Thursday, July 29, 2004

space cop gaban
Thursday, July 29, 2004
otoko nandaro? (tet teret teret teret teret)
guzuguzu suru na yo
mune no enjin ni (tet teret teret teret teret)
hi wo tsukeroww.....
ore wa koko daze hito ashi osaki
hikari no hayasa de ashita e dasshu sa (whee! whee!)
wakasa wakasatte nanda
furimukanai koto sa
aitte nanda
tamerawanai koto sa
abayo namidagaban!
yoroshiku yuuki
uchuu keiji gaban!
Thursday, July 29, 2004
(tajuk tu lagu ash. love em!)
i have this thing bugging my mind since i was small. may seem a bit twistyd, but hear me out -
everyone has their cycle of life right? first, ure born, then u go to school, then university, find a job, get married, have kids, grow old, retire and die.
see, the problem is, that cycle is molded for everyone. every single person on earth goes through the same darn thing.
what if i dont want to go through this cycle? what if i want to grow old first, then get a job and get married, have kids then go to university then die. get what i mean?
sometimes i juz feel so bored with my life. my life is like everyone else's - so damn ordinary. tell me, is it so bad to be a non-conformist?
the reason i go through the same cycle is, i guess, because that is whats expected of me. my mom would freak if i decided to quit university and have kids! why cant people make their own decisions and why must people have so many expectations of other people?
im rambling.. who would (and could!) understand whats going on in hanizah halimi's brain..? even i cant understand it! who knows, i might create a new school of jurisprudential thinking..hmm..
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Sunday, July 25, 2004
saturday i had to rush back home from pas to go balik kampung cuz jai was getting engaged. the whole khenduri went well, but almost everyone got food poisoning. dunno what was the punca. hopefully it was juz us and none of the guests. jai's fiancee kak aida seemed cool. their wedding would be in may 2005 , Insya Allah.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
i dont even wanna talk about the saf bowling competition on saturday.
all i can say is, ive totally lost myself. Hanizah Halimi's life policy (of which its duration is for LIFE):
never EVER cry in public (but of course ada a wee bit of exceptions la). but i totally broke that policy. all because of bowling. i never knew i was CAPABLE of doing that.
whats wrong with me?
that public meltdown on saturday would totally change what
i think of
myself. what other people think about me is not on my priority list right now. eventhough not many people saw me bawl like a friggin baby, i have a different perception of Hanizah Halimi.
what can be worse than to have YOURSELF think so low of YOURSELF?
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Friday, July 23, 2004
merenung masa depan..
yesterday was mazia's bday! sorry lambat buat entry ni. internet merapu. the party was great! hope u like the gift. dah 22 skarang.. jangan risau mazia, kau masih genteng!
Friday, July 23, 2004
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
friday haritu we had the No Wine and Cheese party. tengok rehan, daud, bon, nad, k.a., ayu and tah sapetah lagi nyanyi. rehan and daud were good, as always. surprised by k.a. bleh nyanyi harmony lagi tu! im sure he had to go through a lot of "malu"s to have the nerve to go out and sing. terer la k.a. tu..
tapi bon and nad were so funny. they were singing jet's be my girl and masa the 1st and 2nd verse yang laju2 tu, nad couldnt sing it, and he openly gelak je. klaka!
am got the dean's list award. excited gile! we were screaming like crazy! i knew she would get it but masa they announced her name, memang elated sangat! happy gile for u, am! and as always, hazri, bon, elham, anwar and emma got their hampers jugak.
handball was fantastic! i didnt play as much as everyone else. ye la, kita tak terer, reserve je la. but masa dapat 3rd place, we were so happy! intan siap kiss everyone haha! tapi til today my body is still sore...bila nak baik ni?...
looking forward to playing bowling this saturday. tapi tak cukup prektis lagi la...haritu prektis pun average tak tinggi..takut.. hopefully min bleh ajar skill bola curve tu and ufo tu..
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Thursday, July 15, 2004
my sister won 4 tickets from a mix fm contest to go watch king arthur at ou but she didnt want to go cuz she wanted to sleep (so what else is new?)
so dengan spontaneousnya i went to ou. dah la lambat, sesat plak tu! still not familiar with the new ou. its friggin long la! i saw
IMEE with her sister, i think. if it wasnt her sister it mustve been
so i was practically running towards tgv yang i tak sure kat mana, and i saw imee and i was so rude! SO SORRY IMEE! she juz gave me a hug and i terus tanye where tgv was and i juz took off! sorry imee!
anyway, i got there quite late but mix fm was kind enough to open their ticket counter a bit late. king arthur was best la. i honestly dunno who the actors were, except for that kieren knightley (did i spell that right?).
i juz got back from handball practice and iza juz told me that she needed another bowler. so guess who's gonna play handball and bowling for saf? feeling excited but i hope i wont screw up. scary la dol..
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Monday, July 12, 2004

