Friday, May 28, 2004
**got this from mazia. reading this juz reminds me that i must be the luckiest girl ever cuz i got the perfect guy. tho he hasnt completed all of the 26 things below, he's still perfect. mmuah!
26 Things That A Perfect Guy Would Do
1. Know how to make you smile when you are down.
2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice.
3. Stick up for you, but still respects your independence.
4. Give you the remote control during the game.
5. Come up behind you and put his arms around you.
6. Play with your hair.
7. His hands always find yours.
8. Be cute when he really wants something.
9. Offer you plenty of massages.
10. Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork.
11. Never run out of love.
12. Be funny, but know how to be serious.
13. Realize he's being funny when he needs to be serious.
14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready.
15. React so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts.
16. Smile a lot.
17. Plans a romantic date full of cheesy things he wouldn't normally
like to do, just because he knows it means a lot to you.
18. Appreciate you.
19. Help others out.
20. Drive 5 hours just to see you for 1.
21. Always gives you a peck on the cheek when you depart from each
others company, even when his friends are watching.
22. Sing, even if he can't.
23. Have a creative sense of humor.
24. Stare at you.
25. Call for no reason.
26. Quit smoking, chewing, drinking, or drugs - just because he loves
u that much to quit it.
Friday, May 28, 2004
my cousin ana and i jokingly started a profile juz to see some desperados looking for lovers (and to see what kind of ppl would be interested to get to know a person using the name "GERSANGDILEBUHRAYA").
surprisingly, lots and lots of ppl were interested. i think it's mainly because of the picture (i took a seductive picture of some philipino girl). i mean, come on la!! if ure someone who speaks english, would u be interested in someone like this?! this is clearly a joke and apparently not many ppl got it. they juz focus on the picture and simply send a virtual kiss or a message!
but i still gelak terkekek bila baca mesej orang yang interested nak kenal gersangdilebuhraya heheheheee!
i pasted gersangdilebuhraya's hideous (but apparently attractive) profile below. read it and tell me if this gersangdilebuhraya sounds attractive to u or not =)

I'm a 21 year old looking for a macho macho man, living in KL. I'm 5'3'', slim figure. I love to laugh because laughing makes me sexy. I love to drive in the highway. My perfect date would be going to the movies, having a nice dinner and chatting the night away.
I'm 5'3'', 47kg with brown hair and sexy coffee brown eyes. My best feature would have to be my left eye. I dress casually. Cotton buds are my favourite.
Looking for
I'm looking for men who are pure (no added preservatives). Men who like movies and music make my day. You also have to be sexy and have a chest full of hair.
MAZIA, ELIN, NAEM, DOD READ: janganle percaye sangat kat orang yang jumpa online. orang gile dah ramai skarang ni (macam elin tu ha)
Friday, May 28, 2004
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
when oprah asks noah wyle (of ER) how his newborn child makes him feel, he answered: "it's everything i ever dreamed of that i never knew i wanted"
cair la wei..
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
(i wrote a long story yesterday and it got lost, so im juz gonna write a short one, if i can help it)
yesterday i met with fiza and syida at darussalam. it was so exciting! i was part of this clique in srk subang jaya (the greatest school ever!!) which consisted of syida, fiza and aira. aira didnt come cuz, as always, she was nowhere to be found.
altho the four of us were close, aira considered me as her best friend. out of all the dumb things we couldve done as kids, we did the dumbest - aira insisted that i draw papers (which has their names on them) to determine who would be my bestest friend. and i got aira's name. so aira and i were best friends. (we thought we were grown-ups being in standard five but evidently, we werent heheh!).
but actully syida was the closest to me cuz syida was more like me - we didnt feel like climbing up the social ladder back then. but i couldnt tell aira that cuz i knew she would flip! u know how kids are these days - first, ure their bestest friend in the whooole world but once if they decide to stop being friends with u, they would pull everyone to turn their backs on u and u'd be left alone, friendless). and naturally, being an 11-year-old, i couldnt risk that!! i though the 3 of them were my world!!
i juz couldnt keep up with aira cuz she was always so popular (even with the seniors), always into boys, the coolest clothes and shoes. i remember aira instructing me to wear the right type of clothings cuz she didnt want to be embarrassed to be seen with me. but being ME, i juz couldnt do it. i was never cool, i juz couldnt bear to ask my parents for $200 worth of dr martens boots!
now we're all grown up and fiza's getting married in less than 2 weeks!!! im so psyched!!
i think fiza is one of the strongest person i know personally. her dad left out on her and her family for another woman when she was very small. he didnt even pay nafkah to them. they had to publish their story in the newspaper cuz thats the only way to make him sober up and pay alimony!
and her mom couldnt work cuz shes always sickly. she had to drag an oxygen tank wherever she went! but her mom managed to bring up her family and now both of fiza's elder brothers are married and shes tying the knot really soon.
but her mom passed away half a year ago, shortly after she got engaged.
i cant even THINK (let alone IMAGINE) of my mother not being there when i get married!!!!
so i salute my dear friend SHARFIZA AZIZ for being the strong woman i know shes destined to be. im really happy for u mate! will be seeing u in ur wedding dress on 5 june!

