Monday, February 14, 2005
Reasons Why I'm Crazy About My Min
1) he's caring and protective. macam when we walk by the roadside or the parking lot, he always makes sure that he's on the side where the keretas lalu. and he lets old ladies have his seat in the lrt
2) he reads my mind (spooky gak. he thinks so too!)
3) his pujuk-ing skills.. man! (come rain or pms. tah mana dia bertapa)
4) he insists on belanja-ing me. so thats why u have the wrestling at the cashier
5) he chews with his mouth closed (a must for miss hanizah)
6) he's the quiet cool type..
7) ..but when he talks, he never stops! luv it!
8) he's nakal, suka usik gelfren
9) he accepts everything about me. EVERYTHING
10) he's so damn open. i can talk to him about anything and everything
11) he's shy sometimes. makes him look giddy macam budak skolah. ngade tapi comel
12) he's SO HANDSOME
13) he's so mamai when i call him when he sleeps, sampai bleh tanye benda2 secret
14) honest
15) those muscle and veins on his arms.. man!
16) he doesnt make me feel dumb or inferior
17) it's been almost 3 years but he's still quite mysterious. juz the idea of him unraveling himself slowly makes him sooo irresistible
18) he keeps my secrets
19) his dressing. i feel so kampung-like when im with him
20) he's always around to help me, even if benda2 yang bangang and ngade
21) sangat kuat sabar layan aniz yang slalu over
22) he solats
23) he suka berlakon and imagine benda tahape-hape masa cerita about something. who needs tv when he's around!
24) never selfish
25) he's my best guy friend
26) he sings to me, sometimes with a guitar (memang dream about this since kecik)
..and that's almost all the reasons why i'm so crazy about my min -
the living angel who perfects my soul
this karangan has no link to v-day kay!
Monday, February 14, 2005