Wednesday, September 08, 2004
friday was the trip to merbok. yeyey! had to sit in the bus for 7-8 hours for each journey. the time of stay there was 1/4 of the ride on the bus. my butt was sore..
but it was fun. the pre-law committee there was hectic at first (iza said ada miscommunication sket), but it turned out okay. the juniors were so friendly. im thinking of asking iza or the law soc to send them a thank u note or something.
on saturday, on our way back to kl, we went to mandi air terjun.
BEST GILE!!!! eventho tak lama, but it was so liberating juz lying on the rocks with the water flowing over ur body.. sigh.. i wish my backyard had an air terjun and some hutans.
then sunday, we had the pre-graduation dinner. best jugak. i think i might have over-dressed cuz ppl keep telling me yang i macam nak gi kawin. i guess that blows the surprise on how i would look on my wedding day. oh well..
the best part was meeting kaer! i took a picture with him back stage, shook his hand and said i love u. he looked stunned for a bit, but then he just laughed. i was hoping a reply like 'yeah, i love u too, anis' but i know la, the fella's shy a bit. haha!
the food was nice, kira worth the $65 i had to persuade my mom to pay la. reached home at 1 and someone locked all the 3 locks, even the rantai pintu. nasib baik im skinny enough to unslide the rantai. for once im happy that im skinny. yeesh!
the ip seminar is on thursday and im damn scared la.. im the emcee with bart. yikes! how can they choose a gagap girl over other competent ppl (dayah, dod, cik yam, wahida, elin, etc). okay la, im not THAT gagap, Alhamdulillah, but still takuttt... preparing my speech. surfed the net for some guidelines. i love the internet. so senang to get everything. i juz wish that someone would build a website about sociological jurisprudence and stuff like that. someone like darby or pak berahim..
gotta go study again. hate it. tartar!
Wednesday, September 08, 2004