sharfiza aziz
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Saturday, May 22, 2004
ee..jahatnye orang ni! adeke cakap oprah jahat!
oprah is the nicest millionaire in the world (other than that luxor lady who sponsors 10 ppl for haji every year)

my beloved oprah
if u love oprah as much as i do, just a glance thru this website and u'll know that this is baseless.
for me, the only bad thing about oprah is that she's american.
long live oprah!
Saturday, May 22, 2004
i was shocked to see that indonesian helper nirmala abused like that. kesian gile. kita makan sup panas pun dah sakit, ni kena curah ngan air mengelegak, besi panas and iron on ur skin..aiyo..
had a conversation with kak yah about it. kak yah nangis. she said that bibik rumah belakang tu got to know nirmala for a while cuz they were in the same batch together to be sent here. that bibik said she knew nirmala as a very bubbly girl. i juz hope this peril she went thru wont turn her into the opposite. sian..
kak yah geram wo dengar citer tu! she said if her boss curah air panas kat dia, dia curah balik kat orang tu. yey, go kak yah!
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Friday, May 21, 2004
I LOVE SURPRISES!! he brought his guitar to mcd yesterday. how sweet!! he sang like 10 songs to me and i just got cair.. aiyo..who can help it la if a guy that gorgeous sings to u with his eyes closed with this cute grin on his face? lovestruck nye rase...
it has been my childhood dream to have a guy sing to me while playing the guitar..and who better to fulfill that than my very own muhaimin. i told him i have a supply of smiles up to 2 years!
he also bought me a present. comel la orang tua tu..
cant stop smiling yet (kikikiki!)
Friday, May 21, 2004
Thursday, May 20, 2004
WARNING: Lovey-dovey jottings ahead!
ATTENTION for those who do not fancy soppy love stories, or are currently in their alanis morisette phase, or are suffering from post-traumatic break-ups: ABORT! ABORT!
for the rest of u, i juz wanna say that i love making up..sigh.. be it on the phone or at wak donals, its sweet. bitter at first, but then it becomes sweet..
made up with min yesterday (obviously). i have to confess that eventho my ego is way up in the sky when we have a fight, id still give anything to hear him say "goodnight sayang". (aborted yet? haha!)
so we had a talk, and i apologized for being such an ungrateful gelfren. i know there are a lot of terrible, horrible boyfrens out there, but im one of the lucky ones. even if he doesnt show any effort to please me, i said "takpe la...dah awak macamtu..nak buat camane.."
of course when i said that he automatically thinks "uh-oh, have to buy expensive stuff for girlfriend", but i told him that i just wanted to hear him sing to me with his guitar (live, mind u), or make me something using his own bare hands (card, etc..) ..baru la dia tarik balik apa dia cakap before tu ("min rasa anis ni materialistic la"). amik ko! ha!
anyway, i feel great! watched pontianak sundal amendetu today with dod, elin and milia. okay la the movie.. maya karin is gorgeous!! i think she looks like milia la, but milia says i look like her. milia dear, muka i kan muka fotostat. sume orang pun macam muka i..
meeting min tonite at wak donals. hope all goes well.
i love being me! thank U Allah! luv U mmuah!
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
I HATE PMS!!! i fell depressed every month but tak period pun. i juz realised that my body is as confused as my brain. sigh...
i hate going to the doctors again to ask them for that pil perancang keluarga again..urgh! its hard keeping up with the routine of swallowing those pills every single day for 3 months. and if u miss even 1 day, u have to start the whole treatment again for another 3 months.
but nina once told me that if i miss my period, my whatchamacallit might be tersumbat or something.. eeyuck! ..i dunno
my relationship with min is faltering and i dont even care. im purposely taking it for granted cuz i know that we'll recover in like tomorrow or the day after. im just the type of person who takes things as they come, so if anything happens, it happens la! what more can we say to that? heck, i dont even know what i want to be when i grow up!
so if anyone needs me, i'll be wallowing in self-pity, which is worsened by my pms..sigh..
i hate pms!!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Sunday, May 16, 2004
1) travel the world!!!
2) get urself a hajjah title
3) wall/rock/mountain climbing
4) bungee jumping
5) kiss Craig David (whaddya say, craig?)
6) really REALLY splurge on expensive clothes
7) go to a nude beach
8) learn photography
9) learn violin
10) get an operation for ur..ahem!..condition
11) pierce bellybutton
12) buy perfumes that u really want
13) buy a red-coloured car...or black
14) save the animals
15) steam my hair
16) really learn how to cook (urgh!)
