Monday, June 28, 2004
naem, mazia and i went to lunch today and we talked about my experience of having the guy that my friends liked having a crush on me. it has happened a few times, more than i can bear!
my first experience was with this guy named azizan. i was in form 2, with shiny braces. my (no longer a) friend emma liked this guy (whom everyone thinks is gorgeous) so she went and talk to him. so they talked for quite a bit and suddenly he asked to talk to
ME. hyo.. so reluctantly i went cuz i didnt want to be rude, and he asked for my number. everyone started hating me, and writing my name on the toilet walls and calling me a bitch cuz they liked the guy (apparently he was a "hot stuff". didnt know, didnt care). 2 weeks later he asked to be my steady, of course la i said no! mainly cuz i didnt want to (majorly) betray emma. and some more, he kutuk her! so that was my first experience.
this second story happened with emma too (poor her). but this guy (some professional skater for x-games, or so ive been told) havent met me or emma. emma juz told him that i was kinda pretty so he asked for my number. ntahpapentah! all i can say is, that was ur first impression to be somebody's boyfriend and u blew it big time!
there are some more, but, being
a hanizah halimi, im having the most difficult time remembering them..
the next experience (and the most traumatic) happened with muhaimin. im not gonna go into detail about this one cuz i dont wanna hurt anyone's feelings. malas ah bukak citer lama.
all i can say is i didnt steal, and have never stolen anybody's boyfriend, not in any one of these experiences. i know my name was majorly tainted when this one took place, mainly because some people dont know the truth and the whole story.
i juz have to say that he liked me WAAYYYY before the whole shenanigan started. but i opted to go steady with zarul and i rejected him. jahat la i..
apparently muhaimin didnt handle rejections very well (notice im using a plural word?). and im glad he fought on. and i adore him for it. i cant reject him forever, can i? *smiles*
Monday, June 28, 2004
dod gave me free tickets to
starlight cinema! tengkiu dod! the 8 angels and i went to watch the last samurai and troy. i havent watched the last samurai before. the movie was so intriguing. i love the storyline. i donno if it was a true story, but if its not, then i salute the person who came up with the storyline. i like the way tom cruise's character (a non-jap) became the last samurai. and the lead female role "taka" was so good and so gorgeous.
it was fun la! baring-baring tengok movie and makan snack. it was raining lightly at first, but nasib baik tak hujan terus. after the movie, we went to khulafa in s7 and me, elin and mazia slept over at am/farah/iza/naem's house by 3.30 (thanks korang).
i miss going out at the wee hours of morning.. i remember when i used to do that a few times and i loved it! my friends and i juz cruised around without any definite destination, winding down the windows and singing loudly til our throats were sore, visiting lorong haji taib to look at bapok prostitutes. got ngorat-ed once by one of them (yuck!). reminds me of imee's story.. too explicit to write here la..hehe!
so now its monday. jashpal called me juz now and said that we have an interview on thursday and we have to ponteng darby's jurisprudence 2 lecture. she'll be asking darby's permission regarding this. im not liking this very much. i dont want to miss classes like this (cuz i only want to ponteng when i feel malas..heheh!). but i guess, we kinda have this obligation to finish our jobs.
my head is nagging me to read my old juris 1, asso 1, evidence1 , ip 1 and land 2 notes..nanti la..
Monday, June 28, 2004
Saturday, June 26, 2004
the kitten has started eating again. whew! penat dok suap dia. with this new cat i suddenly feel so motherly..haha!
thought of another name for her: "
nafsu gajoh". suddenly i remembered am and farah's story about jashpal scolding this budak sekolah for having nafsu gajoh.
but my sister opposed to that name. i wonder why..
