Friday, November 07, 2008
October 200825th & 26th OctoberKursus Kahwin. Sounds like Eugh! But the one Min and I took at Masjid Shah Alam was actually fun. I can't remember the last time I laughed til I had to wipe my tears! I recommend the kursus kawen there. This one was done by the state, so it's cheaper than the private ones, by RM40.
I also recommend bringing a friend, cuz you have to sit separately from the guys during mealtimes. And not having the mood to make small talk to the other girls can be a lonesome experience.
27th October
Ana's wedding! The event I've been waiting for. I had no pictures of the wedding reception itself, as I was the co-Emcee (with Elin) cum the co-singer (with Elin) cum assistant floor manager cum technical assistant cum whatever else there isn't a name for. Whatever it was, I enjoyed every minute of it, thanks to Elin's coaxing skills.
Below are the pictures during wedding dress fitting at Man Kajang's boutique, where I was the cameraman. Doesn't she look every bit of a queen?

I haven't had time to update my blog for so long. I've been busy with work, with kojo kawen sendiri (Insyaallah), with myself, with everything. When I'm not busy, I'm tired. Sigh.. Can't wait for next year.
Friday, November 07, 2008