17) learn kickboxing
18) write a book (or on the net is fine)
19) swim with the dolphins
20) go whale-watching
21) learn to fly a plane
22) be an extra in a movie
23) get rich
24) live in london or italy for at least a few weeks
25) open 1901 with my dad
26) win a million pounds (but if it has to be ringgit, its fine)
27) have more physical contact with my parents (even if its juz a simple pat on the back)
28) earn a scuba-diving licence
29) get a cool indonesian to be my boyfriend for 2 weeks
thats all for now. this list will be growing with time so bear with me kay?
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Saturday, May 08, 2004
why do we have to bother with those stupid
american beauty pageants?? like the one showing
on ntv7 and star world. theyre not entertaining,
like music or movies. theyre juz using cheap
women to strut around wearing something that
leaves little to perverts' imaginations. i think
all those miss usa pageants are stupid.
it would be stupid to watch miss americans going
around saying " peace" when all theyre
doing is promoting and making war. stupid! they
say that those al-qaedas are terrorists, but
guess what? theyre just the same as those muslim
terrorists. the pot caling the kettle black. so
stupid. all of them.
and what are the objectives of beauty pageants
anyway? so theyre showing off pretty faces. so
what? other ppl are pretty to, lots of them! i
just dont see the point and the use of having
these things.
are our lives so empty that we have to watch
this crap??
and theyre not entertaining either. if miss
alabama or miss ukraine or whatever were to fall
dead flat on their faces as a result of being
stupid enough to wear their 6-inch heels with
tight-fitting ankle-length dresses (which is
obviously almost impossible to walk in), THAT
would be entertaining. then only it would be
passable enough to watch la.
Q: who came up with the idea of having beauty
known as MCPs). they juz wanna see women's
pretty faces and enormous racks jiggling around.
and i cant believe some women are stupid enough
to participate in them.
i wish this world would be rid of terrorists, be
it muslims or christians or jews or hindus or
whatever! and please, PLEASE no more beauty
we know we're pretty.
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Thursday, May 06, 2004
the nine-angels.blogspot cant be opened!!! so many problems..invitation error la.. im anxious to start writing in it and i cant...
gonna go to that urban protection tactics programme this sunday, which is also mothers day. we're sticking to the usual routine for mothers day, as we had 3-4 years back - just buy a cake. its nice, its filling and we dont have to rack our brains out to think of specific gifts to buy..
i just realized, after reading my past 2 entries here that I CANT WRITE!!! IM A BORING PERSON!!! my life feels so meaningless and im a waste of space on earth.. cant help it. yeah, i know im pessimistic, so what can i do huh? i tried to change to be more positive but i obviously failed..
ive always written in journals when i was in school, mostly about my so-called 'love' relationships and family, and i thought it was good and interesting..something that my cucu would wanna read..(cucu.. heheh!) but after reading am's and dod's blog and some other's, i feel so inept. maybe i shouldnt make this blog thing public, to spare the embarrassment for myself...but im still determined to write interesting stuff..we'll see
watched oprah today. she had donald trump as her guest and she talked about how she just love investing on land cuz she said "God dont make them lands anymore" and i just realized that she makes a strong point! ive never looked at things that way before...which brings me to the realisation that im a waste of space..maybe God dont make ppl like me anymore, but who cares rite? RITE??? ..see, so ones answering
this is stupid
i read adam's bulletin board on friendster about manners. i used to pride myself (quietly) that i have good manners. not excellent, but passable la. but now i just dont know anymore.. im socially inept, too quiet, boring personality, not smart enough to carry on a good conversation.. IM SERIOSULY SURPRISED THAT I HAVE FRIENDS! CLOSE FRIENDS!!! but Alhamdulillah..what would i do without u ppl - mollie, amliy, dod, am, farah, iza, naem, mazia, ana, elin.. well, elin considers herself my enemy, but you know what they say, elin "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" haha!! too bad, elin, im gonna stick by u and with u no matter what, just like i would with all the others. i'll try anyway
im sick of trying to download blogskins. the last time i tried, my comp was infected with virus, and we had to reformat the whole thing!!! stupid viruses! so as u can see, its not my fault that my blog looks so damn, SO DAMN boring..blame those damn viruses!! (remember what i said about manners? just read my language here - do i have manners? i think not anymore)
im just gonna write about this dream i had last night. mollie and i was at this lake or river or something and emma was with us. we had to cross to the other side but our boat sunk, so we had to swim. what does that mean? from what i heard, i think it means that the 3 of us are gonna face some difficulties together. which is pretty weird, since emma and i arent friends anymore. what are we gonna face together then?? hmm...if this interpretation is true, cant wait to see what God has in store for me.
im just gonna stop here. i hope i look forward in writing more of this blog thingy. bye then
Thursday, May 06, 2004