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Thursday, June 24, 2004
i was reaching home from uitm today. dah bukak gate dah, but then suddenly teringat nak isi minyak kereta. takut tak sempat the next morning cuz tomorrow my class is at 8 am. so i closed back the gate and made my way to the nearby shell station.
on my way back home, i noticed an odd looking pile by the roadside, right beside a bas kilang. when i got closer, i was totally shocked to see that the pile was of kittens! so i reversed my car and parked. i got out and walked to the kittens. three of them were dead!!
but then i noticed one kitten blinked and moved its head. i terus picked it up and headed back home. cuz i thought, if its mother was looking after it, takkan la the mother would tinggalkan anak-anak dia kat tempat open camtu kan? kucings arent like that. sian kucing tu..imagine the trauma of having your siblings lying lifeless around you, at the roadside. bila-bila je kereta bleh lalu and langgar. gile la sape yang letak kat situ!
the kitten is about 2 weeks old, white with really really blue eyes. i placed her in a cage and gave her milk and some meat and fish, but she wouldnt eat la. lama jugak i duduk situ suapkan dia, but she tanak jugak. i remembered my former cat
MIA (may she rest in peace) - when mia was about to die, she wouldnt eat and she was really very weak. i takut la..
kak yah said the kitten must be sick. logic jugak. if she (thought i would name her
tembikai but decided against it, nanti malu kucing tu ) really is sick, then i hope she would die in peace. if she isnt, i hope she would just EAT!
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
(im gonna start this 411 on life, so that we wont be perceived as stupid as we grow older. hey, i might even compile a book when i reach #200. im gonna base these lessons on my own life's experience and my friends'. if u have any suggestions, contact me and i'll put in ur name)
Never ever ask your daughter whether she's a virgin.
If you did, you should slap yourself for not knowing your daughter well. If the answer is 'yes', slap yourself once square on the face for not trusting your daughter, and for not believing in yourself that you have taught her good values. If the answer is 'no', whack your own ass with a meat tenderizer/whip or shoot yourself for not teaching your own daughter real good values.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
yesterday had a fun day at midvalley with the angels! mula2 gi um with iza and dod beli akta for ip class. then gi midvalley nak beli starlight cinema tickets for this saturday (yay!). so sambil-sambil tu, ajak la sume orang gi jugak. so we juz went for window shopping and tengok boyfriend ana, naem and mazia. huuyo!
happy tengok kengkawan ada boyfriend skarang. so naem, skarang takyah nak
ngorok belakang sham dah ok? i have to say, ive seen naem grow the most among my friends. i still remember if nak pegi kelas masa matrix dulu, naem would juz wear a t-shirt and a jersey sweater, with jeans and a very, very bright red (or yellow) slippers. no make up, juz a face-full of white powder! dulu akuuuu jugak yang slalu kena suruh naem wipe (or aku yang wipe) bedak tu off muka kau.. pastu reply kau, "alah, biar la, malas aku". so dia gi la kelas ngan muke puteh..
tapi skarang,
makk ai! make up ngan baju sume complete! dengan lipstick la, foundation la, eye-liner la..pastu baju mesti yang nampak classy and chic. pakai high heels plak tu! pakai high heels pegi kelas! terel la kau naem.. betul! pastu ada boyfriend plak tuh!
pape pun aku suka tengok kau go through sume phase-phase kau. hehe! so now u have it, naem yang dah blossom into a chic young woman. and i had the first class seat to see her go all through it! heheh!
yesterday kat midvalley, because of gelak kuat sangat, kena migraine. takde la tahap
rela mati like before, tapi quite strong jugak la. kena put up a straight face, eventhough mata dah berpinar-pinar and silau, and my telinga macam ada super-powered dolby sound system. ingat bleh tahan la sampai balik umah, but then, hyo.. it was as if there were 6 people holding a hammer each and opening my skull with the kuku kambing on it, and smashing my brains with it (descriptive enough?). so if u say u have a plain headache and u call it a "splitting" headache, dont ngade-ngade cuz i know what a "splitting" headache means.
