Sunday, September 19, 2004
friday was the annual general meeting of law society. tenure lama dah sampai expiry date, so the new tenure was formed, with zein as mister president. couldnt ask for a cuter mister president!
ada this one guy which im sure sume rasa macam nak hangguk je kepala dia. ada ke dia tanya soalan like "apa pentingnya biro makanan dan backdrop" sume-sume. how rude! tahpape. kalau sape nampak dia makan even one karipap pun masa event law soc, please remind him of what he said and please juz tell him to tengok cermin.
saturday ada kelas ip 9-12 noon. supposedly keluar ngan min after that cuz its been so so damn long since we dated. but dia tido and i couldnt call him cuz bateri dia habis. so i juz stayed at home and study. yeah, boring nak mampos, tapi i needed to study anyway..
so since we macam dah takde chan nak kuar dah after this cuz nak exam-puasa-raye sume2 tu, i told him takpe la, kita jumpa disember je la.
yesterday nite, am sms-ed me and told me that king's mom passed away. sedih la.. i didnt have the chance to meet her but her kindness memang dah tersohor amongst our gang.
i wish my parents would live on. i wish i would die first before my parents do cuz i cant bear losing them. i cant even think about this! but if i outlive them i wish i would be beside them. i wish i could be beside them all the way.
so who wants to marry aniz yang nak duduk bawah ketiak mak and ayah selama-lamanya? anyone? anyone?
Sunday, September 19, 2004