Monday, October 18, 2004
just had my last exam paper on friday. the last paper for this semester. DOAKANLAAA.. puh! puh! puh!
saturday went for dinner at hartz pyramid with my angels. and bapak, dayah, thariq, youhaniz and youhaniz's girlfriend (lupa lagi nama dia). hyo..rugi la makan buffet. my stomach kan, bak kata elin, satu suap dah penuh dah satu perut. hwaa!! still struggling to grow some fat. i hate being skinny!
cute la tengok dayah and thariq.. dulu i used to think that thariq ni bukan boyfriend material but after seeing him with dayah, i cant help but join being giddy! macam kita plak yang baru fall in love!
that night had a sleepover at sharon (am-far-naem-iza's bachelor pad). milia came with sandwich yang sangat sedap. elin bought her ps2. cool! so i tried to play this semi-porn game. tah pape tah game tuh! it's a bout this loser who tries to seduce some college girls by playing trampoline and tossing coins. and the game's full of girls with big boobs. the guy who made it mesti pervert nak mampos. eeyuck!
heheh..yuck-yuck pun main jugak tu! juz curious to see what would happen in the next level. tapi tak dapat la. elok la.. bulan puasa.. mana bleh tengok porn. MUAHAHAAHA!!!!
then there's this thrilling game called 'forbidden siren'. takut gile! me, am and naem tejerit-jerit main kul 3 pagi! kesian neighbour sebelah tu. dah la pregnant.
then today i went with dod to medan mara, pertama, sogo and klcc. habih satu kl round! teman dod to meet with auntie irene cuz its her birthday today and dod nak kasi present.
tried looking for my shoes. tapi tak dapat! its either too high, loose, outrageous or skinny. dont these shoemakers know how to make perfect shoes!! hows a girl to live without her shoes la?!?!?
now im tired. theres nothing good on tv. why masa nak exam sume tv show best-best? WHY?
oh well. might as well tido. kalau ada game porn tu best gak..
Monday, October 18, 2004