so anyway, had to drag myself to guardian and buy ponstan 250s. ate 2 pills, then juz waiting for the migraine to go away. usually it would, tapi this time tak pun. cuz semalam's migraine was one of the notorious ones (but ive experienced worse!). by then it was about 6 pm and i had to go home, so i downed one more pill. dod dah cakap, "nanti kau kena overdose kang". pastu while driving, that was what exactly i was - overdosed. rasa tulang belakang sakit semacam and i had this "unlimited desire" (hehe! the name of my dad's band masa muda2 dulu) to fall asleep and juz stop moving..juz lie down on the road macamtu and not move and juz sleep my life away (LITERALLY!!) but of course i was driving, so i had no choice but to stay awake and drive! (and i cant blast the radio to stay awake either cuz that would make my head explode)
so i was worried if id NEVER reach home, so i called pacik muhaimin to have a chat until i reach home so that if anything happens, he would know la. but he was playing computer games so i didnt want to kacau. so there i was, alone, driving, with a splitting (
SPLITTING!!) headache. but after he called me la nonetheless. tapi tak yah pun takpe, min, cuz dah dekat sampai kat umah dah..
nasib baik the traffic wasnt bumper to bumper and i reached home in about 15 minutes (usually it would take me an hour). ALLAH LOVES ME!
so that was my day yesterday. basically it was average la.
but i had fun!
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Sunday, June 20, 2004
mak and ayah found the pictures of me and min!!! haiyo...
but, amazingly they didnt marah me.
AMAZINGLY. my mom juz said "ada orang tu beriya-iya amik gambar dengan boyfren" and my dad juz sengih je. there must be
magic involved somewhere..cuz my mother is the most garang person i know (well, except for that horrible horrible man who screamed at the pegawai tabung haji whom i met in mekah..)
or maybe it was the freshly peeled durians in front of their faces..
so, all is well. no wrath or anything. they juz questioned me about the trip to genting.
its weird that they were so SO GARANG when i was small, (i was damn scared of them! i couldnt do anything wrong! even if my adik buat salah, i would get scolded!) but when im like 17 macamtu, they just let things slide.
i love my parents!
Sunday, June 20, 2004
the akademi fantasia fever has landed (guna deep tv-host speaking voice k?). dunno why im wasting my time watching channel 4 and 15 everyday (yeah, as if ive something else better to do!) but i cant help it! digging kaer and zahid. linda looks like my old old friend hani (cik pok) from seremban. farah looks like mirdalinie. gorgeous! wonder how cik pok's doing. shes a total genius! shes currently studying medicine in kings college, london. have to take a rain check on the invitation to london, hani. no cash yet.
today's fathers' day. yesterday we gave ayah a nokia camera phone. he loves it! alhamdulillah.. of couse i didnt contribute in the buying of the phone. i couldnt, even i wanted to. but i wanted to contribute jugak!! but of course the same answer would be given by mak and kakak "kau tu tak keje lagi, jangan la ngade-ngade". some people would go like "slamat duit aku.." but im going like "sigh.."
sometimes money issues can make u feel so useless..
this semesters not gonna be so much fun, money-wise. got 2 dinners and 1 class trip. so i guess, no hanky-panky shopping in the big malaysian sale in august..sigh.. and im not gonna ask my parents for extra money either. too big for that already. so i guess the dinners this time are gonna be...moderate.. like yeah, when did i go all out for a dinner event anyway!?
had a nice chat with imee yesterday. cant wait to see u! cant wait to hear what u wanted to tell me..scary la wei, making me wait like that..
nak tengok shrek 2! come on la ppl, stop watching that movie la.. everytime i wanna watch, no ticket..pssh!
waiting for my parents to come home. theyre somewhere in semenyih attending somebody's wedding. the digital camera's with my dad and im a nervous wreck!!!! i havent transferred the genting pictures to the computer cuz this computer kan sewel. asik rosak! dah la jumpa my aunties and uncles and my wan. but its not like the pictures are teruk. min and i just look too mesra in the photos, like the one in my previous blog below..
Sunday, June 20, 2004
Friday, June 18, 2004
computer ni gile la.. dah la off sendiri, nak on susah plak tuh! sori la ye mongkut, takleh tolong kau register online
had a fun week nonetheless. rabu went to genting with boyfren. best la buat trip camtu min (hehe!). masa naik corkscrew, dapat dengar pacik comel menjerit hwarrrgh!! cian dia..takut ye? heh!

