
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
 (from left): dod, me, luscious felder and naem
today felder turned 22! dia cakap dia tamau tua, tapi nak maintain ayu. hehe.. ye la tu felder, good luck la hehe! hopefully hadiah ko slamat sampai (sori lambat sket) and ko suka la hadiah tu. tak seberapa pun. enjoy being 22!! miss u a lot.. mmuah! |
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Sunday, August 08, 2004
last week was test week.urgh! hate it!
dod was sick since friday last week. she had to be admitted masuk spital muar for dengue. well at first it was dengue la. then kak nem told me that it wasnt dengue cuz simptoms tak cukup. so there she was at the hospital for more than a week with a penyakit yang ..misteri...
tuesday nite celebrated iza's bday party. sori iza, lambat sangat celebrate. sian dia.. went to kedai kopi for her party. had fun! as always. what else can be expected with my angels? =) but the service there was lousy la. farah siap nak tebalikkan meja cuz her food tak sampai-sampai. (of course she was joking about the tebalikkan meja part. klaka!) tengok2 brader tu lupa pasal order dia. tahpape tah!
friday i tried to bathe nafsu gajoh. susah nye! she was practically screaming! i juz managed to shampoo her blakang and her head. her perut, next time la
then yesterday (saturday) a bunch of us went to muar to see dod. mak ai! kurus gile kau dod! 6 kg turun dalam 1 minggu. suka la tu. apparently she was down with dengue + hepatitis B. sian ko dod..
after that mak dod ajak datang umah for lunch. family dod layan kitorang dengan hospitality yang sangat best. kak ina masak soto nasi himpit yang tersangat sedap. nak order bleh? finally met with the famous adam khalis. comey nye! tapi ekshen ngan auntie, auntie datang je terus tido eh? nanti ko..
so today ive officially started my one week cuti by waking up at 11 and having nothing to do for the rest of the day. thats LIFE! MUAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! waiting for makteh jb to datang with icha and sofia. will be having dinner with them tonite. the day's been so hot, gonna go mandi again. til then, toodles!
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Sunday, August 01, 2004
angels' official cake-cutter
iza turned 22 today. tapi macam mazia = masih genteng, and macam anis = masih muda dan ayu (amboi prasan) tapi maintain macam iza juga = masih sweet!
Sunday, August 01, 2004