ivan sergei
absolutely adorable! loved him in jack and jill. smile dia cute sangat, macam baby je..sigh.. nyibok la kau amik gambar dengan laki aku, amanda peet!
Monday, July 12, 2004
Sunday, July 11, 2004
pehal ni..hari jumaat haritu jatuh lagi..
time tu tengah main kejar2 ngan my sister. dia kejar sket je, tapi aku yang terover-over lari dengan gaya olimpik, lari pegi masuk toilet plak tu! dah la jatuh buat slide tepi macam fitri masa nyanyi lagu af! gilo! tapi tak menjerit pun. hanye cakap "adduh" gaya indon
minggu ni dua kali jatuh. (dod, aku tau kau puas ati..sian kat aku dod..)
bontot sakit..
Sunday, July 11, 2004
hari jumaat haritu pergi pyramid dengan muhaimin. masa dia balik kat kereta dia, dia notice kereta dia kena selongkar. tekejut gile! tapi sorry comel, takleh stay cuz ada ayam fresh dalam kereta. nasib baik ada uncle ni tolong dia sket.
dia gi buat report kat security office kat situ. tengok surveillance camera, ada laki naik keta kancil ni yang selongkar keta dia. apparently muhaimin terlupa nak kunci keta dia. pastu ada pak guard yang selalu round2 kat carpark situ yang tolong kuncikan keta dia (salute to that pak guard), but by then, keta dia dah kena selongkar dah.
yang hilang, beg baju dia, beg kelas dia, and a few cds. dia nye car cd player dah terkopak sikit cuz orang tu nak keluarkan, tapi tak dapat. nasib baik tak dapat, tapi rosak la jugak. sian mehaimun..
tapi malam tu, orang security office pyramid tu tepon dia and cakap beg dia dah jumpa. Alhamdulillah... diorang jumpa kat tong sampah mana tah.
so the next day teman dia gi security office tu. buku and baju dia selamat. yang tak dapat cd je la. bertuah tu! tapi cd zul sabah la.. cd ciplak kot ye pon..
like my mother said la, kalau benda tu kita beli dengan duit halal, Tuhan mesti tolong punya
so girls, nak gi mana2, kunci pintu. even if kita dalam kereta pun kena kunci pintu. and nak drive tu
Sunday, July 11, 2004
Thursday, July 08, 2004
this morning, masa tengah nak pakai kain nak pergi kelas, dengar red 104.9. ada this contest called "what's the dish". the dj would read this recipe and people would have to guest what dish that is.
so i listened la to the recipe. then i heard the callers' answers, sume tak betul. so dengan bangang nye i called in and answered "ayam percik". it was correct!
for every correct answer, we have to tell our experience with that particular dish. so i was stunned silent for a while cuz
so there i was LIVE ON AIR, racking my brains out for something (anything!!) then i remembered this experience i had when grilling ayam percik - the chicken was charred at the sides (that happens to all dishes when hanizah is cooking).
so i told them my story. BROKEN ENGLISH plak tu! with lots of mmms and uhhs and as always i always have a hard time finding the words (it runs in the family) cuz it was so nervewrecking! it was my first time la dol! the guy dj said that he thought that i was bluffing. then i turned defensive and I BELIEVED I ALMOST SHOUTED ON LIVE RADIO THAT I WAS NOT LYING.. what's wrong with me?!?!?!?!?!
i feel so so SO EMBARRASSED i cant even listen to red 104.9 anymore! i hope no one tuned in (cuz everyone in uitm listens to era, except me and imee apparently) and if they did i hope they didnt recognize that it was me who was that "siow girl who screamed"..
so skarang rase macam kambeng je..huhu!
imee called me right after she heard me on air. have yet to ask her how terrible i was answering that darn contest. i think she'd be afraid to answer me when i ask her, cuz she might think that i'll scream again..
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Monday, July 05, 2004
cigarettes contain lots and lots of chemicals, including
carbon i keep telling my smoker friends that if they want a cheap way to smoke cigarettes, juz go behind a car, ask someone to turn on the engine and juz suck on the
exhaust pipe thingy. same 'nutrien' = carbon monoxide.
my dad used to smoke cigarettes, eversince he was in university. but he smoked lesser and lesser, and by the time my lil kid bro anip was born, he was merely a social smoker - he only smoked when his friends offer him a ciggy. until finally, when he went for his hajj in 1990, he quit altogether. he said that he tried to smoke one when he was in makkah, but it juz felt bitter, so he quit. it was one of those
makkah miracles.
im sure everyone knows that to me, men who smoke are juz turn-offs for me. so
MIN, i hope ur cravings wont grow stronger and i will try to keep buying u chewing gum whenever i can k yang? wouldnt want to marry a smoker (ek'eh? anis cakap pasal kawin? hehe!). mmuah!
Monday, July 05, 2004
Friday, July 02, 2004
harini hanizah jatuh! harini hanizah jatuh!
memang kena masuk diary la. sebab it has been too long since i last jatuh (i cant even remember when) and since today i jatuh, i must tell all! i must! (..ntahapehape)
kemain sangat main slide-slide dekat tile baru kat faculty, sekali, amik kau!
carta nasib baik:
1) jatuh depan iza
2) ada geng ramai tolong cover (diorang buat2 duduk sama hehe! baik la korang ni!)
3) tak slide-slide dekat dengan tempat pastry tu yang ada ramai orang tengah beli kuweh
pastu kat umah time maghrib-maghrib, kakak aku pulak jatuh! huyo! hahaha! jadi, memang kena masuk dalam sejarah sangat2 ni!
conclusion: jangan gelak kat orang yang jatuh, cuz duration karma tu tak lama (for me, it's usually a week to a year) so be warned! tapi since i dah gelak at my sister tadi, siap la ko anis...
heeehee! takleh stop gelak lagi la heehee!
Friday, July 02, 2004
Thursday, July 01, 2004

my album..ngee
to this date, my photo album is my most prized possession. u can see my friends there hehe! mmuahs!
and that striped background is the table that i made during cuti (so dont say that my cuti wasnt productive ye! ada gak ah satu mende). i got this very very antique table that everyone didnt want so i pun, apa lagi, went crazy la. first i painted it white, then blue with white stripes, then i juz pasted some wrapping paper on it. so the finished product is this wacky, amateurish-looking table. macam fail iza hehe! but i love it!
but i wont love it for long tho. i will revamp the table when im bored with it.
Thursday, July 01, 2004

nafsu gajoh juge

nafsu gajoh
Thursday, July 01, 2004