posing and click sendiri
yesterday nite (malam jumaat) ada PARTAY!!! (bukan pegi masjid). celebrate naem's belated birthday. best! best! but elin tak gi. mende. and dod dropped the cake!!! takpe la dod, nasib baik sume dah makan kek tu. main snap and uno. everyone was screaming! jiran mesti rasa macam kitorang tengah tengok bola heheh! tapi mana ada bola kul 9 malam..
tadi baru register for my 6th semester. tak de mood la nak start class.. tak rasa pun cuti, eventho cuti 3 bulan. nway, classes will start soon. but keje ngan jashpal tak habis lagi..sigh..
harini nampak boyfren's hair gonjeng, haha! i told him macam rempit, pastu dia cubit depan kakak fotostat tu! ish..ish.. takpe la yang, rempit pun rempit la.. hensem jugak awak..
dod gave me starlight cinema's ticket, free! yeyey! cant wait to see the movie with the rest of the gang.
Friday, June 18, 2004
Sunday, June 13, 2004

This is Jared Leto. I fell in love with him when i first saw him on "My So-Called Life" back in form 3, i think. he has the most 'honest' eyes ive ever seen! he played this quiet-cool guy in the series. i still remember when he saved the day by going up on stage (something that his character would never do) and sang "twenty- twenty- twenty-four hours ago..i wanna be sedated.."
Sunday, June 13, 2004
yesterday was my friend
FARAH HANI HUSSEIN's birthday. happy birthday hani!
today, i met with my 2 second nieces - Nuralisha Anis and Sofia Hani. theyre juz wonderful bundles of joy! asyik senyum je, bukan nak dekat.. ekshen ngan tanter ye?
notice that they have fragments of my name? (anis and hani). dulu i used to bising to my mom - "mak, knape nama anis kuno sangat?". nama sedara lain sume best-best - nina fahita la, mimi azliza la, kamilia iza la. tiba2 je nama nenek mana tah, HANIZAH. pastu my mom's only reply - "habistu anis nak tuka nama ke?". and i'd juz keep quiet cuz i never knew that a person can change his/her name..
but when alisha and sofia were born, and they were given parts of my name (bangga gile! kembang2, kembang2..) baru la sedar, sedap sebenarnya nama HANIZAH tu.
and the meaning pun lawa - "kegembiraanku"
so, thank God la nama sedap and ada makna best lak tu heheh! adapun hanizah itu tiadalah lagi perasaan kurang senang dengan nama pemberiannya.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Saturday, June 12, 2004
im sick of pleasing people. im sick of doing things for other people who take me for granted. im sick of prioritizing other people's feelings and pushing mine aside.
may i have my turn now?
but this doesnt mean that all i did for other people was a hoax. ikhlas tau.. tapi malas ah nak pikir pasal orang yang tak pikir pasal aku sket pun. SKEEEETTTT pun tak! bodo!
memang life sume orang macam ni ke? korang sume ada tak kena put urselves belakang sekali? i dont think so, at least not all of u. some people are just plain selfish sampai they think that theyre BORN TO BE ON TOP OF THE LIST. well guess what? - u were also
born stupid.
my mom, my dad, kakak akuk, mollie, iza, naem and dod pernah cakap aku ni baik sangat. sampai orang free-free je pijak. i guess thats juz who i am - lurus sangat.
oprah says "put urself on the list". maybe i'll have a chance to do that in my next life.
so manusia di luar sana, pijak la hanizah halimi ni. stomp, strut, kawad, skip, whatever it is, buat la kuat-kuat. aku dah biasa.
p/s: aku tak complain pasal korang ye (not even u, min). so jangan la terasa k? korang baik-baik ..hehe!
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Friday, June 11, 2004

1) big, big trees and flowers
2) Secret Recipe's heavenly (susah nak cari)
3) white. juz white
4) earrings (not studs)

not my ear
5) Famous Amos' butterscotch & pecan
6) light, bright, witty, inspiring novels
7) smiling babies...oh heck! juz babies! gimme!
