Sunday, June 20, 2004
the akademi fantasia fever has landed (guna deep tv-host speaking voice k?). dunno why im wasting my time watching channel 4 and 15 everyday (yeah, as if ive something else better to do!) but i cant help it! digging kaer and zahid. linda looks like my old old friend hani (cik pok) from seremban. farah looks like mirdalinie. gorgeous! wonder how cik pok's doing. shes a total genius! shes currently studying medicine in kings college, london. have to take a rain check on the invitation to london, hani. no cash yet.
today's fathers' day. yesterday we gave ayah a nokia camera phone. he loves it! alhamdulillah.. of couse i didnt contribute in the buying of the phone. i couldnt, even i wanted to. but i wanted to contribute jugak!! but of course the same answer would be given by mak and kakak "kau tu tak keje lagi, jangan la ngade-ngade". some people would go like "slamat duit aku.." but im going like "sigh.."
sometimes money issues can make u feel so useless..
this semesters not gonna be so much fun, money-wise. got 2 dinners and 1 class trip. so i guess, no hanky-panky shopping in the big malaysian sale in august..sigh.. and im not gonna ask my parents for extra money either. too big for that already. so i guess the dinners this time are gonna be...moderate.. like yeah, when did i go all out for a dinner event anyway!?
had a nice chat with imee yesterday. cant wait to see u! cant wait to hear what u wanted to tell me..scary la wei, making me wait like that..
nak tengok shrek 2! come on la ppl, stop watching that movie la.. everytime i wanna watch, no ticket..pssh!
waiting for my parents to come home. theyre somewhere in semenyih attending somebody's wedding. the digital camera's with my dad and im a nervous wreck!!!! i havent transferred the genting pictures to the computer cuz this computer kan sewel. asik rosak! dah la jumpa my aunties and uncles and my wan. but its not like the pictures are teruk. min and i just look too mesra in the photos, like the one in my previous blog below..
Sunday, June 20, 2004