Friday, January 06, 2006
so im into my fourth day as a chambering pupil at my cool firm. cake's lyrics seem so appropriate:Reluctantly crouched at the starting line,
Engines pumping and thumping in time,
The green light flashes, the flags goes up,
Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup.
yes, i was reluctant to start chambering. tetiba malas sangat and rasa nak rest after the ultra-hectic life doing hons. dah la mak and ayah takde kat umah, tengah buat haji. but so far best ah chamber kat situ. since my 1st day ada keje sampai bawak homework balik. i go home at 8 something. i was tired at the end of the day but i wake up excited to start again [pehal ngan nijoh ni?]
everyone's so nice! everyone's so willing to help bebudak chambering yang blur tahpape ni. mazia, bart and i are placed at the litigation corner, and we have our own cubicles. mine is beside bart's and bart is behind mazia's [leganya ada geng classmate]. we also have our own table, computer, vouchers, pens, proforma form [tak tau pun benda ni apa, tapi i got banyak] and other basic stationaries. that's pretty luxurious for chambering students.
my master is a nice nice man. if u read my post about 2 weeks ago, my master is "Interviewer 1" whose hand i didnt shake and whose name i did not call "mr". he's young, he's patient and so damn brainy [ok, nerdy la] and he can rake cases worth $14,000 in a day.
and lunch bleh makan ngan my classmates! heeeeheeeheeee...
Friday, January 06, 2006