8) my faded, cheap giordano jeans
9) mak & ayah
10) my terry blanket
11) Mrs Field's brownies and chocolate chips
12) my pictures
13) Mia (may she rest in peace)
14) Kucing Burok's personality yang ntahapehape
15) oprah
16) that new purple lux's shower cream (layer it with johnson's baby milk lotion)
17) loofahs
18) eyelash curlers
19) the beach! any beach!
20) wan kampung's kuih kolopung
21) my second nephews and niece

my cousin mimi and her bundled up nuralisha anis
22) boyfriend
23) my countoured pillow
24) my Eastpak
25) red 104.9
26) gsc's popcorn
27) Baskin Robbins's chocolate chip cookie dough
28) treasured gifts
29) toasted roti (the ones at both ends of the loaf) with chocolate spread
30) min's sms
31) songs with strong guitar and drum sounds
32) chocolate chips baked by yours truly
33) penang kuey tiow at mid valley food court
34) the Body Shop's kiwi and grape body scrub
35) my beautiful, beautiful kampung
36) medium toothbrush
37) butterflies

38) stars

39) nice, small chalets
40) chocolates
41) my kenari berabuk
42) cards
43) my friends

some of my friends
Friday, June 11, 2004
visited am's bapak yesterday with dod. glad he's doing better. best tengok am so lawa (as always). tak nampak pun badan kau naik am, so aku tak de la jeles sangat muahaha...
before that we went to work, interviewed some indons again. scary la this time. especially this madura guy who keeps chatting me up. didnt want to be rude, so i juz layan je la sket-sket. he looks like my ex, zarul. (hyo..takde muka lain ke...? muka macam indon la plak, zarul..). tak hensem langsung!
after that i rasa semacam..macam kena jampi..cuz i keep picturing that indon's face..takut wo!
dod cakap, maybe it's because i teringat kat zarul. but NO la! NOT AT ALL!! tak teringat langsung kat pacik zarul tu. pliz la wei..
but today i feel better, thank god!
yesterday night, tolong mak buat bekas bunga rampai for jai's engagement. i dont want to brag, but it looks really nice la. i siap ajak my mom buat join venture business for hantaran designs sume ni (so i dont have to do law! yay!)
so kawang-kawang, kalo nak kawin (especially
miss NAEM yang nampak macam dah dekat je heheh!) and tade idea nak hias hantaran, tepon la akuk. kasik ribbon and bunga and whatever else, and i'll do it for u free of charge =)
belum mandi lagi (baru kul 10 pagi). rambut kembang macam medusa and muka sembab and ada kesan lipat-lipat, but im sure i look gorgeous!
Friday, June 11, 2004
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
(aku nak nyanyi lagu oag ni amliy tau! ok? ok?)
hepi besday to u.. (hepi besday darling!)
hepi besday to u..
hepi besday to whoever u are.. *(of course my one and only adorable fren)*
hepi besday to u..
hwargh hwargh hwargh hwargh (2x)

my adorable fren amliy, 2nd from left
muka aku takde dalam gamba tu sebab aku paling adorable, so tanak la overshadow korang heheh!
hadiah ko, seperti biase, later la k? enjoy hari tua ko!!
Wednesday, June 09, 2004

my favourite movie
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
brown paper packages tied up with strings,
these are a few of my favorite things.
Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,
door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.
these are a few of my favorite things.
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,
snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
silver white winters that melt into springs,
these are a few of my favorite things.
When the dog bites, when the bee stings,
when I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
and then I don't feel so bad.
