Friday, February 24, 2006
halaaa... apesal la aku ni...
tadi i followed my master for a lunch date with a new client. the client is a mat salleh and we ate at his hotel, so this is THE time when i had to show people, especially my master that i do HAVE and do PRACTICE the western etiquette [tho i dont think that we should tunduk to ANYTHING the westerners impose on us. blekk!] [tapi nak buat camane..]
i was listening intently to the client's story when i wanted to sip my mango juice. and of course when i brought the glass to my mouth, the juice came dripping down my shirt and my napkin was a bit soaked. if that was all, i bleh la sorok, tapi i had my file tupperware (ala, plastic box file tu) on my lap, so when the juice hit the file, it goes "tetterettereretterret"
hayo. thankfully the men were gentlemen enough to buat-buat tak dengar.
i feel so dumb.
and my master is so caring, tahap i geli sket. like this afternoon after the lunch date, we went home in a crowded monorail, and he protectively [but very verrry lightly] had his arm on the small of my back and the other arm up menghadang my front [geddit tak?] macam bodyguard. and he politely refused to answer this kakak indon's question when I was asked.
and bart yang gile has this gile idea that im in looove with my master. please la. my master's in love with me! nijoh ni irresistable ghopenye! hahah! takde la.. uugh!
and im following him and another lawyer to melaka this tuesday. let's juz PRAY that i dont snore in the car..
Friday, February 24, 2006