Thursday, November 08, 2007
I think it's interesting that more people are naming their babies 'older people's names', names of our pakciks and atuks; like 'Ibrahim' (Jas-Din's baby), 'Adam' (Ana and Dod's nephew) and 'Muhammad Omar' (my anak buah). Unlike during the time when I was born, parents went for the 'Mat Salleh' names, except my parents, it seemed. I once asked my mum; "Kenapa Mak namakan Anis nama orang tua? Macam nama nenek la.. Tengok anak Makteh, nama semua moden-moden". Well, now I've realised that at least my name has a wonderful meaning and after 20+ years living with the name 'Hanizah', I'm finally happy with my orang tua name. I like being 'Hanizah'.I think 10 years from now, the trend is that people will be giving their kids names that belong to the generation before their pakciks and atuks, like 'Kutubudin', 'Batang', 'Lekeh' (my moyang's name) and the everpopular 'Burok'. The world would be so much more interesting. Can't wait! Theehee!
Thursday, November 08, 2007