**hang in there, am and uncle radzi. praying for u guys this very minute**
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Saturday, June 05, 2004
fiza's weddding day was petang tadi. didnt attend the akad nikah, but aziz (the groom) said dia lafaz sekali je. terer tu! alhamdulillah.. fiza still feels weird when i mention "your husband". haha!
she looked really beautiful in her wedding outfit, a peach kebaya songket. syida and her friend nurul was there too. and ada la a few ppl whom ive forgotten (anis..anis..) i went with pacik muhaimin. so bila dah datang ngan jejaka tu, sume sibuk la tanye "wei kau bile plak?". akuk jawab je "rabu".
i finished reading this really great book
written by
Maxx Barry. borrowed it from dod. apparently she never knew this book was in her house (dod..dod..)
the main character punye nama is "Scat" and "6" (cool kan nama "6" tu! haritu akuk nak namakan anak aku "262" sume bising). scat ni quite a smart loser la, tapi dia kena tipu ngan roomate dia "Sneaky Pete" (another cool name). i really like the way maxx barry write the story cuz sume words dia senang nak paham, and language yang dia guna untuk describe something is something that i would use myself (sama lingo ngan aku). seriously funny! tegelak macam ayam sorang2 kat bilik. if ure 20-30 and u like light reading yang kelakar, this book comes highly recommended.
nak makan roti tisu darussalam..
nak practice gelak sexy (bila nak stop gelak macam ayam ni..?)
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Friday, June 04, 2004
my mom and my sis flew off to korea yesterday nite.
so here i am left alone with no potential talkative person to talk to. the rest of my family (the men) are the quiet "thoughtful" type. only us women do most of the talking in this house. so..huhu! boring la wei!
went for another interview with jashpal and the girls today. penat wo! todays interview is not the type where the workers come to us, but we had to actually go into the dangerous construction site to hunt for them. so while walking we had to look down at the ground and look up at the building at the same time - takut terpijak pape and takut ada mende jatuh that the workers might throw from above. hyo! how la like that!? ada satu kepala saja..
its fun working with jashpal, mainly becoz of my "colleagues" - dod, elin and milia. friggin fun fun fun!! sume satu kepala. sume rebut nak cakap at the same time. sume suka ajar hanizah (the white one) benda blue-blue. ya la, its ilmu, but i think i know too much already.. sigh..
but its difficult jugak keje ngan jashpal ni, cuz we had to wait on our hands and foot for jashpal's directions. she'd call us at 8.40 and tell us that she wants to meet at 9.30. short notice la! orang baru bangun, mandi pun tak lagi. nak redah the notorious traffic jam of subang lagi..
but that doesnt mean that i dont enjoy working with jashpal. i like jashpal. she always has cool stories to tell us. i particularly like it when she tells us about her kids - smart-talkers gile anak dia.
fiza's finally getting married tmrw! cant wait! orang siap beli eye-shadow lagi haha!
link to fiza's pictures:
Friday, June 04, 2004
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
smalam i was on the way back from meeting jashpal. lalu dekat traffic light depan subang parade tu nak buat u-turn. after u-turn tu, tiba2 ada lori nak masuk dekat road tu (main road) from simpang. LORI KONTENA YANG TAYAR DIA DEKAT NAK SAMA TINGGI DENGAN KENARI SAYE!
from simpang tu lori tu terus masuk middle lane (where i was). PEHAL!! masuk la lane belah kiri. bukannye tak muat! monyet!
so nasib baik sempat buat swerve maut pegi lane kanan. kalo tak, HONEST TO GOD dah masuk dah bawah tayar belakang lori tu.
after that, tak mampu drive dah..kena stop kejap dekat shell tepi jalan tu nak amik breather..MARAHNYE SAYE TIME TU!!!!!! tahan nak nangis. terkuar 18-pl punya language yang dah 5 tahun tak terkuar from mulut saye nih!
tapi lepas tu fikir balik, saye cakap ALHAMDULILLAH
ALHAMDULILLAH cuz tak mati katak kat situ (tanak la mati camtu, tak best)
ALHAMDULILLAH cuz Allah still kasi saye hidup (ada orang tak panjang umur macam saye)
ALHAMDULILLAH cuz saye ada conscience yang tinggi sket dari drebar lori tu pasal keeping other people alive while driving
bak kata ayah mollie (dengan nada penuh insap), "SUKUR LA ALI" (tak kenal lak sape ali tu, tapi SUKUR la)
Tuesday, June 01, 2004