Tuesday, May 18, 2004
I HATE PMS!!! i fell depressed every month but tak period pun. i juz realised that my body is as confused as my brain. sigh...
i hate going to the doctors again to ask them for that pil perancang keluarga again..urgh! its hard keeping up with the routine of swallowing those pills every single day for 3 months. and if u miss even 1 day, u have to start the whole treatment again for another 3 months.
but nina once told me that if i miss my period, my whatchamacallit might be tersumbat or something.. eeyuck! ..i dunno
my relationship with min is faltering and i dont even care. im purposely taking it for granted cuz i know that we'll recover in like tomorrow or the day after. im just the type of person who takes things as they come, so if anything happens, it happens la! what more can we say to that? heck, i dont even know what i want to be when i grow up!
so if anyone needs me, i'll be wallowing in self-pity, which is worsened by my pms..sigh..
i hate pms!!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2004